


Close contact还是七天。

七天,essential workers有豁免

您需要去NSW health 网站上报, 他们马上会有短信给您提醒隔离要求。  household 必须隔离


essential worker也需要隔离7天, 检测阴性后才能上班。 具体情况, 问essentialworker的老板。


我们家队友就是essential worker的老板啊,上上周一个工人的孩子确诊了,但是hr告诉他那个工人可以上班,有豁免……



现在可以打开了  https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/management/advice-for-confirmed


URL was not found

Refer to Exemption of Specific Workers who are Close Contacts in respect of the Pandemic (Quarantine, Isolation and Testing) Order for the complete list of exempt workers.
Workers who are close contacts and eligible to return to the workplace should be considered only after all other options have been exhausted, and only if the exempt worker is asymptomatic with a negative COVID test and cannot work from home.
When providing exemptions for close contacts to attend work, maximal consideration is given to ensure the health and human rights of individual exempted workers, as well as others in the workplace.



Copy and paste  link


Critical worker self-isolation exemption guidance

Some critical workers who are close contacts are permitted to leave self-isolation to attend work, only if they have no COVID-19 symptoms.

Last updated: 23 March 2022

https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/ ... /exemption-guidance




他们照常出门生活 说小孩单独在房间隔离





If you test positive with a rapid antigen test, you must:

Register your positive test on the Service NSW websitelaunch so you can be linked to important health care support and advice based on your COVID-19 risk. If you or someone in your family can’t register online, please call Service NSW on 13 77 88
If you test positive with a PCR or rapid antigen test, you must:

Isolate immediately for 7 days. Your household must also isolate for 7 days. If you have a sore throat, runny nose, cough or shortness of breath after 7 days, please remain in isolation until 24 hours after your symptoms have resolved.
Tell people who you spent time with from the 2 days before you started having symptoms or 2 days before you tested positive (whichever came first) that you have COVID-19. This includes your social contacts, workplace and/or school.
Monitor your symptoms. If you are concerned you should call your GP, the NSW Health COVID-19 Care at Home Support Line on 1800 960 933 or the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080. If symptoms become severe call 000.

What do I need to do?
You and your household contacts must isolate at home
You must self-isolate at home for 7 days from the date you got tested, even if you are fully vaccinated. Self-isolation means staying in your home or accommodation and remaining separated from others. Please see the self-isolation guideline for further information on how to self-isolate and what supports are available to you should you need them.

You must tell people you live with that you have COVID-19. Your household contacts must also self-isolate for 7 days, and have a rapid antigen test (RAT) as soon as possible and again on Day 6 (see Information for people exposed to COVID-19 and Get tested for COVID-19). For some household contacts, self-isolation requirements can be different based on their circumstances. See the Information for people exposed to COVID-19.

The NSW Health Isolation Support Line, is available for practical assistance during self-isolation on 1800 943 553.

Tell your social contacts that you have tested positive
Testing positive to COVID-19 means that you may have spread COVID-19 to others. You may have been infectious from 2 days before you developed symptoms, or 2 days before you tested positive if you did not have symptoms.

You should tell any social contacts that you spent time with whilst infectious that you have tested positive. This includes friends and other people you have met socially, such as friends you had dinner with, people you met up with at a pub, club or social function, friends or family who visited your home.

Tell your contacts to assess their risk and next steps using Information for people exposed to COVID-19 and to get a rapid antigen test.

Tell your workplace or education facility that you have tested positive
You must also tell your work manager or education facility head/relevant staff member that you have tested positive for COVID-19 if you were onsite whilst infectious.

Tell them the date of your test, the date you got sick (if you have symptoms), and the days you were at work/school whilst infectious. They will use this information to assess the risk to your fellow workers or students. Your workplace or school may inform them that they have been exposed to COVID-19, and what action they should take.

You can tell your manager by phone or text or ask a work friend to tell them for you. If you have attended an education facility, you can call the main phone number for the campus you attend.


The exemption is subject to the following conditions:

Critical workers must only attend work if approved by or on behalf of their employer for the purpose of the exemption.

Critical workers must travel directly to and from their home and their workplace(s). They cannot leave home for other purposes.

Critical workers must wear a mask at all times in the workplace, unless eating or drinking or if the mask needs to be removed for safety reasons.

