澳洲肛瘘 急急急急


求大家帮帮忙 我被一个SPECIALIST 诊断 是肛瘘 但是他不是肛肠医生 就是 想请有经验的朋友 推荐靠谱的医生 我在悉尼

为什么没有人给点意见啊 拜托啦



我已经找了GP 了
之前看了一个印度女GP 给我推荐了一个印度医生 做了 两次手术 还没好 有回去找他 他才说 他现在可以确定我是肛瘘 要我在做手术 他要我星期一做手术 但是他做完就去holiday了 所以 我就想换个医生
我也换了一个GP 自己也上网搜索了一下 我本来想让 GP 帮我推荐一个会讲华语的 肛肠专科的医生 但是他说搜索了一下 没搜到。 我就问他我自己在网站上找了一个DR DARREN M GOLD 在ST VINCENT 的医生 我就问他 觉得他怎么样。 可是他好像不知道这个医生 。后来 看了 那个医生的网站 说 那你可以去看这个医生 。所以我也不知道怎么办了。 家里人想让我回去做。 真的两难。。。。。。  
真心求有做过的同学 分享下经验。。。。。



是的回国做比较好一些, 手术完护理是个关键.  在者这里的医生临床试验很少. 中国的医生接触病人太多太多了.







有这么几样东西,,,生肌玉红膏,,黄升丹  白升丹,,露蜂房,,楼主轮流的试试吧


我先生就是看这个Dr Gold的,挺好的,现在半年复查一次。我先生是中国人。






What is an anal abscess or fistula?

An anal abscess is an infected cavity filled with pus found near the anus or rectum.  Ninety percent of abscesses are the result of an acute infection in the internal glands of the anus. Occasionally, bacteria, fecal material or foreign matter can clog an anal gland and tunnel into the tissue around the anus or rectum, where it may then collect in a cavity called an abscess.

An anal fistula (also commonly called fistula-in-ano) is frequently the result of a previous or current anal abscess. This occurs in up to 50% of patients with abscesses. Normal anatomy includes small glands just inside the anus. The fistula is the tunnel that forms under the skin and connects the clogged infected glands to an abscess. A fistula can be present with or without an abscess and may connect just to the skin of the buttocks near the anal opening.


Anal abscesses are classified by their location in relation to the structures comprising and surrounding the anus and rectum: perianal, ischioanal, intersphincteric and supralevator. The perianal area is the most frequent and the supralevator the least. If any of these particular types of abscess spreads partially circumferentially around the anus or the rectum, it is termed a horseshoe abscess.

Fistulas are classified by their relationship to parts of the anal sphincter complex (the muscles that allow us to control our stool). They are classified as intersphincteric, transsphincteric, suprasphincteric and extrasphincteric.  The intersphincteric is the most common and the extrasphincteric is the least common. These classifications are important in helping the surgeon make treatment decisions.


Anorectal pain, swelling, perianal cellulitis (redness of the skin) and fever are the most common symptoms of an abscess. Occasionally, rectal bleeding or urinary symptoms, such as trouble initiating a urinary stream or painful urination, may be present.

Patients with fistulas commonly have history of a previously drained anal abscess. Anorectal pain, drainage from the perianal skin, irritation of the perianal skin, and sometimes rectal bleeding, can be presenting symptoms of a


A careful history regarding anorectal symptoms and past medical history are necessary, followed by a physical examination.  Common findings leading to the diagnosis of a perirectal abscess are fever, redness, swelling and tenderness to palpation. However, while most abscesses are visible on the outside of the skin around the anus, it is important to recognize that there may be no external manifestation of an abscess, other than a complaint of rectal pain.  A digital rectal exam may cause exquisite pain.

When diagnosing an anal fistula, an external opening that drains pus, blood or stool is usually seen on examination. Heaped up tissue at the external opening suggests a well-established fistula. A digital rectal exam may produce pus from the external opening. Some fistulas will close spontaneously and the drainage may be intermittent, making them hard to identify at the time of the office visit.

Use of diagnostic studies

Most anal abscesses and fistula-in-ano are diagnosed and managed on the basis of clinical findings.  Occasionally, additional studies can assist with the diagnosis or delineation of the fistula tunnel.  Today, both traditional two-dimensional and three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound are a very effective manner of diagnosing a deep perirectal abscess, identifying a horseshoe extension of the abscess, and delineating the path of a fistula tract. This may be combined with hydrogen peroxide injection into the fistula tract (via the external opening) to increase accuracy. CT scans and MRI imaging can be useful for patients with complicated infections or with other medical conditions which may present similarly, such as Crohn’s disease.   

Treatment of anal abscess

The treatment of an abscess is surgical drainage under most circumstances. An incision is made in the skin near the anus to drain the infection. This can be done in a doctor’s office with local anesthetic or in an operating room under deeper anesthesia. Hospitalization may be required for patients prone to more significant infections, such as diabetics or patients with decreased immunity.

