一 鸟类
二 鱼类
一 鸟类
1 Laughing Kookaburra 澳大利亚笑鸟
These birds live in forests.
Their feathers are brown, black, white and blue.
They eat snakes, lizards, frogs and fish.
Their call sounds like they are laughing.
Kookaburras eat insects, small snakes, lizards, frogs and fish, as well as earthworms, crayfish, rodents (reats and mice) as well as an occasional small bird.
A kookaburra kills its prey by bashing it against a perch. The kookaburra runs its meal back and forth in its beak to soften any bones. Then it throws its head back and swallows. Bones and other bits that it can't digest are later brought up as a food pellet.
Kookaburras make a laughing call, most often in the early morning and just before dark. The calls let other kookaburras know where each one lives. An Aboriginal legend says that the kookaburra's laugh is a signal to the sky spirits to light the great fire, the sun, in the morning and to put it out at night.
After mating, the female kookaburra lays up to 4 eggs in a hole in a tree. The male and the female take turns to sit on the eggs until they hatch, about 25 days later. Both parents feed their chicks. Adult birds swallow food and then bring it back up again when it is mushy and feed it to the chicks. As the chicks grow they can be fed small worms or slugs or similar small food which they learn to eat like adults do. Then they have to learn how to find the food for themselves.
The young kookaburras have feathers after about one month. They leave the nest soon after that.

—— 文/冰夫
[ 本帖最后由 Tiger_Karen 于 2008-10-26 18:58 编辑 ]
Australian Magpies are black and white birds that live in areas with trees, including towns and cities and bushland all over Australia. They have red-brown eyes and feet with one toe facing backwards and three toes facing forwards.
Australian Magpies walk along the ground and search for insects like grasshoppers during the day. They jab their strong, straight, triangular white beak into the ground, looking for worms and grubs to eat. They swallow small insects whole but use their beak to break up larger food items before eating them.
Australian Magpies have a beautiful carolling call and they often call together.
Australian Magpies make cup-shaped nests high up in trees or on telegraph poles from sticks and plant stems. They line their nest with wool, hair and grass. Females lay three to five blue or green, brown-blotched eggs. They sit on the eggs (incubate) for 20 days. When the eggs hatch the chicks are helpless and without feathers. The chicks are fed by their mother and have feathers and are ready to fly in about four weeks.
澳大拉西亚(Australasia)雀形目(Passeriformes)钟鹊科(Cracticidae)鸣禽。因其洪亮的具金属音的鸣声和像喜鹊的黑白两色羽衣而得名。多认为只有黑背钟鹊(Gymnorhina tibicen)一种,分布广。有人认为有3种:白背钟鹊(G. hypoleuca)、西钟鹊(G. dorsalis)和黑背钟鹊。长35∼50公分(14∼20吋),与喜鹊不同之处为尾短。在开阔地捕食蜥蜴、蛇和大型昆虫。富侵略性,尤其在繁殖季节,会攻击较大的鸟类甚至人。巢敞开,筑在农村,其中除草和枝条外,还可有大量金属丝。
[描述和分布]钟鹊是澳大利亚最常见最易于辨认的鸟类之一,身体呈黑白两色,分布几乎遍及澳洲大陆和塔斯马尼亚岛,在新几内亚岛也有分布,无论城市还是荒野都能见到,在沿海地区和农业区最为常见,是留鸟或漂鸟。钟鹊分成了几个不同的亚种,在悉尼看到的是分布最广泛的指名亚种黑背钟鹊G. t. tibicen,墨尔本看到的是白背钟鹊G. t. leuconota,黑背钟鹊有时又被分成几个不同的亚种。钟鹊的英文名为澳洲喜鹊,其体形和习性都与鸦、鹊类相似,但是并不属于同一类。

[ 本帖最后由 Tiger_Karen 于 2008-10-25 17:23 编辑 ]
They are Australia's largest flying bird.
Adult pelicans have a bright yellow ring around each eye.
Under their long bills they have a saggy throat pouch It's used for collecting food.
When it's very hot pelicans flutter their throat pouches to keep cool.
They like to live in large groups.
They work together to get a meal of fish or tadpoles.

They drive their dinner into shallower water…
…and then all thrust their bills underwater at the same time to scoop up their meal.
In the breeding season the parents build a shallow nest on the ground.
The female usually lays 2 white eggs and she and her partner take turns keeping the eggs warm.
A month later the chicks hatch.
