@@@@Eastwood 五房 House + 俩房granny flat 整租 @@@@
五分钟步行至Eastwood 火车站 (East Parade, Eastwood), 商店, 学校。5分钟步行汽车站直达MQ Uni (用bus1)。新粉刷墙壁.方便上学购物. 附近有Woolwoth,还有银行,华人超市,便利店,中餐馆,hotel, Eastwood Primary Public School (good reputation school).
Upstairs: 五房 (都是大卧室)一厅 一个半浴室,neat kitchen, 一个car space, 有空调, new timber floor。 There is also a level backyard.
Ground Floor: two bedrooms ( granny flat) with new bathroom and kitchen, 房间家具齐全. Currently it is leased out $310/week.
每周$980 (Upstairs and Ground floor together)。You can get the extra income from the ground floor $310. It means you only pay $670 for a five- bedroom house.
Available around 25 Aug 2015.
有兴趣的朋友请联系我. Contact: 0431 382 983 Cathy. I can send you pictures by email, QQ, wechat, or message.
QQ: 2477140139 (请注明租房)
Wechat: 0431382983 (请注明租房)
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