公共交通:St Ives地处国家森林公园保护区,没有设立火车站。从house步行4分钟有582bus只要8分钟就可直达Gordon火车站和St Ives shopping village。从Gordon可以乘坐Northshore line到Chatswood,North Sydney 沿线和Central。离house900米有194bus直达TownHall QVB。开车15分钟可以到chatswood,MQ,近StIves名中小学 以及St Ives Shopping Village。适合学生以及上班族。
生活与购物:近St Ives Shopping Village,是超大的购物中心,woolworth,harris farm,IGA,海鲜店,肉店,Post Office,银行,medical center,品牌成衣店( witchery,sussan), 干洗店,Cafe, 意大利餐,泰餐,日餐应有尽有。
房东友善小家庭,欢迎投缘的朋友与我们分享这里的美景。如果你租房除了考虑交通便利,还想体验在好区住好房,这是很好的选择。house现在有一宽敞明亮双人间(15平米)招爱干净无不良嗜好有正当职业的租客,可烟但只能在室外抽。可养温和的小宠物。一人住$200/w,两人住$300/w,包水电煤和无限宽带bill。拎包入住。房间有漂亮复古的Queen size床和床垫以及床头柜一套,另有超大入墙镜柜提供宽敞的储物空间。休闲厅里为租客配有六人座餐桌椅子,近新超大冰箱,微波炉。卫浴间需要与另外的两位租客share。5月18日可以入住。短租不到两个月则价格另议。
附注:St Ives地处国家森林公园保护区,没有设立火车站,不开车的朋友如果对房间感兴趣,诚恳建议先通过新州公交网站131500 查询出行线路和时间,适合自身情况再联系看房。到达house的站点是Hunter Avenue at Waterhouse Avenue ,用Google map和131500 网站都能搜索到。
请短信联系0450322112 谢绝中介
Amazing National Park View House in St Ives,one double room ( 15 sqm )for rent. The double room is on the ground level of the two-storey house. A queen-size bed with mattress , two bedside tables, a large built-in wardrobe with mirror is included. There is one rumps,one bathroom and one outdoor kitchen to be shared between tenants. Currently two tenants live on the ground level. The brand-new outdoor kitchen is built with roof, including a hot⁄cold water sink, a barbecue and a natural gas stove. ( The gas is connected) There are separate entrances on the ground level. Car space is available.
The house is close to St Ives High School. The 582-St ives to Gordon bus stop is 3 minutes walk from the house. It's 8 minutes drive⁄ by 582 bus to the St Ives Shopping Village or Gordon train station.
You can find Woolworth , Harris Farm, IGA, bakeries , butcheries,restaurants , post office, ATMs⁄banks, dry cleaners in the St Ives Shopping Village, just as convenient as it could be. It's 15minutes drive to Chatswood or Macquarie University. It is great for professionals/students in Northshore .
We are seeking a tidy and considerate tenant for a double room, smoking is only allowed outdoors. A small-sized friendly pet is allowed. All bills including electricity,gas,water and UNLIMITED Internet are covered. We also provide a large fridge/freezer and a microwave. Minimum three months stay.
朋友们如果对房间感兴趣,到达house的站点是Hunter Avenue at Waterhouse Avenue ,用Google map和 131500网站都能搜索到。乘坐公交出行的朋友请先通过新州公交网站131500 查询出行线路,如果合适自身情况再联系看房
朋友们如果对房间感兴趣,到达house的站点是Hunter Avenue at Waterhouse Avenue ,用Google map和 131500网站都能搜索到。乘坐公交出行的朋友请先通过新州公交网站131500 查询出行线路,如果合适自身情况再联系看房。
:St Ives地处国家森林公园保护区,没有设立火车站,更适合开车的朋友,或者不开车在北区工作的朋友。
:St Ives地处国家森林公园保护区,没有设立火车站,更适合开车的朋友,或者不开车在北区工作的朋友。
高尚北区St Ives绝美风景度假屋两客卧招租。地处国家森林公园,享绝美峡谷景色,在家就是度假。地处传统富人社区,非常宁静安全。地处国家森林公园,自然环境好,经常能看到鹦鹉,野兔,小袋鼠之类的小动物,喜欢小动物的人士必爱
请短信联系0450322112 谢绝中介
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