They are naked and pink and their eyes are open.
They rely on their parents to bring them food. Food is partly digested fish.
At 3 weeks the chicks can walk.
When they are 3 months old they can fly.
In a year they will be as big as their parents and able to fly as beautifully as they do.

澳洲最大型水鸟 黄眼圈不怕盐

[ 本帖最后由 Tiger_Karen 于 2008-10-25 17:30 编辑 ]
英文名:Tawny Frogmouth
学名:Podargus strigoides
Tawny frogmouths are birds that are awake at night.
They are not owls.
They eat insects, frogs and small animals.
Their covering is feathers.
To hide, they sit very still and look like a tree branch.
The Tawny Frogmouth is often thought to be an owl, but is in fact related to nightjars. There are 14 species, or kinds, or frogmouth.
Habitat and Distribution (where they are found)
Frogmouths are commonly seen throughout Australia, but not in rainforests or deserts. Tawny frogmouths prefer open eucalyptus woodland.
Appearance and Behaviours
Frogmouths do not have strong talons (claws) like owls.
Males and females look alike, and are 35-50 cm long.They have yellow eyes and a wide beak topped with a tuft of bristly feathers. They make loud clacking sounds with their beaks and their call sounds like drumbeats.
Owls fly around at night hunting food, but Tawny Frogmouths generally remain sitting very still on a low perch, and wait for food to come to them. They catch prey with their beaks, and sometimes drop from their perch onto the prey on the ground.
Tawny frogmouths hunt at night and spend the day roosting on a dead log or tree branch close to the tree trunk.
Their camouflage is excellent - staying very still and upright, they look just like part of the branch.
The Tawny frogmouth feeds on rats, mice, cicadas, beetles, frogs and other small prey. They catch their prey with their beaks rather than with their talons, another way in which they are different from owls.
Life Cycle
Tawny frogmouth pairs stay together until one of the pair dies. They breed from August to December. They usually use the same nest each year, and must make repairs to their loose, untidy platforms of sticks. After mating with the male, the female lays two or three eggs onto a lining of green leaves in the nest. Both male and female take turns sitting on the eggs to incubate them until they hatch about 30 days later. Both parents help feed the chicks.The chicks move to the edge of the nest and direct their droppings over the edge. About 25 days after hatching, the chicks are ready to leave the nest and lead their own lives.

[ 本帖最后由 Tiger_Karen 于 2008-10-25 17:39 编辑 ]
【物种名称】 虹彩吸蜜鹦鹉
【又 名】 彩虹吸蜜鹦鹉、红胸五彩鹦鹉
【拉丁学名】 Trichoglossus haematodus
科属分类: 鸟纲(Aves)、鹦形目(Psittaciformes)、鹦鹉科(Psittacidae)、吸蜜鹦鹉族
体长:24cm(10 -12吋)
【地理分布】 栖息地广部于印尼、新几内亚、澳洲与其外围的众多岛屿上。野生的虹彩吸蜜鹦鹉栖息于低地森林、公园和庭院等地,常常成对或集群活动。
彩虹吸蜜鹦鹉(Rainbow Lory)身上的羽色宛如彩虹般炫丽夺目,是Trichoglossus属中颜色最鲜豔亮丽的种类。他们也是吸蜜家族中最庞大的族群,其下高达21种亚种,每种都身披灿烂耀眼的羽色。由于他们的颈部是鲜豔的黄绿色,因此又被称为绿颈吸蜜(Green Naped Lory)。在国内他们是相当受欢迎和普遍的吸蜜鹦鹉,也就是俗称为「青海」的吸蜜鹦鹉。彩虹吸蜜生性非常活泼爱玩,不仅需要比较宽广的空间,一成不变缺乏刺激的生活也会让他们觉得索然无味,因此饲主最好准备一个足够的空间,在摆上许多他们喜欢的玩具(例如铃铛),让好动的他们不至于感觉无聊;他们非常聪明,学习能力相当强,很容易就能够学会许多小把戏或是小技巧,他们的语言能力不错,很快便能够学习些字汇和句子,也能够了解饲主的指令,是非常灵巧聪慧的宠物鸟;彩虹吸蜜对饲主相当忠诚,手养的幼鸟个性相当温驯友善,会接纳家庭中的任何成员,即使是陌生人也可以和他们互动的很好,成年的鸟大部分都会有仅认一位饲主的倾向,因此在幼鸟时期多让他们接触不同的家族成员,学习社会化便相当重要。
【繁 殖】
对于人工繁殖的彩虹吸蜜鹦鹉来说,一旦开始繁殖,即十分多产且稳定的持续繁殖,一般而言,公鸟约在18-20月大时成熟,母鸟则需两年它们是多产且全年皆可繁殖种类, 当然也有可能很早即开始繁殖,但还是建议在完全性成熟后始给予繁殖机会比较理想,一窝约产2颗蛋,孵化期23-26天,7-8个星期羽毛长成,不宜太晚将幼鸟移出,如果亲鸟又开始准备繁殖下一窝时幼鸟如尚未离巢可能会遭亲鸟攻击。
Rainbow lorikeets are a kind of parrot.
