Nice but expensive for now...
"Would I buy one? Probably not. Although I appreciate and admire the value of a boutique offering and what is clearly both personalised and quality service, it’s unaffordable for most as a rooftop. Unless this design is moved to a mass production model of manufacturing thus lowering the cost, the majority of us will not be able to justify dropping such a large wad of cash on a rooftop setup.
Unless ….. Does anyone know what the going rate for a healthy-ish kidney is these days?"
我还是觉得roof top帐篷在澳洲不太实用, 这里不像非洲有狮子老虎豹子, 或者美国有狼熊和其他猛兽, oztent之类的帐篷都能在1分钟内搭好, 内部空间还大
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