-可即刻入住& P) i$ t1 p% ^. f
-单人房Queen bed + 大wardrobe
-三分钟到botany shopping centre,五分钟上高速 x C8 o, M" j
-大窗户,阳光好,安静7 X0 [ ?' p* i9 O
-现有两个房客,都是女生,上班族,所以不招男士,不好意思。6 w2 t& j4 Y( r" ^/ c6 [& b
-需要与另外一位女士share洗手间和浴室。" F% T* a0 q8 b! O
-包水电网光纤,不包烤箱暖气(需要用的话须提前商量). b7 w- z7 c# D1 q
-需要轮流承担部分家务(扔垃圾)6 T9 U6 n1 U( D( R- \
-懒得放照片了$ F1 O; q( I% o
! v2 A: V; V( p
- Available now
- One bedroom with a queen size bed, looking for a female Boarder/Flatmate.
- 2 current flatmate, both female and working professional, full time, very friendly and very nice.
# }8 y2 C' R7 h8 o5 k' q
- Close to Botany downs shopping centre, botany junction; p5 C4 x0 ]4 G/ }/ ^/ R9 {
- Bus stop outside on Smales Road.
- big window, plenty of Sunshine.) N. k+ |' x* C f$ i, _* R5 v
- Facing East, so warm in the morning, not too hot in the afternoon.% I! g2 R: ~+ l
+ `& @" R' n' @ v$ s1 w
- Built-in wardrobe.6 U+ U1 }0 V1 @
- Furnished with a queen Bed and a desk.
- will share the bathroom and toilet with one of the flatmates.
3 Q# v# s4 e4 b+ }1 A
- Internet, Electricity, Water included.: K7 J; K7 h! {- P. R, q
- Extra cost for using heaters in winter.# y) z5 U( S9 t( h2 B
3 r1 T! l6 O( L1 V% F
- Full time working professionals/students preferred0 q: `' m$ ^& Y7 k" @+ m9 y1 B
- Clean and Tidy8 \/ f2 a0 s, L6 ?. W9 Z& W8 `
- Need to share housework. (take terms of taking the rubbish out and vacuum the living room etc)0 k! |) d2 p1 r
- No pets or smokers.
- please call or txt me via: 02102945685
- email [email protected]

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