They live in forests and gardens.
Their feathers are very colourful.
They eat have a brush tongue to get nectar from flowers.
They fly fast and make a lot of noise.
The rainbow lorikeet is a species, or kind, of parrot.
There are several kinds of rainbow lorikeet.

[ 本帖最后由 Tiger_Karen 于 2008-10-25 17:43 编辑 ]
英文学名:Wedge-tailed Eagle
They are birds.
The strong hooked beak has a razor sharp edge.
On their feet they have sharp claws or talons that are very useful for killing and carrying food.
They spend a lot of their day in the air flying.
They can soar so high that we can't see them from the ground.
They have very good hearing and excellent eyesight.
They can spot a meal from way up in the sky. They are carnivores. That means they like to eat meat. Rabbit is their favourite food but they also like lizards, birds and the meat of already dead animals. They often share their food with other wedge tailed eagles.
When they are full, they carry bits of food away and hide them for later. They might hide the food between rocks or in trees. e
They use the same breeding and nesting grounds year after year. They like to make their nests high up, in trees or on rocky outcrops or cliffs. Some wedge tailed eagles stay with the same partner all their lives.
Females usually lay 1 or 2 eggs.
They are round, creamy white and blotched with brown.
Six weeks later tiny eagles covered in soft down hatch.
Often only one chick survives.
The parents bring it bits of meat to eat. The chick stays with its parents for about 6 months learning how to fly and hunt. It then heads off to find its own territory.

[ 本帖最后由 Tiger_Karen 于 2008-10-25 17:48 编辑 ]
鸸鹋 érmiáo(又名澳洲鸵鸟)。鸸鹋能堂而皇之地走上国徽,得益于它是澳大利亚最大的鸟,是澳大利亚的象征性动物之一, 鸸鹋是世界最大的陆地鸟之一,也是世界上最古老的鸟种之一,是鸟纲鹤鸵目鸸鹋科唯一残存种。
鸟名。形似鸵鸟而较小,体高约1.5米。嘴短而扁,羽毛灰色或褐色。翅膀退化,足三趾,腿长善走。产于 澳洲 森林中,吃树叶和野果。是仅次于鸵鸟的最大鸟,栖息于开阔森林与平原,羽毛发育不全,具纤细垂羽,副羽甚发达,头、颈有羽毛、无肉垂。
鹤鸵目(Casuariiformes)鸸鶓科(Dromaiidae或Dromiceiidae)唯一生存的鸟类。鹤鸵目还包括鹤鸵(cassowary)。鸸鶓产於澳大利亚,不能飞翔。是现存的另一种最大鸟类,身高超过1.5公尺(5呎),体重超过45公斤(100磅)。鸸鶓(Dromaius novaehollandiae或Dromiceius novaehollandiae)是由殖民者所造成的几个绝灭类型中唯一的幸存者,体健壮,腿长,同其亲属鹤鸵一样。两性体羽均为褐色,头和颈暗灰。鸸鶓的跑速每小时可达50公里(30哩)。被困时用三趾的大脚踢人,鸸鶓终生配对。每窝产7∼10枚暗绿色卵,卵长13公分(5吋)。在地面上筑巢。雄鸟孵卵约60天。体上有条纹的幼雏出壳後很快就能跟著成鸟跑。鸸鶓成小群取食果实和昆虫,也可能毁坏庄稼。特别的气管结构在繁殖期可发出巨大的隆隆声。有3个亚种栖息於澳大利亚北部、东南部和西南部,第四个亚种(现已绝灭)曾栖息於塔斯马尼亚岛。
Emus live all over Australia.
Emus are birds but they can't fly.
Emus have long strong legs for running.
Emus are covered with fluffy feathers.
