新西兰Remuera 两个双人房出租加微信看图~阳光超好三面


7 l* X  I8 W. [* h; S+ j# Y7 h' ?中区remuera出租两间卧室,楼上大卧室235, 和一个女生share卫生间。超大客厅厨房阳光超好。楼下卧室地毯翻修,有独立卫生间,这一层只有你这一个卧室,有一个厕所应该都是你用(不是地下室也不是车库改装),255。每个月大家一起share expence大概每个星期30水电网清洁、家里有两个女生一只猫,一个是医生顾问一个是澳大营养学研究生,平时沉迷学习工作比较安静但是也喜欢一起玩。要求爱干净爱动物不抽烟的人合租。感兴趣麻烦私信给你看照片谢谢啦!!!可以一起玩桌游 热衷于神奇食物的我会偶尔投食。完全尊重个人空间,才不会去碰别人的卧室(不可抗力因素除外)。喜欢听相声小品魔术杂技拥有着90后空巢老人的特质。喜欢麻烦联系我么么哒。两个人一个大冰箱 加微信reginamuse看图~~~有只猫可撸。。。- O8 R7 a& a0 [+ o0 D. f- t) c
, [% _% W/ n& ]* Q) L$ X

+ d) K* Y3 H" x$ m, m8 s" F/ U# `/ w4 @, }/ n, Y
& H! y! n" ]: q. ^! ^
Hi all. My sis n I and my cat Sugar just rented a house with 4 bedrooms in Remuera and we are looking for other two lovely people to join. We share expenses but the cleaning company comes every fortnight and u don’t need to pay for that>< There are 4 bedrooms in this house. We are renting out two other bedroom, nice size, nice sunshine and super huge kitchen with roof top windows #fancy . Bedroom downstairs has its own bathroom and is quite as it’s the only bedroom on level 1 -$260/week. The second bedroom is bigger and one level 2, share a bathroom with my sis (yes I got the master bedroom god I love Asian culture when this happens Hahahah ) and has HEAPS OF STORAGE PLACE -$240/week. We share the expense which is around 25 per week for everything. I work at Middlemore hospital., soon rotating back to Auckland hospital and my sis studies at UOA Grafton campus so u know , happy to carpool if u work at ADHB*. Move in date downstairs is 15.11 and upstairs 15.12. Lemme know if you are interested. Not a party house but all good for a drink or two, or three .... There’s basketball area next to the garage so enough space for you to play and for me to pretend that I am tall enough to play. Pm me if you are interested. No couples sorry. But if u occasionally wanna be naughty that’s fine as long as u let us know so we don’t call the police thinking someone broke in.....



新西兰$ s+ t- {5 [. n. q" j J9 K# T- x8 w8 d/ z 交通购物都非常方便单人房2 c3 ~7 T' {4 {' O 水电网全包.50米远公车站、# X8 j. H4 t2 K! O# J9 Y* Oc 走路3分钟到火车站、2stage 到city% k6 A+ q/ g; }: i# `$ `3 ]' |. y 走路 ...


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