大神们, 本人31了, 政府给我发了一封信, 关于lifetime health cover loading, 我慌了, 迷茫了。
Kristen turns 31 on 1 March 2017. She takes out a singles hospital cover policy on 21 April 2017 (before 1 July following her 31st birthday).
The premium of her chosen hospital cover policy is $1000 per year. if she had waited until August 2017 (after 1 July following her 31st birthday) she would have to pay an extra 2 per cent on the premium of her policy ($1020 per year).
If Kristen had waited until October 2022, when she would be 36 years of age, to take out the same hospital cover policy, she would have to pay a LHC loading of 12 per cent (2 per cent for each year between the ages of 30 and 36).
This would be an extra $120. The LHC loading will apply for 10 years of continuous hospital cover, so over this period she would pay an extra $1200.
Euan is aged 55. He has a private health insurance policy for general treatment cover (also know as ancillary cover or extras) to help him pay for his glasses and dental treatment, but he does not have hospital cover, if he now decides to take out hospital cover he will have to pay a LHC loading of 50 per cent (2 per cent for each year between the ages of 30 and 55). That means if Euan takes out the same single hospital cover as Kristen the premium will be $1500 per year instead of $1000. Over the 10 years I which the LHC loading applies he will pay an extra $5000.
大概意思是不是说, 过了31之后,晚买hospital cover 一年, 就加2%上去。
按我自己的情况举例,不觉得40岁之前会用的到hospital cover(希望:j),如果我40岁开始买,就2% x 10年, 如果10年之后保费是$2000 per year (假设,想像过了10年怎么都应该涨一些吧, 请大家帮忙分析。), 那我就每年多缴20%, 就是$2400. 这个 lifetime health cover loading 要连续交10年,那就是每年多$400. 十年一共多$4000。
假设十年之前的今天,保费是$1500 (假设),我这十年的 hospital cover 一共是$15000.
怎么算还是不买hospital cover 的划算啊。
当然, 这是建立在,买的这个hospital cover 没什么用 (就是说真的不舒服了,去医院也没cover什么,最后自己还得花钱),或者有用,但根本没有机会用到。
另外还请问一下, 听说hospital cover 买了3个月,还是买了一年之后可以申请 days of absence 3 年,过了3 年再开始买。是这么回事嘛
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