Emus eat grass, fruits, flowers, seeds and insects.

[ 本帖最后由 Tiger_Karen 于 2008-10-25 17:53 编辑 ]
【又 名】大巴丹、中巴丹、大葵花鹦鹉、葵花鹦鹉
【拉丁名称】Cacatua galerita
【英文名称】Sulphur crested Cockatoo
【科属分类】 鸟纲(Aves)、鹦形目(Psittaciformes)、凤头鹦鹉科(Cacatuidae)
葵花凤头鹦鹉是美丽优雅的大型凤头鹦鹉,早期走私到台湾的凤头鹦鹉中常能见它们的踪影,由于天性活泼聪明,常被训练至马戏团表演,它们在澳洲当地是普遍且便宜的宠物鸟,在许多农耕区甚至被视为农业害鸟,叫声大而响亮、破坏力强是其缺点 。葵花鹦鹉是一种相当长寿的动物,如果喂养的方法得当,它们的寿命一般在40年左右。但是在野外因为有天敌,它们的寿命会比家养条件下短很多。
葵花凤头鹦鹉通常群居,常常数百只成群,在觅食时会各自分散为一小群,通常在地上觅食,有些会在树上警戒,注意有无危险,有危险的状况时会警告正在觅食的同伴,主要食物有种子、坚果及水果、 飞行时常发出沙哑响亮的巨大叫声,有时会到农作物区觅食,造成很严重的农业损失,被视为害鸟,在某些地区的农民被允许可以猎杀破坏农作物的葵花凤头鹦鹉,也有人为了它们的美丽羽毛而猎杀它们。
1. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (产于澳洲,最大型的种类)
2. Mathews Cockatoo (产于澳洲)
3. Triton Cockatoo (产于新几内亚与希巴布亚群岛)
4. Eleonora Cockatoo (产于印度尼西亚境内的一些岛屿)
筑巢于高耸的树洞中,澳洲南方的繁殖期在8月至次年1月,北方在5~12月,一窝约有2~3颗蛋,通常2颗,30天后孵化,70天后羽毛长成;饲养葵花 凤头鹦鹉就像饲养其它的凤头鹦鹉一样,需对它付出多一些的关心与注意,尤其只饲养一只时;它们常常只亲近主人一人,而对他人有攻击性,可学会一些把戏,一些野外捕捉的野生鸟也可变的很驯服,公鸟的说话能力较母鸟佳。有时巨大的叫声非常吵杂,尤其是晨间及傍晚,啃咬力很强,笼舍必须够坚固,它们需要大笼舍,至少5x1.2x2m的规格,最好是6x2x2m较理想,提供新鲜树枝与玩具供咬嚼,也可消除无聊。
在澳洲葵花凤头鹦鹉在澳洲本土的繁殖不多,因为有许多野外的幼鸟能够合法的捕捉,因为葵花凤头鹦鹉在野外的数量算是稳定且安全(全世界总数量约有50万只以上),在繁殖期间会明显地变安静,提供的巢箱要加上坚固的金属边,可使用金属制巢箱,或将其外挂于笼外,否则强大的咬合力会严重地破坏木制巢箱 ,4、5岁以后有繁殖能力,一次约产2至3颗蛋,孵化期约30天,9至10星期后羽毛长成,有时对巢箱检查会显的敏感与不安。
Cockatoos are a kind of parrot.
They live in forests and farmlands.
Their feathers are white and yellow.
They eat seeds of plants, grains, berries, buds, insects and weeds.
They are very noisy birds!

神仙企鹅Fairy Penguin ,据说现在统称小企鹅Little Penguin,体重1公斤左右,寿命约10年,是唯一生长在澳洲的企鹅。
这种身长不足37厘米,只有南极企鹅一半高的小企鹅(Little Penguin),却具有超凡的潜水能力。
Little Penguins are black and white diving birds that live in small colonies in the seas of southern Australia. They have black beaks with a hook on the end and sharp cutting edges and webbed feet with long toenails. They call with a yapping sound.
This Little Penguin is sitting in its burrow.
Little Penguins search under water for crustaceans, fish and squid during the day. They grasp their prey with the hook and sharp cutting edges of their beak and go to the surface of the water to swallow it whole.
Little Penguins dig a burrow under a rock or grass tussock and line it with grass and leaves to make their nest. Females lay one to three white, oval eggs. Both parents take it in turns to sit on the eggs to keep them warm for 36 days. When the eggs hatch the chicks are helpless and covered in soft down.
