请问一下用cashrewards网站返点后怎么支取钱?我的帐号My Rewards Balance
$185.52但下面又写My Available Rewards: $0.00,就是取不出来不知有大侠知道否谢谢?
My Available Rewards和My Rewards Balance是不一样的。
My Available Rewards:Rewards that have been confirmed by the store and are available for payment. The store usually confirms the rewards after the return period of the goods has passed.
My Rewards Balance: These are your rewards that have tracked and are pending plus your rewards that have been confirmed by the store.
只有My Available Rewards(打了蓝勾的)才是可以往自己银行转的。由于你的My Available Rewards是$0,所以现在还不能access这笔钱。一般要等1-3个月。
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