是不是现在有phone car holder 也不能用手机了
绿p 和 能不能手机导航 没关系,绿p只是分数比full 要少记得好像是5分,分数更新规则不一样而已。
如果开车在路上碰了手机被抓罚分是一视同仁的,只是不知道绿P 有没有足够的分可以罚,如果分数不够就被吊销了。
Leanrner, P1 和 P2 在驾驶过程中在任何情况下都不能使用手机!full licensed 可以在不触碰手机的情况下使用手机导航,接打电话。以下是RTA的权威解释:
Mobile phone road rules
Learner, P1 and P2 drivers and motorcyclists
Learner, P1 and P2 licence holders are not permitted to use a mobile phone at all while driving or riding. This includes when waiting at traffic lights or stuck in traffic. You must be parked out of the line of traffic to use your phone in any way.
These laws encourage learner and provisional drivers and riders to concentrate on developing their vehicle control and hazard-perception skills. Mobile phone use can distract novice drivers and riders from the driving task.
Learner and P1 drivers and riders penalised for illegally using a mobile phone (four demerit points) will exceed their demerit point threshold and face a three-month licence suspension. P2 drivers and riders will have three demerit points remaining if they are penalised for illegally using a mobile phone.
Fully licensed drivers and motorcyclists, and all bicycle riders
While driving or riding you CAN use your mobile phone:
To make or answer a call
ONLY if the phone is either:
In a cradle fixed to the vehicle and doesn't obscure your view of the road
can be operated without touching any part of the phone, such as via Bluetooth or voice activation
To use the audio playing function (e.g. music)
As a driver's aid (e.g. navigation, Speed Adviser app)
ONLY if the phone is in a cradle fixed to the vehicle and doesn't obscure your view of the road
While driving or riding you CANNOT use your mobile phone for anything else, including:
Texting or audio texting
If you want to use your phone for any of these functions, your vehicle must be parked out of the line of traffic
These functions are not permitted when your vehicle is stopped, including when waiting at traffic lights or stuck in traffic
Using social media
Taking photos
Video messaging
Holding your phone in any way (in hand, on lap, between shoulder and ear). Drivers are only allowed to hold a phone to pass it to a passenger.
Remember: Legal use of mobile phones can also be distracting. Consider if it is important and the demands of the traffic before using your mobile. The safest option is often to wait until you are parked out of the line of traffic.
Our Get your hand off it campaign warns drivers of the dangers of illegal mobile phone use and the consequences of taking your eyes off the road.
carplay/android auto我觉得是新技术带来的灰色地带吧,虽然用手机的app但操作是在车载屏幕。感觉就看警察蜀黍的心情了
哦,哈哈 原来是这样。学习了,仔细看了一下 Vic roads 网站果然也是这样规定的。
不过 Car play 功能手机是放在扶手箱里或包里, 若不仔细查看确实不好辨别到底是车载GPS系统还是使用手机Car play功能。
感觉L , 红绿P 只要藏好手机,不接打电话,或让副驾操作手机GPS, 这样警擦一般也发现不了carplay 导航,除非你在路上操作车机系统被警擦逮着,再牵出手机carply就悲剧了。
嗯 墨尔本的便衣警车不执勤没闪警灯正常行车时 自己都超速,要是碰上哪个不开眼的没让道或者别它一下立刻就悲剧了,立刻亮警灯靠边停车至少耽误10分钟。
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