Both parents feed and care for the chicks until they are eight weeks old, when they are ready to 'fly' underwater and feed themselves.

好像Kookaburra 也可以用来称呼澳洲人,不是很确定。
[ 本帖最后由 steveking 于 2008-10-25 18:20 编辑 ]
Wedge-tailed Eagle在我家河边的小山谷里就生活着一对,也是有幸常见它们。
留个纪念 以后需要再来取经
Accipitridae: Hawks and Allies 鹰科 (一)
Aviceda cuculoides African Baza 西非鹃隼
Aviceda madagascariensis Madagascar Baza 马岛鹃隼
Aviceda jerdoni Jerdon\'\'s Baza 褐冠鹃隼
Aviceda subcristata Pacific Baza 凤头鹃隼
Aviceda leuphotes Black Baza 黑冠鹃隼
Leptodon cayanensis Grey-headed Kite 灰头鸢
Leptodon forbesi White-collared Kite 白领鸢
Chondrohierax uncinatus Hook-billed Kite 钩嘴鸢
Henicopernis longicauda Long-tailed Honey-buzzard 长尾鵟
Henicopernis infuscatus Black Honey-buzzard 黑长尾鹰
Pernis apivorus European Honey-buzzard 蜂鹰
Pernis ptilorhyncus Oriental Honey-buzzard 凤头蜂鹰
Pernis celebensis Barred Honey-buzzard 菲律宾蜂鹰
Lophoictinia isura Square-tailed Kite 方尾鸢
Hamirostra melanosternon Black-breasted Buzzard 黑胸钩嘴鸢
Elanoides forficatus Swallow-tailed Kite 燕尾鸢
Macheiramphus alcinus Bat Hawk 蝠鸢
Gampsonyx swainsonii Pearl Kite 珠鸢
Elanus caeruleus Black-winged Kite 黑翅鸢
Elanus axillaris Black-shouldered Kite 黑肩鸢
Elanus leucurus White-tailed Kite 白尾鸢
Elanus scriptus Letter-winged Kite 纹翅鸢
Chelictinia riocourii Scissor-tailed Kite 剪尾鸢
Rostrhamus sociabilis Snail Kite or Everglade Kite 螺鸢
Rostrhamus hamatus Slender-billed Kite 细嘴螺鸢
Harpagus bidentatus Double-toothed Kite 双齿鹰
Harpagus diodon Rufous-thighed Kite 棕腿齿鹰
Ictinia mississippiensis Mississippi Kite 密西西比灰鸢
Ictinia plumbea Plumbeous Kite 铅灰鸢
Milvus milvus Red Kite 鸢
Milvus migrans Black Kite 黑鸢
Milvus lineatus Black-eared Kite 黑耳鸢
Haliastur sphenurus Whistling Kite 啸栗鸢
Haliastur indus Brahminy Kite 栗鸢
Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle 白腹海雕
Haliaeetus sanfordi Sanford\'\'s Fish-Eagle 所罗门海雕
Haliaeetus vocifer African Fish-Eagle 吼海雕
Haliaeetus vociferoides Madagascar Fish-Eagle 马岛海雕
Haliaeetus leucoryphus Pallas\'\'s Fish-Eagle 玉带海雕
Haliaeetus albicilla White-tailed Eagle 白尾海雕
Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle 白头海雕
Haliaeetus pelagicus Steller\'\'s Sea-Eagle 虎头海雕
Ichthyophaga humilis Lesser Fish-Eagle 小渔雕
Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus Grey-headed Fish-Eagle 灰头渔雕
Accipitridae: Hawks and Allies 鹰科 (二)
Gypohierax angolensis Palm-nut Vulture 棕榈鹫
Gypaetus barbatus Lammergeier 胡兀鹫
Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture 白兀鹫
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture 头巾兀鹫
Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture 非洲白背兀鹫
Gyps bengalensis White-rumped Vulture 白背兀鹫
Gyps indicus Long-billed Vulture 长嘴兀鹫
Gyps rueppellii Rueppell\'\'s Griffon 黑白兀鹫
Gyps himalayensis Himalayan Griffon 高山兀鹫
