本人情况:国内驾龄6年老司机一枚,2014年底登陆土澳后换Full license。理论、HPT、路考全部一次通过(路考VIC Burwood east考点),2015年3月拿到澳洲驾照。期间也在看帖得到不少启发,最近正好有朋友问考试经验,将自己能想到的路考流程和注意事项情况总结一下(部分内容也是从老帖中扒出来的,一并感谢),回馈社区。有不对的地方,也敬请各位斧正。
1. 开始时教练发问
Q1: are you still live in same address?
Q2: have your licence been suspected or cancelled before?
Q3: have you take some medical or suffer medication treatment?
Q4: do you have an overseas driver licence?
Q5: do you wear glasses or eyes contact lenses?
Foot brake.
Left/right inductor.
Hazard light.
Head light to low beam, turn to high beam, back to low beam, and keep it on when driving test.
Wash window /window wipes with water.
Show me the front and rear window defrost, hand brake position.
Next street turn right/left.
End of the road turn right/left.
Traffic light turn right/left and gets into right/left line.
If safe doing parallel reverse park behind the car.
Finding a safe area and doing three points turn.
If safe change to right/left line.
If safe put on/over the kerb.
If safe put off the kerb and keep going.
Using the court do U turn.
1:观察力。(要求注意其他道路使用者及路上发生的任何状况。)是否使用后视镜,是否 在 交通灯处转弯及停止,让路标志牌前出车,以及换线时看镜打灯回头查看盲点。
1)When driving straight, checks the mirrors often enough to maintain awareness of surrounding traffic. The required frequency varies with traffic conditions.
2)Checks the internal mirror immediately before braking.
3)When diverging (including when entering or crossing a bicycle lane in preparation for a left turn): checks the internal mirror and (according to the direction of movement) the right or left external mirror immediately before signaling; performs a head check immediately before moving laterally.
4)When making a three-point turn, looks in both directions along the road immediately before moving across the road (before and after reversing) and immediately before reversing out of a driveway or away from the kerb.
5)When reversing as part of a three-point turn, looks in the direction of travel while reversing.
信号灯要打足够 3 秒钟的时间警告和提醒提示其他的司机和其他道路使用者,不可以造成不安全的形势,在转弯,并线和换车道的过程中 ,至少维持5秒的信号灯。
1)When pulling out from a parked or stationary position (whether on a road or in a car park), activates the appropriate turn indicator for at least 5 seconds before starting to move. Indicator use is required even if no other traffic is present.
2)Activates the turn indicator for the appropriate direction (left or right) for at least 3 seconds (even if no other traffic is present) before:
Does not drive in a bicycle-only lane (except when entering or leaving the road, pulling over to or out from the kerb or overtaking a right-turning vehicle, in which cases the applicant is permitted to drive in a bicycle lane for up to 50 metres).
5. 典型性错误:
1)Too slow:开车太慢,红绿灯变成绿灯的时候没有移动,虽然没有造成事故但是没有注意到其他道路使用者;
2) Fail to look
Recorded if
1)When pulling out from the kerb, the applicant does not check the mirrors AND does not do a head check before moving off.
2) When diverging left or right by at least the width of the car, the applicant does not check the mirrors AND does not do a head check before diverging.
3) When changing lanes or partially changing lanes, the applicant does not check the mirrors AND does not do a head check before crossing the lane boundary.
4) When required by the road rules to give way to conflicting traffic, the applicant fails to look for conflicting traffic before proceeding.
3) Fail to signal:应该给信号的时候没有给出信号来;
4) 挡住行人通道线
5) 停车的时候有一个轮子上到了路沿;
6) 忘了发动汽车,
7) 停止标志前并没有完全的停下来。
6. 犯规行为如下:
1) 考官任何情况下的干预;
7. Reverse Parking和Three point turn
1)Completes the reverse park in no more than 4 vehicle movements and in no more than 2 minutes (unless traffic conditions make this unreasonable).
2) Does not reverse more than 7 metres behind the rear of the vehicle in front (measured from the rear of the parked vehicle to the front of the applicant’s car) (see Figure 19).
3) Finishes with the front and rear left wheels within 300 mm of the kerb.
4) Finishes with the front of the car between 1 and 2 metres behind the rear of the vehicle in front.
5) Does not hit the kerb heavily enough to cause discomfort to vehicle occupants.
6) Does not allow any wheel to mount the kerb while parking.
Makes a head check after activating the turn indicator immediately before pulling out from the kerb.

8. 经典考试路线(Burwood East考区)
Burwood East考区基本在A B C D四个区域。基本套路是出路局后:1)左转burwood highway,到blackburn road上左转或者右转进小路,完成第一部分小路测试。出小路后开上大路,主要是变道、小路进大路、大路进小路;2)右转burwood highway,到springvale road上左转,然后进某个小路,完成第一部分小路测试。出小路后开上大路,主要是变道、小路进大路、大路进小路。
9. 对于国内老司机
1). 路权的概念:国内变道时前车有绝对的优势,一般是只要车头能进就勇敢抢。澳洲显然是不行的,必须给后车留足位置(以后车不需要踩刹车为准)。
2). roundabout:这个我一开始最困惑。按照规则是让rounda内的车和右边的车,但是如果车多的话,形成deadlock怎么办?我的理解是如果deadlock,就是轮流通行。
3). Gap selection。这个主要是大路进小路,小路进大路(特别是右转的时机)。对于考驾照的时候,宁愿多等一会,不要抢。
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