澳洲 TPG is crook



I have cancelled the account July last year since I have moved to FTTP and after completing all formalities of identifying myself TPG has been taking money off my account since. I just noticed today. I sent an email to one Jared about this and not sure when this will be actioned.
I will take this to ombudsman.
Do you guys have any inputs on this?


This is why i hate paying anything by direct debit and prefer to have payments made by myself via direct credit. Sadly most companies have removed any direct credit option, because as you say they are crooks

Reminds me of a long time ago when i had optus cable and when i cancelled, their policy was to put any remaining funds into "an optus funds account" and if i wanted to claim it i had to call another department

All these types of dealings should be illegal, but yeap we all know gov.corp are "Pro Business"


debraj writes...

Do you guys have any inputs on this?

Switching RSPs and changing NBN technologies has several moving parts. Things can go awry.

A mistake has been made and no doubt TPG will check the records as well as the data usage for the account and see it has been zero all this time. You should see the amount refunded in due course (once you have submitted a request – I don't know who Jared is :o)

I wouldn't be calling anyone crooks or the Ombudsman until you get some responce from TPG. If the do say no then yes, definitely give the Ombudsman a call.


Go through your bank. For example with Commbank:

How do I stop, cancel or dispute a direct debit or recurring payment?

Message us now to submit a request to stop, cancel or dispute a direct debit.

Stopping or cancelling your direct debit will prevent future payments from being debited from your account, however any contractual arrangement between you and the merchant may remain in place. So, you may want to also contact the merchant or service provider to inform them the payments have been stopped, as there may be implications to your contract.


I have called TPG in July 2024 to cancel my account. They have verified who I am which was required to cancel my account. Inspite of all these they have continued charging me and quite rightfully they are in the category of “crooks”. FYI, Jared was the person I dealt with from TPG.


debraj writes...

Inspite of all these they have continued charging me

So, go ahead and do what I suggested above: contact your bank.

There is nothing to be gained by restating the problem here.


gtc writes...

There is nothing to be gained by restating the problem here.

Actually there is. People need to be informed of what goes on and what is the best action to take


I would have thought the TIO should look into this, seems like either a gross clerical mistake with their accounts dept or just plain fraud.


wooly writes...

seems like either a gross clerical mistake with their accounts dept or just plain fraud

It is a very common issue with many businesses and i don't believe mistakes are the cause


the uglyman writes...

Actually there is. People need to be informed of what goes on

OP has already told us that twice within the space of a day.

Given that the OP is complaining about still being debited for more than 6 months after cancellation I indicated the logical solution to having that stopped: contact their bank.


well if you had a non-NBN TPG service and then decided to obtain a NBN FTTP service via another provider then of course TPG is going to have no idea and will continue to charge you.

Just moving to another provider isn't notice (unless it was NBN to NBN, in which case they do get a churn notice and should have acted on it)

debraj writes...

I have called TPG in July 2024 to cancel my account

If it was a non-NBN to NBN move then you'll have to give notice. More importantly how did you give notice? What was your specific advice. Did you email it or was it a flippant, perhaps angry, "go away i hate you TPG" before slamming the phone down?

I had an old iiNet bob rental billing $10 a month for probably 12 years (i thought it was the monthly charge on a few extra mailboxes i had even after i stopped using TPG/iinet for internet). Only reason I noticed it was because they kept debiting me even after TPG sold the mailboxes to another provider and i paid their couple years in advance.

Anyway in a single 5 minute call the rep end-dated the service, told me it was for a BoB modem and had raised a refund for everything back to when the ULL was cancelled. Was really impressed with the Filipino's who took my call (had to call for another reason and the 2nd dude was even more kick ass). Having worked with offshored centres and telco billing for god on 30 years I can tell you they were really effective, polite, personable and knowledgeable. And they had left notes meaning that i didn't have to reexplain anything. Sure its depressing their employed by the worst employer in the sector (pay wise), but jeebus they knew their fricken job.

Also very stoked to get like $1400 bucks back at xmas time. As a refund.

Just be nice, find out what the blockers are and then work through it. Hit me up on a PM if you want some assistance


TPG do require written notice to cancel.
It's in their terms and conditions.
That usually means email.
Then they will ring you to confirn.
If you did that they will refund when you make them aware of the issue.
Email: customer_relations@tpg.com.au and state your case.
If you don't get action in a week go to the TIO.

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TPG is crook

澳大利亚O.P. Hi, I have cancelled the account July last year since I have moved to FTTP and after completing all formalities of identifying myself TPG has been taking money off my account since. I just noticed today. I sent an email to one Jared abo ...



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