Gyps fulvus Eurasian Griffon 兀鹫
Gyps coprotheres Cape Griffon 南非兀鹫
Aegypius monachus Cinereous Vulture 秃鹫
Torgos tracheliotus Lappet-faced Vulture 肉垂秃鹫
Trigonoceps occipitalis White-headed Vulture 白头鹫
Sarcogyps calvus Red-headed Vulture 黑兀鹫
Accipitridae: Hawks and Allies 鹰科 (三)
Circaetus gallicus Short-toed Snake-Eagle 短趾雕
Circaetus pectoralis Black-chested Snake-Eagle 黑胸短趾雕
Circaetus cinereus Brown Snake-Eagle 灰短趾雕
Circaetus fasciolatus Fasciated Snake-Eagle 斑短趾雕
Circaetus cinerascens Banded Snake-Eagle 小斑短趾雕
Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur 短尾雕
Spilornis cheela Crested Serpent-Eagle 蛇雕
Spilornis minimus Nicobar Serpent-Eagle 尼科巴蛇雕
Spilornis kinabaluensis Mountain Serpent-Eagle 山蛇雕
Spilornis rufipectus Sulawesi Serpent-Eagle 苏拉蛇雕
Spilornis holospilus Philippine Serpent-Eagle 菲律宾蛇雕
Spilornis elgini Andaman Serpent-Eagle 安达曼蛇雕
Dryotriorchis spectabilis Congo Serpent-Eagle 刚果蛇雕
Eutriorchis astur Madagascar Serpent-Eagle 马岛蛇雕
Accipitridae: Hawks and Allies 鹰科 (四)
Circus aeruginosus Western or Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 白头鹞
Circus ranivorus African Marsh-Harrier
Circus spilonotus Eastern Marsh-Harrier 白腹鹞
Circus approximans Swamp Harrier Circus maillardi Reunion Marsh-Harrier
Circus buffoni Long-winged Harrier 长翅鹞
Circus assimilis Spotted Harrier 斑点鹞
Circus maurus Black Harrier 黑鹞
Circus cyaneus Northern Harrier or Hen Harrier 白尾鹞
Circus cinereus Cinereous Harrier 灰鹞
Circus macrourus Pallid Harrier 草原鹞
Circus melanoleucos Pied Harrier 鹊鹞
Circus pygargus Montagu\'\'s Harrier 乌灰鹞
Polyboroides typus African Harrier-Hawk or Gymnogene 猎鹰
Polyboroides radiatus Madagascar Harrier-Hawk 马岛猎鹰
Kaupifalco monogrammicus Lizard Buzzard 蜥鵟/蜥雕
Melierax metabates Dark Chanting-Goshawk 歌鹰
Melierax poliopterus Eastern Chanting-Goshawk 灰歌鹰
Melierax canorus Pale Chanting-Goshawk 淡色歌鹰
Melierax gabar Gabar Goshawk 红脸歌鹰
Accipiter poliogaster Grey-bellied Goshawk 灰腹鹰
Accipiter trivirgatus Crested Goshawk 凤头鹰
Accipiter griseiceps Sulawesi Goshawk 灰头凤头鹰
Accipiter tachiro African Goshawk 非洲鹰
Accipiter castanilius Chestnut-flanked Sparrowhawk 栗肋鹰
Accipiter badius Shikra 褐耳雀鹰
Accipiter butleri Nicobar Sparrowhawk 尼科巴雀鹰
Accipiter brevipes Levant Sparrowhawk 东方雀鹰
Accipiter soloensis Chinese Goshawk 赤腹鹰
Accipiter francesiae Frances\'\'s Goshawk 马岛鹰
Accipiter trinotatus Spot-tailed Goshawk 点尾鹰
Accipiter novaehollandiae Grey Goshawk 灰鹰
Accipiter fasciatus Brown Goshawk 褐鹰
Accipiter melanochlamys Black-mantled Goshawk 褐背鹰
Accipiter albogularis Pied Goshawk 鹊色鹰
Accipiter rufitorques Fiji Goshawk 棕颈鹰
Accipiter haplochrous White-bellied Goshawk 白腹鹰
Accipiter henicogrammus Moluccan Goshawk 白头鹰
Accipiter luteoschistaceus Slaty-mantled Sparrowhawk 蓝灰雀鹰
Accipiter imitator Imitator Sparrowhawk 拟鹰
