



北京、上海、广州机场实行外国人72小时过境免签政策及常遇问题解答Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Concerning 72-hour Transit Visa Exemption for Foreign Nationals Measure atAirports of Beijing, Shang

来源:   时间:2013年08月07日  


[News in Brief]: The measure of 72-hour Transit Visa Exemption for Foreign Nationals for citizens from 45 countries destined for a third country (region) with booked connecting flight goes into force as of 1st January 2013 at the ports of entry of the airports in Shanghai and Beijing. During the visa exemption period, the passenger is allowed to move around within the administration precincts of Beijing and Shanghai municipality.


[News in Brief]: The measure of 72-hour Transit Visa Exemption for Foreign Nationals for citizens from 45 countries destined for a third country (region) with booked connecting flight goes into force as of 1st August 2013 at the port of entry of the Baiyun Airport of Guangzhou. During the visa exemption period, the passenger is allowed to move around within the administration precincts of Guangdong province.

1、 符合哪些条件的外国人可以申请在北京、上海、广州机场口岸72小时免签过境?

What requirements foreign nationals have to meet to apply for the 72-hour transit visa exemption at ports of entry in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou?


       Answer: There are 3 requirements: 1) Citizens from the 45 countries under the 72-hour Transit Visa Exemption Program; 2) Foreign nationals with valid international traveling documents and air ticket for a connecting flight with confirmed date of flight and seat for a third country (region) traveling within 72 hours; 3) Transit passengers from the Capital Airport of Beijing or Pudong or Hongqiao Airports of Shanghai or Baiyun Airport of Guangzhou for a third country (region).

2、 哪些国家旅客可以申请72小时免签过境?

Travelers from what countries may apply for the 72-hour transit visa exemption?


   Answer: Travelers from the 45 countries may apply for the 72-hour transit visa exemption, which are: 1) 24 Schengen countries in Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherland, Poland, Portugal, Slovak, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. 2) 7 other European countries: Russia, Great Britain, Ireland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine. 6 American countries: The United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile. 4) 2 Oceanian countries: Australia and New Zealand. 5) 6 Asian countries: Republic of Korea, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.

3、 符合72小时过境免签条件的外国人,如何申请过境?

How can a foreign national that meets the requirements for the 72-hour transit visa exemption apply for it?


       Answer: A foreign national that meets the requirements may submit his/her request to the airline company that carries him/her to Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou and the airline company or the passenger him/herself shall make the application to the border control authorities of the airports that shall grant a temporary entry of a passenger meeting the requirements for transit visa exemption upon verification.

4、 如果入境时没有买好出境的机票,计划先入境后再买72小时内离境前往第三国的机票,是否可申请72小时过境免签?

Can a traveler apply for the 72-hour transit visa exemption when no exit air ticket is bought at the time of entry but he or she plans to purchase the air ticket for a third country leaving within 72 hours after entry?


Answer: According to the requirements, a foreign national applying for the 72-hour transit visa exemption must hold the air ticket for a connecting flight with confirmed date of flight and seat, i.e., the exit air ticket is already in place before entry. Therefore, this facilitation measure does not apply to a foreign national that does not have a confirmed air ticket for a connecting flight leaving within 72 hours.

5、 从某一国家(地区)来北京、上海或者广州,已订妥确定日期和座位的72小时内返回其来自国(地区)的机票,是否可以适用此政策?

Does this measure apply to a foreign national coming to Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou from a certain country (region) with a confirmed air ticket for flying back to the same country (region) where he or she comes from within 72 hours with confirmed date of flight and seat?


Answer: According to the requirements, the 72-hour transit visa exemption measure is for a foreign national passing through Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou for a third country or region. Therefore this measure does not apply to a passenger traveling from New York, USA, and stopping over at Beijing on his/her way to Los Angeles, USA.

6、 外国人办理72小时过境免签手续入境后,是否可以离开北京、上海或者广州前往中国其他城市?外国人办理72小时过境免签手续入境后因特殊原因无法在72小时内及时离境,该怎么办?

Can a foreign national leave Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou for another Chinese city after getting the 72-hour transit visa exemption? What should be done in case a foreign national who has the 72-hour transit visa exemption cannot leave China within 72 hours due to some special reason after entry?


Answer: A foreign national obtaining the 72-hour transit visa exemption at the airports of Beijing or Shanghai may not leave the administrative precincts of Beijing or Shanghai. A foreign national obtaining the 72-hour transit visa exemption at the airport of Guangzhou may leave the city of Guangzhou but not travel beyond the administrative precincts of Guangdong province. In case of need to leave the precinct for some special reason, the passenger must apply for a visa to the exit-entry administration department of the municipal public security authorities of Beijing, Shanghai or the province of Guangdong as required by the law.


A foreign national having the 72-hour transit visa exemption should leave China within the permitted time. In case of special need to stay longer than 72 hours, the passenger should apply for the relevant visa to the exit-entry administration department of the municipal public security authorities of Beijing, Shanghai or the province of Guangdong before leaving China as required by the law.


In case a foreign national fails to apply for the required visa, he or she shall be dealt with in accordance with the law for illegal residence in China by the exit-entry administration department of the public security authorities or border control station of the location where such an act is found. The border control authorities are entitled to deny his or her application for the 72-hour transit visa exemption via an airline company the next time because of such a breach.

7、 外国人在北京首都机场办理72小时过境免签手续入境后,可否申请从上海空港口岸或者广州白云机场出境?

In case a foreign national has entered China with the 72-hour transit visa exemption issued by the Capital Airport of Beijing, can he or she apply to leave China from an airport in Shanghai or at the Baiyun Airport of Guangzhou?


Answer: A foreign national with the 72-hour transit visa exemption is not allowed to leave the city where the stopover is permitted. Therefore, a foreign national obtaining the 72-hour transit visa exemption at the Capital Airport of Beijing shall leave China from the same airport in Beijing within the permitted time of stay and may not leave China from an airport in Shanghai or the Baiyun Airport of Guangzhou.

8、 可否乘火车从北京西客站入境再于72小时内乘飞机出境?

Can a passenger enter China at the Beijing West Train Station and then leave by air within 72 hours?


Answer: This measure is currently available only at the airports of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, which means the 72-hour transit visa exemption in Beijing is only applicable to a passenger obtaining it at the Beijing Capital Airport.

9、 如果我对此项政策还有疑问,我该如何咨询?

In case I have more questions concerning this measure, how can I ask for an answer?


Answer: You may make an inquiry with the border control authorities of the ports of entry in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou or leave a message under the column of Asking Questions to the Police on the website of the Ministry of Public Security. Contact phone of the Beijing General Station of Immigration Inspection: 010-56095400; Contact phone of the Shanghai General Station of Immigration Inspection: 021-51105100; Contact phone of the Guangzhou General Station of Immigration Inspection: 020-32090088. Website of the Ministry of Public Security: www.mps.gov.cn.

10、      上海市对部分外国人过境48小时免签证政策是否继续适用?

Will the 48-hour transit visa exemption by the Shanghai municipality for certain foreign nationals continue to apply?


Answer: The 48-hour transit visa exemption for certain foreign nationals by the Shanghai municipality ceases to apply as from the date of the 72-hour transit visa exemption coming into effect in Shanghai.



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