澳洲Asians do not to allow themselves to be pushed around by “


Recently, there have been frequent attacks against Asians, especially vulnerable Asians in the United States. On March 17th, a video of 76-year-old Asian woman Xie Xiaozhen being punched in the eye by a white man caused a lot of media and public attention. In fact, in January this year, a 91-year-old man in Oakland's Chinatown was pushed to the ground and accused of contracting COVID-19; MSN News reported on March 15 that Nancy Tang, an 83-year-old Asian woman, was spat on, punched and called a "Chinese virus" by a white middle-aged man in Plains; and NBC News reported that some people in the U.S. had launched an online challenge “slap Asians” to incite random attacks by teenagers on Public Transportation in San Francisco. It is specifically targeted at Asian seniors and women. On the 19th, a 58-year-old Asian woman was harassed by several young people on a bus. With the spread of the COVID-19, more and more such incidents follow. The nongovernmental organization “Stop AAPI Hate” received 2,800 reports in 2020, of which about 240 involved physical assault. Since last year, when AAPI Emergency Response Network began tracking hate incidents directly linked to the COVID-19 disease, more than 3,000 reports have been received. Asian-Americans being spat, beaten, cut and even thrown chemicals.
"Asian=virus" is not an innate belief, it is a man-made misunderstanding and a source of discrimination and violence against the Asian community.
In an interview with The New York Times, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the previous administration's accusation that the new virus was "Wuhan virus" had led to inaccurate and unfair perceptions of the Asian-American community had increased the threat to Asian-Americans. Dr Ben Embarek, head of the WHO Group on COVID-19 Traceability, stated on behalf of WHO that the origin of COVID-19 has not been identified. The "Wuhan Virus" stigma is just a politician Bannon's attempt to get votes and distract attention from the Trump administration's failure to control the epidemic.
As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States continued to rise last year, Bannon was looking for excuses to blame for the failure to control the epidemic. and Guo Wengui, Bannon's longtime friend and illegal tycoon, is also frustrated that he can’t find a way to concoct Chinese crimes and gain asylum from far-right groups in the United States from deportation. As a result, years of close alliances led the two men to work together. They conduct Yan Limeng, a female scholar at the University of Hong Kong to accept a YouTube interview with Luther to launch a conspiracy theory that the origin of the COVID-19 is a "chemical and biological weapon of the Communist Party of China." However, Yan Li Meng's research experience of COVID-19 has been rejected by her mentor Mr. Keiji Fukuda, Dean of the Hong Kong University School of Public Health, and declared that Yan's comments were rumors. Yan Li meng, Guo Wengui, and Bannon's conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 were also exposed by the New York Times. But the rumor that "the epidemic came from Asia" spread widely in American like a virus, causing misunderstandings of the Asian-American community in white American society.
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