Accipiter poliocephalus Grey-headed Goshawk 苍头鹰
Accipiter princeps New Britain Goshawk [新不列颠]灰头鹰
Accipiter superciliosus Tiny Hawk 侏鹰
Accipiter collaris Semicollared Hawk 半领鹰
Accipiter erythropus Red-thighed Sparrowhawk 红腿雀鹰
Accipiter minullus Little Sparrowhawk 小雀鹰
Accipiter gularis Japanese Sparrowhawk 日本松雀鹰
Accipiter virgatus Besra 松雀鹰
Accipiter nanus Small Sparrowhawk
Accipiter erythrauchen Rufous-necked Sparrowhawk 红颈雀鹰
Accipiter cirrocephalus Collared Sparrowhawk 领雀鹰
Accipiter brachyurus New Britain Sparrowhawk 短尾雀鹰
Accipiter rhodogaster Vinous-breasted Sparrowhawk 葡萄胸雀鹰
Accipiter madagascariensis Madagascar Sparrowhawk 马岛雀鹰
Accipiter ovampensis Ovambo Sparrowhawk 南非雀鹰
Accipiter nisus Eurasian Sparrowhawk 雀鹰
Accipiter rufiventris Rufous-chested Sparrowhawk 棕胸雀鹰
Accipiter striatus Sharp-shinned Hawk 尖颊鹰
Accipiter chionogaster White-breasted Hawk 白胸鹰
Accipiter ventralis Plain-breasted Hawk 淡胸鹰
Accipiter erythronemius Rufous-thighed Hawk 棕腿鹰
Accipiter cooperii Cooper\'\'s Hawk 鸡鹰
Accipiter gundlachi Gundlach\'\'s Hawk 古巴鹰
Accipiter bicolor Bicolored Hawk 双色鹰
Accipiter melanoleucus Black Goshawk 黑白雀鹰
Accipiter henstii Henst\'\'s Goshawk 亨氏鹰
Accipiter gentilis Northern Goshawk 苍鹰
Accipiter meyerianus Meyer\'\'s Goshawk 白颊雀鹰
Erythrotriorchis buergersi Chestnut-shouldered Goshawk 新几内亚鹰
Erythrotriorchis radiatus Red Goshawk 赤鹰
Megatriorchis doriae Doria\'\'s Goshawk 巨赤鹰
Urotriorchis macrourus Long-tailed Hawk 非洲长尾鹰
Butastur rufipennis Grasshopper Buzzard 蝗鵟鹰
Butastur teesa White-eyed Buzzard 白眼鵟鹰
Butastur liventer Rufous-winged Buzzard 棕翅鵟鹰
Butastur indicus Grey-faced Buzzard 灰脸鵟鹰
Geranospiza caerulescens Crane Hawk 鹤鹰
Leucopternis plumbea Plumbeous Hawk 铅灰南美鵟
Leucopternis schistacea Slate-colored Hawk 鼠灰南美鵟
Leucopternis princeps Barred Hawk 横斑南美鵟
Leucopternis melanops Black-faced Hawk 黑脸南美鵟
Leucopternis kuhli White-browed Hawk 白眉南美鵟
Leucopternis lacernulata White-necked Hawk 白颈南美鵟
Leucopternis semiplumbea Semiplumbeous Hawk 淡灰南美鵟
Leucopternis albicollis White Hawk 白领南美鵟
Leucopternis occidentalis Grey-backed Hawk 灰背南美鵟
Leucopternis polionota Mantled Hawk 斗蓬南美鵟
Buteogallus aequinoctialis Rufous Crab-Hawk 棕鸡鵟
Buteogallus anthracinus Common Black-Hawk 黑鸡鵟
Buteogallus subtilis Mangrove Black-Hawk 红林鸡鵟
Buteogallus urubitinga Great Black-Hawk 大黑鸡鵟
Buteogallus meridionalis Savanna Hawk 草原鸡鵟
Parabuteo unicinctus Harris\'\'s Hawk 栗翅鹰
Busarellus nigricollis Black-collared Hawk 黑领鹰
Geranoaetus melanoleucus Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle 鵟雕
Harpyhaliaetus solitarius Solitary Eagle 孤冕雕
Harpyhaliaetus coronatus Crowned Eagle 冕雕
Buteo plagiatus Grey Hawk 灰鵟
Buteo nitidus Grey-lined Hawk 灰鵟
Buteo magnirostris Roadside Hawk 大嘴鵟
Buteo lineatus Red-shouldered Hawk 赤肩鵟