Critical workers must undergo regular Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) for a period of 7 days from when they last had contact with the diagnosed person, and must notify their employer of each result. ‘Regular’ means recurring at uniform intervals. There is a high probability that a person who is a household contact will develop COVID-19 in the 7 days following exposure. To reduce the risk of exposing others in the workplace, NSW Health recommends that RATs should be used on any day where the contact comes into close contact with others, subject to the availability of RATs.

Any person who tests positive for COVID-19 following a RAT must immediately self-isolate for 7 days under clause 6 of the Order. 

Notwithstanding a negative RAT result, if a critical worker develops any symptoms of COVID-19, they must immediately self-isolate and may only return to work with evidence of a negative PCR test taken after the onset of symptoms.

Critical workers must comply with any other reasonable measures put in place by their employer to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 (see below).

​Steps for employers to consider in managing these risks within the workplace

Only those workers whose absence poses a high risk of disruption to the delivery of a critical service or activity will be eligible for the exemption.
This means that close contacts may only attend work if the delivery of critical services may be compromised by their absence.

All people in the workplace should wear masks except while eating or drinking or where a mask could create a safety issue.

Household contacts should not be permitted to use shared facilities such as tea rooms at the same time as other people.

Where possible, household contacts should be allocated work that involves minimal interaction with other people.

Household contacts should be encouraged to maintain physical distance from others at all times.

Where possible, household contacts should be assigned to work in well-ventilated areas or outdoors.

Employers should strongly encourage or, if lawful and reasonable, direct employees to receive a booster vaccination against COVID-19.

Ensure COVID safe plans reflecting these and other measures are signed off by or on behalf of the employer.




据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




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澳大利亚O.P.这篇文章已编辑 为任何想要对新的 ABC 纪录片系列发表评论的人提供了一条线索:吃掉入侵者。 (具体来说,有六集讨论了这个问题:兔子、鲤鱼、甘蔗蟾蜍、骆驼、野猫和鹿。 如 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 我的妻子使用较小的计算机椅子,这是很好的尼克。 唯一的问题是车轮/滚筒几乎不转,几乎不可能将自己转回去。 。抗滑动gri ppers-pertector-1220x0x0-2cm/dp/dp/b09ncr2b7v?th = 1 当我看椅子 ...



澳大利亚O.P.这个帖子被编辑 嗨, 我正在尝试为我的年迈的邻居整理一下,那里似乎有一个问题(我想)。 有小小的½英寸直径管道,通过房屋排水沟突出(来自屋顶内)。 **编辑:从筋膜上伸 ...



澳大利亚o.p. 嗨, 我一直在皮肤和洗衣店里都使用dettol杀菌液。 在过去的几个月中杀菌性。 环顾四周时,我在洗衣店,房屋清洁部分中发现了Dettol抗菌抗菌,所以我很好奇差异是什么? 两个似 ...



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澳大利亚O.P. 你好, 我们有一个 c。我们前院有棵 40 多年的中国(?)枫树,高约 6 米,自从我们 15 年前在新南威尔士州查茨伍德买下房子以来,没有造成任何问题。 然而,它最近出现了两个相 ...



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澳大利亚O.P. 我们有一个 1995 年生产的旧厨房混合水龙头,现在漏水了。我买了一个替换的 Dorf 混合水龙头,只是它配有柔性软管,而当前装置的铜管直接插入混合水龙头的底座。 所以我需要一 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 嗨,我有一个智能车库门开启器,我知道在车库门开启器上可以连接哪些终端,唯一的问题是我不知道如何连接它们。我需要在电线的末端插头,还是那些橙色的选项卡做我没有得到 ...


Stiebel vs Rinnai热泵

澳大利亚O.P. 嘿。 为我们的新版本寻找热泵的建议。构建器可以提供 rinnai ehpa300vm - AR系列Enviroflo - 300L玻璃体搪瓷,带有元素 或 或 Stiebel Eltron WWK 302 H单位 这是一个位于墨尔本的六个家庭 谢谢 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 我试图根据标准能量率进行运行费用计算,并且无法看到拥有热泵或最大收益,您可以根据居住在房屋中的至少4人(至少4人)节省约100美元。这意味着10+年均匀。 我在墨尔本,并试 ...


Sungrow 8kW逆变器

澳大利亚O.P. 系统的简要概述: 10.2kW阵列 8kW混合逆变器(Sungrow) 12.8kW电池(Sungrow) NSW中的单相功率> 在过去的几个晴天,电池在几个小时内充电。 isolarcloud应用程序继续以8.4kW(逆变器限制) ...