Hi Alyssa,
Yes you were on Platinum (17%), however it is a condition of that rate that you
remain on direct debit billing. As you had your direct debit removed, you
automatically were downgraded to Superior, which is 15%. We notified you of
this in an email on 10/10/14, so that you could update your details if desired,
but as no updated were given, you remained on Superior. All this is also
covered in the T&C's which you agreed on upon signup.
Regarding your $15 discount, this is the 15% PPD discount from your previous
bill. PPD's are always added to the following bill. A Final bill also does not
receive a PPD, therefore your final invoice is correct. This is also covered in
the Market Retail T&C's provided to you.
Click Energy
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.Clickenergy.com.au
签合同之前,你们都看T&C 吗? 供应商可以修改你的计划, 可以不给你最后账单的折扣。
不知道还有什么猫腻在里面, 反正我是已经遇到2个了。
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