Buteo ridgwayi Ridgway\'\'s Hawk 岛鵟
Buteo platypterus Broad-winged Hawk 巨翅鵟
Buteo leucorrhous White-rumped Hawk 白腰鵟
Buteo brachyurus Short-tailed Hawk 短尾鵟
Buteo albigula White-throated Hawk 带尾鵟
Buteo swainsoni Swainson\'\'s Hawk 斯温氏鵟
Buteo albicaudatus White-tailed Hawk 白尾鵟
Buteo galapagoensis Galapagos Hawk 加岛鵟
Buteo polyosoma Red-backed Hawk 红背鵟
Buteo poecilochrous Puna Hawk 变色鵟
Buteo albonotatus Zone-tailed Hawk 带尾鵟
Buteo solitarius Hawaiian Hawk 孤鵟
Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed Hawk 红尾鵟
Buteo ventralis Rufous-tailed Hawk 美洲棕尾鵟
Buteo buteo Common Buzzard 普通鵟
Buteo oreophilus Mountain Buzzard 山鵟
Buteo brachypterus Madagascar Buzzard 短翅鵟
Buteo rufinus Long-legged Buzzard 棕尾鵟
Buteo hemilasius Upland Buzzard 高地鵟
Buteo regalis Ferruginous Hawk 王鵟
Buteo lagopus Rough-legged Hawk 毛脚鵟
Buteo auguralis Red-necked Buzzard 非洲赤尾鵟
Buteo augur Augur Buzzard 暗棕鵟
Buteo archeri Archer\'\'s Buzzard
Buteo rufofuscus Jackal Buzzard 暗棕鵟
Accipitridae: Hawks and Allies 鹰科 (五)
Morphnus guianensis Crested Eagle 冠雕
Harpia harpyja Harpy Eagle 角雕
Harpyopsis novaeguineae New Guinea Eagle 新几内亚角雕
Pithecophaga jefferyi Great Philippine Eagle 食猿雕
Ictinaetus malayensis Black Eagle 林雕
Aquila pomarina Lesser Spotted Eagle 小乌雕
Aquila clanga Greater Spotted Eagle 乌雕
Aquila rapax Tawny Eagle 茶色雕
Aquila nipalensis Steppe Eagle 草原雕
Aquila adalberti Adalbert\'\'s Eagle 西班牙白肩雕
Aquila heliaca Imperial Eagle 白肩雕
Aquila gurneyi Gurney\'\'s Eagle 格尼氏雕
Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle 金雕
Aquila audax Wedge-tailed Eagle 楔尾雕
Aquila verreauxii Verreaux\'\'s Eagle 黑雕
Aquila wahlbergi Wahlberg\'\'s Eagle 细嘴雕
Hieraaetus fasciatus Bonelli\'\'s Eagle 白腹隼雕
Hieraaetus spilogaster African Hawk-Eagle 非洲隼雕
Hieraaetus pennatus Booted Eagle 靴隼雕
Hieraaetus morphnoides Little Eagle 小隼雕
Hieraaetus ayresii Ayres\'\'s Hawk-Eagle 艾氏隼雕
Hieraaetus kienerii Rufous-bellied Eagle 棕腹隼雕
Polemaetus bellicosus Martial Eagle 猛雕
Spizastur melanoleucus Black-and-White Hawk-Eagle 黑白鹰雕
Lophaetus occipitalis Long-crested Eagle 长冠雕
Spizaetus africanus Cassin\'\'s Hawk-Eagle 叫鹰雕
Spizaetus cirrhatus Changeable Hawk-Eagle 凤头鹰雕
Spizaetus nipalensis Mountain Hawk-Eagle 鹰雕
Spizaetus alboniger Blyth\'\'s Hawk-Eagle 马来鹰雕
Spizaetus bartelsi Javan Hawk-Eagle 爪哇鹰雕
Spizaetus lanceolatus Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle 苏拉鹰雕
Spizaetus philippensis Philippine Hawk-Eagle 菲律宾鹰雕
Spizaetus nanus Wallace\'\'s Hawk-Eagle 小鹰雕
Spizaetus tyrannus Black Hawk-Eagle 黑鹰雕
Spizaetus ornatus Ornate Hawk-Eagle 饰冠鹰雕
Stephanoaetus coronatus Crowned Hawk-Eagle 冕鹰雕
Oroaetus isidori Black-and-chestnut Eagle 黑栗雕
这种鸟学名INDIAN MYNA(印度八哥),在19世纪60年代从亚洲引入墨尔本。据说是一位居民因怀念亚洲鸟雀的鸣叫声而从亚洲带来的。
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