


不是说 被取消了嘛








Dear Cxxx

You will have heard at the weekend that essential services will remain open as the COVID-19 situation continues. Supermarkets, liquor stores and petrol stations are essential services and as such all our stores remain open every day across Australia. Our distribution centres are also open and we're working with our suppliers and partners to get more stock to stores as fast as possible.

We're open 7am to 8pm every day

Our supermarkets will remain open 7am to 8pm every day*, with the first hour of trade on weekdays exclusively for Coles Community Hour. Once this hour is complete, all other customers will be invited through the doors to complete their grocery shop. Supermarkets will also close no later than 8pm to give our team members the time and space to extensively clean our stores and replenish the shelves for customers the next day.

*where state laws allow

Helping our emergency services and healthcare workers

We know how hard our emergency services and healthcare workers are working right now, so we're dedicating our Tuesday and Thursday Coles Community Hours to them, starting Thursday 26 March.

This means that the first hour of trade on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be for emergency services and healthcare workers who hold an AHPRA card, have a workplace ID or are wearing their work uniform^.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday Coles Community Hours will be for customers who hold a government-issued Pensioner Concession Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, Companion Card, Seniors Card, Disability Card and Health Care Card^.

^these arrangements will be reviewed as necessary.

Health and safety in our stores remain a priority

We are applying guidelines to help with social distancing in our stores. We advise that customers should use the length of their trolley as a guide for the distance between themselves and other shoppers and we ask all our customers to please wash their hands before entering stores. The use of tap-and-go for payment where you can is also encouraged. We'll be announcing further health and safety initiatives in the coming days.

New Coles Online Priority Service (COPS)

We're in the early stages of rolling out our new Coles Online Priority Service (COPS) and we're looking to bring this service to as many vulnerable customers as possible, hopefully by the end of the week. Our priority is ensuring we can offer a good range of everyday grocery essentials with high availability to our customers who find it difficult to shop in-store. Please check www.coles.com.au for further updates on this home delivery service; we'll be making it available as soon as we can.

We are incredibly proud of our team members in-store who are working hard to get stock on to shelves as fast as possible, create a safe place to shop, and provide our customers with great service. We ask that you continue to show them kindness and patience.

Best wishes,

Steven Cain
Chief Executive Officer
Coles Group



Dear Vxxx

These are undoubtedly testing times for all Australians, given the impact COVID-19 is having on the way we live. And if you believe the experts, we still have a long way to go.

At Woolworths, we accept that this is no longer business as usual. In the last four weeks, we have seen a huge surge in demand, which inevitably means you're seeing material product shortages on our shelves.

Like all Australian grocery retailers, our aim is to provide the food and essential products all our customers need. This absolutely remains our focus, but we need your help.

In the spirit of fairness for all Australians, especially those who need our help the most, we have made some changes. These include:

New product limits
We ask you to please respect these limits and only buy what you need. If we all do this, there is more than enough to go around.
For the latest details on limits, please visit woolworths.com.au/updates

Priority deliveries
We have also introduced Priority Assistance home deliveries to help the elderly, people with disability, those with compromised immunity and those in mandatory isolation. To apply for Priority Assistance delivery, please complete the form at woolworths.com.au/priorityassistance

Dedicated shopping hour
This week, we introduced a dedicated hour for the elderly and people with disabilities to shop between 7am and 8am before we open to everyone. It was a "rocky" start, but it is getting better. And because we want to do whatever we can to help those most in need, we've decided to extend it for at least another week.

Online orders for Pick up and Delivery
To help our stores cope with the huge increase in demand, we have had to suspend Pick up in all stores, and have paused home deliveries in many areas. However, we know that home delivery will only become more important, so we are working hard to ramp this up as much as we can.

The health and wellbeing of our customers and team will always be our top priority. With that in mind, we have made some changes intended to protect everyone. These include:

Social distancing
We have introduced some sensible guidelines for social distancing in store. These include using the size of your trolley as a distance guide between you and other shoppers, following markers on the floor at the checkouts and using tap-and-pay whenever you can. We’d also ask that you wash or sanitise your hands before you come into a store.

Contactless deliveries
We have moved to a contactless delivery service with all orders delivered to your front door only. All orders will be placed in reusable bags and we've also suspended our crate to bench service.

Cleaning and hygiene
As an extra precaution, we have significantly increased cleaning across all our stores with many stores doubling their cleaning time from 5 to 10 hours every day. We've also upgraded to hospital-grade disinfectant and are focusing on regular cleaning of counters and other surfaces. And as well as thorough hand washing, you'll start to see many of our team - including checkout operators - wearing protective gloves.

Our teams are working incredibly hard to support the communities we are proud to serve. We ask that you continue to treat them, and each other, with the respect and kindness everyone deserves.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you for your continued patience, support and compassion. We can only do this if we work together and look out for each other. If we do this, I have no doubt we will collectively overcome this once-in-a-generation challenge.

