We are offering a fully self contained and renovated one or two bedroom granny flat to a single or couple neat & mature student or single or couple working person who will respect the property. The granny flat is located our ground floor of our double story house and you will have your own access way. The property locates a quiet, leafy and safe street, Close to Warrawee train station(15-18minutes walk), Wahroonga station (18-20minutes walk) and 8 minutes walking to the warrawee public school. There is bus station cross the road to Turramurra train station.
The granny flat has its own entrance and all electricity and water included.
It also includes:
- Washing machine
- fridge & freezer
- Microwave
- bed and sofa
- Dining table and 4 chairs
- Oven and cook top and range hood
- Beautiful leafy & peacefull backyard view
- There is kids play ground with sands and cubby house at the main yard that you can use if you have kid
- Lots of street parkings
If you are friendly, hygienic and responsible, you are more than wilcome to inspect this private and clean place.
$ 350 for single person or $400 for a couple per week includes wifi, water and part of the electricity, you pay the electricity except cooking and washing machine.
4 weeks bond, 2 weeks rent pay in advance
No pet and no smoker
Contact : Lucy 0430906930 or Nick 0406086484


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