Up to 50 % of the time after an abscess has been drained, a tunnel (fistula) may persist, connecting the infected anal gland to the external skin. This typically will involve some type of drainage from the external opening. If the opening on the skin heals when a fistula is present, a recurrent abscess may develop.  Until the fistula is eliminated, many patients will have recurring cycles of pain, swelling and drainage, with intervening periods of apparent healing.

Antibiotics alone are a poor alternative to drainage of the infection. The routine addition of antibiotics to surgical drainage does not improve healing time or reduce the potential for recurrences in uncomplicated abscesses. There are some conditions in which antibiotics are indicated, such as patients with compromised or altered immunity or in the setting of extensive cellulitis (spreading of infection in the skin).  The American Heart Association recommends the use of antibiotics for patients with prosthetic valves, previous bacterial endocarditis, congenital heart disease and heart transplant recipients with valvular pathology.  A comprehensive discussion of your past medical history and a physical exam are important to determine if antibiotics are indicated.

Treatment of anal fistula

Currently, there is no medical treatment available for this problem and surgery is almost always necessary to cure an anal fistula. If the fistula is straightforward (involving minimal sphincter muscle), a fistulotomy may be performed. This procedure involves unroofing the tract, thereby connecting the internal opening within the anal canal to the external opening and creating a groove that will heal from the inside out.

The surgery may be performed at the same time as drainage of an abscess, although sometimes the fistula doesn’t appear until weeks or years after the initial drainage. Fistulotomy is a long-standing treatment with a high success rate (92-97%). This high success rate must be balanced, however, with the potential changes to a patient’s continence (ability to control stool), as the more anal sphincter muscle is divided in a fistulotomy, the greater the risk of changes in continence. Therefore, the surgeon must assess whether a fistulotomy is appropriate for a given patient.

In addition to fistulotomy, there are a number of other surgical treatment options for anal fistula which do not involve division of the sphincter muscles.  Fibrin glue injection is one such option, in which fibrin glue is injected into the fistula tract to obliterate the tract with the intention of becoming incorporated in the surrounding tissue. It has the advantage of avoiding dividing any sphincter muscle, thereby preserving continence.  While there is a relatively high failure rate with this approach, it does not “burn any bridges” (risk affecting continence) and may be repeated.

An anal fistula plug is an elongated piece of material that is placed throughout the length of the fistula tract to fill the tract space and incorporate itself into the tissue around it. The plug also has the advantage of not requiring division of the sphincter muscle. However, like the fibrin glue, it has a relatively low success rate, with the majority of studies reporting success less than 50%.

An endoanal advancement flap is a procedure usually reserved for complex fistulas or for patients with an increased potential risk for suffering incontinence from a traditional fistulotomy. In this procedure, the internal opening of the fistula is covered over by healthy, native tissue in an attempt to close the point of origin of the fistula. Recurrence rates have been reported to be up to 50% of cases.  Certain conditions, such as Crohn’s disease, malignancy, radiated tissue and previous attempts at repair, and smoking, increase the likelihood of failure. Although the sphincter muscle is not divided in this procedure, mild to moderate incontinence has still been reported.

Yet another non-sphincter dividing treatment for anal fistula is the LIFT (ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract) procedure.  This procedure involves division of the fistula tract in the space between the internal and external sphincter muscles. This procedure avoids division of the sphincter muscle, but has not been performed long enough to adequately assess its success or the most appropriate cases to attempt it on.

Most of the operations can be performed on an outpatient basis, but in selected cases, may require hospitalization.  Consider identifying a specialist in colon and rectal surgery who will be familiar with a number of potential operations to treat the fistula.

What is a seton?

As mentioned above, if a significant amount of sphincter musculature is involved in the fistula tract, a fistulotomy may not be recommended as the initial procedure. Your surgeon may recommend the initial placement of a draining seton.  This is often a thin piece of rubber or suture which is placed through the entire fistula tract and the ends of the seton (or drain) are brought together and secured, thereby forming a ring around the anus involving the fistula tract.  The seton may be left in place for variable lengths of time (or indefinitely in selected cases), with the purpose of providing controlled drainage, thereby allowing all the inflammation to subside and form a solid tract of scar along the fistula tract.  This is associated with minimal pain and you can still have normal bowel function with a seton in place. Once all the inflammation has resolved, and a mature tract has formed, one may consider all the various surgical options detailed above as staged procedures.

Treatment of fistulas in Crohn’s disease

Fistula-in-ano is very common in Crohn’s disease, which is a chronic inflammatory condition that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with Crohn’s disease are at increased risk for fecal incontinence because anorectal Crohn’s disease tends to recur and may lead to multiple operations involving the sphincter muscle.  It is important to acknowledge that the primary treatment of Crohn’s perianal fistulas is medical, with surgery reserved for treating infection and, occasionally, as a supplement to medical therapy. The treatment should be individualized to the specific patient and incorporate factors that may increase the potential for fecal incontinence.

