如果向其它单位提供一些业务规模很小的咨询服务,是否也需要注册一个至少是sole trader的business? 个人能否提供这样的业务?两者开出的发票有何不同,将来报税呢?
1. 用个人名义挣的是工资,基本没有费用可以抵扣;
2. 用BUSINESS的名义挣的是收入,然后可以扣费用,剩的才缴所得税;
3. 个人提供服务好象没有资格开发票,你能开收据。区别在于对GST的处理;
4. 如果规模是在很小,就没有必要申请ABN了,成本上花不着的。
如果是很小的业务,是否需要申请ABN,做sole trader? 如果不申请ABN,作为个人,能否可以其它实体提供咨询业务(前提是业务很小,每年以K计)?该实体以什么名义给报酬呢?
我查到了。作为small sole trade, you needn't register if you only want your name to be business name.
business name is simply a name or title under which a person, or other legal entity, trades.
If the business structure you have chosen is as a sole trader, a partnership or a trust, and not as a company, then you are required to register your business name in the state or territory in which you will operate. But you don’t need to register a business name if you plan to conduct your business under your, or your partner’s, first name and surname, or initials and surname.
Then my question is whether I need to register ABN, if the business is very small?
I don't register ABN, what will happen?
对方嫌发工资麻烦,想以consulting fee的方式支付。
Do I need to apply ABN? if not applying for ABN, what will happen? 参见前贴。
1. 对方如果是正规公司,他们会要求你出具ABN,否则要代扣所得税。如果你提供的ABN没有注册GST,他们也不会付GST.
2. 对方如果不正规,你可以开收据给他们,让他们做consulting fee入账。你个人年底报税时自己算上就好了。
3. 只要你不违反税法,你大可不必管他们用什么方式入账和什么名义给你钱。
[ 本帖最后由 longyu68 于 2008-3-21 18:48 编辑 ]
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