Hi All,
North Coast NSW, TC Alf has come and gone – we've a couple of small leaks in our roof – wondering the best way to locate them?
We've a colorbond metal roof, sisilation (foil + think layer of spun glass insulation) under that, which makes finding the source of the leak a tad harder. 我一直在屋顶腔中 - 知道它的最终位置 - 但可以从那里隐藏在那里的任何地方“上游”。
我之前已经尝试过几次去找到一个明显的外部问题 - 但是没有运气,但是螺丝上的屋顶螺丝拧紧了,它们似乎很松散。螺钉很漂亮,但我认为它们不是原因,泄漏对此有点多。
其次,硬木木材中泄漏的地方很好 - 在多个地方上面形成了模具。 Should I try and place a fan or similar up there to dry it out?
Some type of a vinegar + surfactant spray on to stem the mould?
Thanks in advance for guidance on how to attack as finding it hard to locate the leak point.
I assume you have not had any leaks before ?风可以为水如何吸收做奇怪的事情。每隔几年,我们就会发生一场暴风雨,下雨与大多数流行雨水都有不同的方向,而且我们有几个小泄漏。
craigo.p. o.p. o.p. p> hi craig hi craig hi craig hi twe word te the home home home home home home he曾经是我的我曾经是我我已经透露了我的我是找到它几个月没有很多运气 - 只有在大雨中进行CME。
至于位置 - 滴水等 - 最糟糕的是,很难说,这是屋顶的两个梯度相遇。我怀疑它要么是上游或关节本身。
新的 - 很难说,因为它在覆盖阳台的屋顶上很难找到50岁的背部,但从我看来,我会看到上面的屋顶上的屋顶上的屋顶上有明显的问题,这似乎是非常本地化的。 in certain parts of the roof I just can't access as too low.
Is one of those things I figure there's no magical approach – just look over and over until you find the source, trying different things.
Is tricky as is 80's house build, in a high wind spot and we have bushfire issues too – so you're trying to block spark ingress but when you do this it can end up causing water ingress – as the insulation I've used to fill gaps, will act as a 'wick' drawing water up into the roof.
I have faced similar problems, here are some ideas that were helpful.
(1) Due to the poor access lifting roof sheets for inspection is necessary.带有适合您螺钉头的工具的无绳冲击驱动器使此巨大的更容易。
(2)找到一般的问题区域,使用从花园软管到屋顶的水面的温和喷雾剂,通常从底部开始,并在坡度上逐渐逐渐发展,在您的内部使用水上的水位时。 isolate the problem.
(4) If the problem is a screw back the screw out, put some roof and gutter silicon sealant on both sides of the washer and re-seat the screw, smooth off any expelled sealant around the edge of the screw head.
I have found screws holding two layers of metal especially prone to leaks, typically along the ridge cap and edge flashing.
(5) An unexpected source of leaks was the几十年来,在相邻床单之间重叠关节,在纸之间积聚了足够的污垢,以焊接到不打算的地方。要检查此拆下足够的螺钉以抬起顶纸的边缘并在下面清洁eath.
Plenty of patience will help !
Daniel Plainview writes...
there's mould forming on it in several places
Bicarb Soda brushed over the damp roof cavity sheets,
Diluted Cleaning Vinegar &/or Bicarb Soda to the ceiling sheets,
will kill mould.
If there are no roof penetrations, ridge capping gaps or valley gutters that could be the culprits,
place large plastic boxes under the leaks in the meantime.
Country Bumkin writes...
Plenty of patience will help !
很好的建议,将在周末尝试一下 - 昨天(和一天之前)砍伐倒下的树木 - 非常感谢您的反馈! 谢谢你和其他人。
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