What is the recovery like from surgery?

Pain after surgery is controlled with pain pills, fiber and bulk laxatives. Patients should plan for time at home using sitz baths and avoiding the constipation that can be associated with prescription pain medication.  Discuss with your surgeon the specific care and time away from work prior to surgery to prepare yourself for post-operative care.

Can the abscess or fistula recur?

As previously mentioned, up to 50% of abscesses may re-present as another abscess or as a frank fistula.  Despite proper treatment and apparent complete healing, fistulas can potentially recur, with recurrence rates dependent upon the particular surgical technique utilized.  Should similar symptoms arise, suggesting recurrence, it is recommended that you find a colon and rectal surgeon to manage your condition.

What is a colon and rectal surgeon?

Colon and rectal surgeons are experts in the surgical and non-surgical treatment of diseases of the colon, rectum and anus. They have completed advanced surgical training in the treatment of these diseases as well as full general surgical training. Board-certified colon and rectal surgeons complete residencies in general surgery and colon and rectal surgery, and pass intensive examinations conducted by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery. They are well-versed in the treatment of both benign and malignant diseases of the colon, rectum and anus and are able to perform routine screening examinations and surgically treat conditions if indicated to do so.

LZ 这么重要的地方的手术你敢相信这里的医生吗, 还是买张机票回国吧, 万一他们不小心伤了你的肛门括约肌, 痛苦的不是他们。。。。。。




这种病,GP只会给你吃澳洲神药:panadol 。


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据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联



Covid 又开始了。。

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澳大利亚女儿牙齿矫正,嘴巴歪了 图一是矫正前学校拍的证件照 图二是昨天我用手机拍的,明显可以看到人中歪了 图三也是昨天拍的,笑的时候更歪了 几个月前跟orthodontist说过这个问题,当时 ...



澳大利亚我的GP给我推荐的呼吸科专科医生不看小孩。 他说,只能推荐儿科医生。 我还是想问问,有没有看儿童的呼吸科专科医生。 我们在麦考利,Epping Eastwood 一带。远点也行啊。 谢谢 评论 呼 ...


好贵! 牙科挂号要收266刀

澳大利亚第一次去医院看牙病, 啥都不懂, 请各位大神指点: 前几天牙疼, 可能是智齿发炎或上火了.我看到公司附近有个公立牙科医院叫The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne, 就拿着medicare卡去看急诊, 谁知 ...



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澳大利亚40岁后,左侧鼻孔总是堵着的,不是全堵住,但是呼吸很费力,好像鼻腔变细了似得。 如果用手堵住右边的鼻孔,左边的需要大力呼吸,而且呼吸声音很大。 于是总是用右侧鼻孔呼吸, ...



澳大利亚最近越发严重了墨尔本的花粉真的是 眼睛巨痒有时候连嗓子和耳朵都是痒的telfast zyrtec claratine 各种吃还是不行 听说中医可以治疗 请问大家有人试过么 效果怎么样 是针灸还是拔罐?? ...



澳大利亚上周女儿花粉症发作,我买了空气清新机,结果第二天起女儿发烧38度,才发现是感冒了(上周日),还有干咳,吃 Codral Day Night + Dry Cough 。烧退了,但还是咳嗽,周三开始有痰,痰的 ...



澳大利亚如题,昨晚说头疼的睡不着。有什么办法缓解吗?或者吃药。她不要去看医生 评论 Panadol 评论 panadol,吃了就好就没问题,我女儿头痛已经拍了MRI的程度,后来被GP查出来咬合牙齿有问题 ...


请问澳洲治疗心脏疾病 水平怎么样

澳大利亚确诊为心衰 正在考虑回澳洲看还是在国内看 请熟悉这方面的朋友给点建议 谢谢 评论 以前不知道在哪里看到个news 间接提到澳洲心脏治疗水平 世界领先。。。 评论 楼主多大岁数了? ...



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澳大利亚家里近70岁老人,身体尚好. 近几年来夜里常抽筋,白天常未发生过.已看了多次GP,没有多少改善.谢谢! 评论 不知道别人抽筋原因 我知道自己的原因:怀孕的时候抽筋过,缺钙。现在 ...


BUPA extra到底有买的必要吗

澳大利亚目前一家三口买了BUPA私保,Silver Plus Essential Hospital with Your Choice Extras 60,一个月大约320。 有同学知道,大约这个EXTRA占了多少钱吗? 另外,这个一年核算下来,是不是如果只是洗洗牙, ...



澳大利亚我最近几年时不时的感觉左小腿和脚凉,右边没有,即便是夏天也有感觉。有时睡觉会感觉左膝盖后侧和床接触的部分冷。去看了2个GP,都只是看看,说没有肿,外面也看不出问题,说 ...