As the Investment Manager and Promoter of the ING DIRECT Superannuation Fund ('Living Super') we are writing to let you know that as an ING DIRECT Living Super customer you have chosen an investment option that includes an allocation to cash.
As a result of concerns raised by ASIC and a subsequent internal review, we have found that customers may have understood that the cash invested within the Cash Option and the cash component of the Balanced and Growth Options (‘Living Super cash’) would be eligible for the highest available variable savings rate, including any bonus rates, as paid by ING DIRECT to eligible savings customers.
We believe that we could have been clearer in our communications and as a result we have decided to credit your Living Super account with $13.54. For Super (accumulation) accounts 15% tax will be deducted from this amount. No tax will be deducted from amounts credited to a TTR or Pension account.
This amount has been calculated based on the difference between the interest rate that was applied to your 'Living Super cash' and the highest available variable savings interest rate for the period you were invested in Living Super cash between 1 March 2015 to 30 September 2016.
Your payment will be credited to your Cash Hub by 30th September 2016 and will not affect your concessional or non-concessional contribution caps.
As the Investment Manager and Promoter of the ING DIRECT Superannuation Fund ('Living Super') we are writing to let you know important information about cash interest rates for Living Super.
As a result of concerns raised by ASIC and a subsequent internal review, we have found that customers may have understood that the cash invested within the Cash Option and the cash component of the Balanced and Growth Options ('Living Super cash') would be eligible for the highest available variable savings rate, including any bonus rates, as paid by ING DIRECT to eligible savings customers.
The interest rate on the 'Living Super cash' varies from time to time and as at 15 September 2016 is 1.90% p.a. This rate is set independently to the interest rates for ING DIRECT savings products. This means that future interest rates payable inside Living Super may be different to those payable on ING DIRECT's other banking products.
We'd also like to highlight that the Trustee (the entity responsible for looking after members' interests and complying with Superannuation legislation) appoints ING DIRECT as the Investment Manager for the cash. If the Trustee changes the Investment Manager, this may result in changes to interest rates or the fee structure. In the event of an increase in fees we'll continue to notify you in advance.
If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact our super specialists on 1800 063 965, 8am-8pm Mon to Fri, or 9am-5pm Saturday (AEST/AEDT).
we have decided to credit your Living Super account with $13.54.
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