Brad Banducci
Woolworths Group

To find out more, please visit woolworths.com.au/updates

据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




澳大利亚我觉得人工智能时代,不需要那么多不如机器聪明的平庸之人去工作,尤其是一些小白领。 所以,现代人越工作,经济就越差,因为工作并不能促进消费,只能是无用功或者生产出很多 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 所以我要租一个有地毯的地方,地毯相当旧,我猜至少有 10 年了,但我最近住的地方有浮动地板,我发现它们非常适合吸尘和清洁。 正在考虑买一些铺在现有地毯上。 我记得很多个 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 我刚刚购买了一间车间,现在面临着对其进行隔热的任务。 我做了一些研究,正在考虑这一点。 对于墙壁。腰带(我想就是这个词)是 65 毫米,所以选择使用 40 毫米箔板。箔板在 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 由于我们蹒跚学步的孙子,我们需要在后院放置一些栅栏(从我们的花园到露台有一个小落差(60厘米),还有砖砌台阶。我们已经跌倒过一次了... 我们正在考虑建立一个相当临时的 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 大家好, 在对相对较新的联排别墅(4 年历史)提出一些建议后,出现了水从楼上淋浴进入地毯和墙壁的问题。 它似乎在瓷砖下移动,从门口泄漏到地毯上,损坏了门框、石膏等。 ...


Powerpal 优惠:将燃气热交换为逆循环?

澳大利亚O.P. 大家好, 我通过 Powerpal 应用程序遇到了一项交易,该应用程序提供用多头逆循环装置取代燃气管道加热装置,可节省相当可观的费用(最多可节省 9000 美元) 12k 系统)。在过去 ...


带 IOS 通知的信箱邮件传感器

澳大利亚O.P. 嘿伙计们, 只是想知道是否有人有任何使用现成或 DIY 传感器的经验,这些传感器可以放入我的信箱中,当邮件放入投递口时,它会向我的 iPhone 发送通知? 我认为连接到我的 WiFi ...


系统监控/网络中的 Fronius Symo 循环

澳大利亚O.P. 我正在使用此 Fronius 运行自动 H/W 切换系统,但无法访问数据管理器/设置来更改何时通过该 12V 信号打开 SSR 继电器。元素是2400W,这是设置之一,但无法访问。 以前很简单,打开F ...


HWS 泄压装置应泄漏多少水?

澳大利亚O.P. 按照标题 - 新系统。 400L Rinnai。 每天超过2L。 这是正常量吗? 评论 这些人说这要看情况,但向上到 12 升。 Rheem 说: 在每个加热期间,阀门可以通过排水管排出一定量的水。此数量 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 大家好, 自从从 Simply Energy 过渡到 Engie 以来,我发现我的用电量数据发生了一些奇怪的情况,我想知道是否有人经历过类似的情况。 我首先注意到,当我切换到 Engie Portal 时,它明 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 大家好.. 我刚刚浏览了 energy made easy 网站,发现了一个新的 SA 提供商。费率相当不错,但如果您有太阳能,绝对不是您会选择的提供商。 考虑到目前可用的情况,费率似乎相当不错 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 我正在寻求改善我家的热性能。 这是一座旧的挡风板房屋。天花板采用吹气产品完全隔热,看起来性能非常好。 夏季散热效果相当好,但冬季性能明显较差。 易于做到: - 地板下隔 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 寻找最终带有电池的中小型太阳能系统。我想要的只是简单的家庭自动化,通过逆变器输入有关可用功率的信息。我不希望逆变器将数据发送到外部服务器,然后强迫我下载应用程序 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 我在维多利亚,想用电动热泵系统替换旧的燃气热水系统。 2人家庭,最多可同时入住4人,设有3间浴室。我没有资格获得维多利亚州政府的退税,只有联邦的退税。我刚刚得到报价 ...



澳大利亚O.P.这篇文章已编辑 大家好,寻找一些周末帮助,因为我们目前没有热水。 我们安装了一个集电继电器,用于与电热水一起使用。 今天早上,我试图通过关闭热水断路器然后再次打开( ...



澳大利亚O.P. 该系统最初安装时没有热阱,并且运行良好多年。 现在,晚上水会被虹吸到屋顶并冷却水箱中的热水。 当地的太阳能热水管道工安装了热阱和新的止回阀,但无法弄清楚为什么在最 ...


GenZ 48Vdc 2RU 3Kwh LFP 电池

澳大利亚O.P. 有人安装了这些机架式电池吗?它们有什么用吗,因为我已向我推荐这些电池来更换目前已达到使用寿命的现有凝胶装置。 评论 嗨,Freeby,我的架子上有 4 个这样的东西。我认为它 ...