SunRice Jasmine Fragrant Rice: Delicately aromatic and soft, the heart of Thai cuisine. Jasmine rice is a long grain varietal that is perfect in southeast Asian style dishes. It is often used in stir fry’s and curries as the natural fragrance compliments many spices. This grain will be slightly sticky but still fluffy. It’s separating qualities and fragrance, make it a great choice for a wide variety of fried rice, stir fry and curry recipes. SunRice Jasmine rice, is known for it’s delicious fragrance. Use this rice to create a dish that evokes the sights and sounds of Southeast Asia, from the street vendors of Bangkok to Saigon. For best results, rinse this rice before cooking and cook without salt to preserve its fragrance. | Thai |
SunRice White Medium Grain Rice: A classic, versatile rice suitable for a variety of meals, including desserts Medium Grain Rice is a round, tender and succulent grain, allowing it to lock in moisture when it is cooked. This rice is often used in dishes that require a bit more creaminess, like paella or risotto. It is also ideal in your favourite Middle Eastern, Korean and Spanish dishes and is a good choice for delicious desserts. | middle eastern/ spanish/Korean |
SunRice Long Grain White Rice: These slender, smooth, long grains are versatile and fit for a feast of cuisines. Long Grain Rice is your go to grain for a versatile dish. It has long slender grains, that when cooked, remain separate. This results in a light and fluffy rice that absorbs the flavours of your cooking SunRice White Long Grain Rice is a perfect partner to a stir-fry, casserole or a stew. For something more adventurous, try a spicy jambalaya from the deep south of the United States. | China/deep south of the United States |
SunRice Basmati: Rice Long and slender grains, the gateway to Indian cooking. Basmati Rice is renowned for its delightful aroma and long slender grains. When cooked, Basmati rice expands in length and produces a light, fluffy texture that is ideal for absorbing the flavours of your cooking. A drier rice, Basmati grains will remain separate, which makes it a staple of Indian cooking. It tastes great with tandoori and in curries such as the classic butter chicken, or as an alternative base for a Thai massaman curry. For best results, Basmati rice should be rinsed and then soaked for 30 minutes prior to cooking. The word Basmati is like Champagne – a true Basmati grain is grown in the foothills of the Himilayas. Our SunRice Basmati rice is sourced from the best regions that adhere to our strict quality standards. | Indian/Thai |
SunRice Japanese Style Sushi Rice: These slender, smooth, long grains are versatile and fit for a feast of cuisines. | Japan/Korean |
SunRice Koshihikari Rice Discover the Premium Short Grain that’s perfect for Sushi. If there is one type of rice that best represents authentic Japanese food culture, it is Koshihikari (often called Koshi rice). This super-premium short grain rice has unique characteristics - versatility, firmness, consistency, aroma and natural sweetness. It is a premium grain that is perfect for Japanese dishes and desserts. Grown in ideal conditions in Australia, Koshi naturally possess optimum water absorption properties when cooked, allowing the rice to stick together and retain its softness for longer. Translated as “the light of Koshi” in reference to an ancient province in Japan, Koshi is also commonly used as the hero in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisines. | Japan/Korean |
SunRice Brown Medium Grain Rice: A firm and mildly nutty wholegrain rice, bursting with nutrition. Retaining all the goodness of Mother Nature, the nutritious bran layer of Brown Rice is not removed at milling, giving Brown Rice its characteristic nutty flavour and firmer texture. Health conscious cooks enjoy this wholesome rice in a wide variety of dishes. Try it as an alternative to your favorite meals, or for something new, try one of our delicious summer salads. | |
SunRice Arborio Risotto Rice: The staple rice for your next gourmet risotto, made easy. When recreating an authentic Italian risotto, make our excellent quality SunRice Arborio Risotto Rice the hero ingredient. This pearly, oval-shaped rice undergoes less milling than ordinary long grained rice, so it retains more of its natural starch content and develops a perfect creamy texture while cooking. Like pasta, Arborio rice is prepared al dente, which means that it should be slightly firm to the bite. Arborio rice can also be used for a Spanish paella or other creamy Mediterranean recipes. | Italian/Spanish/Mediterranean |
SunRice SuperFood Black Rice A firm and mildly nutty wholegrain rice, bursting with nutrition. SunRice SuperFood Black Rice is 100% Wholegrain rice. With a natural distinctive deep purple colour when cooked, it contains vitamins such as Thiamin, Niacin and Magnesium. It provides a natural source of protein, dietary fibre and energy. When cooked it has a slightly nutty flavour. It is the perfect ingredient to combine with a Summer Rice salad or to compliment one of your favourite dishes | 评论 其中很多人说日本的越光米好吃。 米中最贵的是黑米。 评论 吃太多了 澳洲中文论坛热点
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