1. Break each question into the stem and the alternatives. Get an understanding of the stem before looking at and choosing an alternative. Underline key terms and clue words in the stem. When you run into vague terminology, define in your own words. Think of the correct answer and then look for it among the alternatives.
2. Don't guess too soon! You must select not only a correct answer, but the best answer. It is therefore important that you read all of the options and not stop when you come upon one that seems likely.
3. Be wary of options which include unqualified absolutes such as "never," "always," "is," "are," "guarantees," "ensures." Such statements are highly restrictive and very difficult to defend.
4. Utilize information and insights that you've acquired in working through the entire test to go back and answer earlier items that you weren't sure of.
5. If you are not certain of an answer, guess... but do so methodically. Eliminate some choices you know are incorrect, then relate each alternative back to the stem of the question to see if it fits. Narrow down the choice to one or two alternatives and then compare them and identify how they differ. Finally, make an informed guess.
good luck guys!
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