投诉信嘛,一定要客观、冷静,一般来说不带感情色彩(哪怕你当时气爆了),除非对方的行为引起了你在情绪上的difficulties (例如说depressed, stressed 等等)。威胁是没有意义也没有帮助的,反而有时候会被对方抓住辫子弄得很被动。
最后一点,善用形容词副词啊很重要。估计多数被投诉的情况是对方unfriendly, unhelpful, unwillingly to apologize, unsupportive等等。
先说一个我买床垫的经历吧。在一家还算比较大的连锁店买的。买的时候说两个星期deliver, 两个星期过去了,没货没消息。打电话过去问吧,对方sale 特冲,不帮忙还凶巴巴说再等一周。好吧,再等一周,还是没货没消息,我真的很不满意他们的服务。于是email + fax 下面的投诉信过去。
Xsoieuoih, (不用写dear, hi 这些套话,我这客户还生气着呢)
I am writing to enquiry about when my purchased mattress will be delivered.
I purchased a SleepEasy Queen Size Extra Firm mattress in your store on Friday 8 February, and you advised that it would be delivered to my place in two weeks’ time, i.e. no later than Friday 22nd. However the mattress was not delivered in Feb and no one in your shop has contacted us for the delay.
I therefore phoned your shop on Monday 24th, and the person I spoke to was Tkahsoi. She was unhelpful at all and not able give me any further information except asking me to wait for another week. She was very rude while communicating with me on the phone as well.
It has been nearly four weeks now since we made this purchase, and that we still haven’t received the mattress, yet again no one from your store has been in touch with us about anything.
Based on this major delay and the poor service that we received from your store, we will have to cancel the deal and require for a full refund if the product cannot be delivered by Monday 17 March.
(不用写什么sincerely, regards, 什么的, 跟他们少废话)
0412 345 678
结果,第二天有另外一个sale 打电话给我们道歉,床垫过几天就收到了!
第二个example 是之前有为MM说在myer 被误认为是贼,很不开心。我是这样建议她写投诉信的,不过不知道下文如何。
http://www..com.au/bbs/f ... ;page=3#pid13031867
把原文copy 一下到这里来 -
I had an extremely unpleasant experience while shopping in your X store on DATE, at TIME.
I purchased a quilt cover set on that day, and I was checking up the purchased product when a female sale person (你知她的名字吗?或者头发颜色,个子高矮等等, 都可以指定这个坏蛋的) came up to me and shouted "What are you doing here?! " Before I was aware of what had happened, she asked me to show her the receipt with very rude manner. Certainly I had no problems with showing her the receipt, yet she continually nagging me for breaching the policy of not to open up any purchased products in the store. I would appreciate the suggestion if it was delivered in a proper way, however being yelled at in public was a totally different situation.
When I later on asked her for what reason she had to speak to me with such rude attitude, she firstly suggested that I had language barrier (based on I am an Asian customer) to understand what she had said; when I pointed out that her voice volume and the way how she communicated with me obviously showing that she had been very rude. She then replied that was because they often had thieves operating in their store. I felt very much insulted and asked what had suggested to her that I could be a suspect? At last the sale woman apologised to me unwillingly, and she commented that it was because she had been stressed out at work. On that day, I left myer with a disgusting feeling, and I would not consider shopping again in your store.
I would like to bring this case to your attention, and I do hope full respect will be given to customers of all races.
还有一次投诉工作地方的保安异常不友善,还特意为难一个同胞,虽然我不认识她,但是我生气啊,投诉到管理处。其实他们当时的工作重点不是安保,而是为进出的员工和客户介绍如何使用新的电梯系统(一套又昂贵又stupid的东西)。投诉结果保安队撤销,换了一个金发前台小姐,每天跟大家say hi, hello, 好甜啊。
等我翻翻看还能不能找到那份email, 可以放上来给大家笑一笑。
厉害啊。我以前写complain letter没有什么效果,主要是被气地只记得说自己当时如何如何不happy了。还是你厉害,冷静而不happy!:
还有一个,时间地点人物事情一样一样都不能少,要非常清楚的在开篇说明某年某月(甚至是某时间),在某个地方发生了什么事情。 这时间地点人物一些出来啊,对方的心理马上就好像做了坏事被抓住一样,气焰会消一半,因为这些正规的行文格式将会成为以后告他们也好,索取赔偿也好的重要文件,他们也怕惹麻烦的。
咳咳,不就是年纪大了,不认老不行呗~~~~ 咱到隔壁楼谈聚会的事情啊。
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