Blockhouse Bay 阳光,宽敞,干净 studio 出租,友善KIWI 家庭,studio 位于主屋的后面, 有独立卫浴和洗衣房,独立出入,室外 GARDEN SHED 可供煮食。
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地理位置优越,2分钟步行到著名私校 AIC,10分钟步行到附近超市,外卖和巴士站, 15分钟步行到New Lynn购物中心,电影院火车站, 20分钟车程到奥克兰CBD 等。
5 b8 q) n% P+ q) O5 m
好房招租单人或双人,单人$250/周或双人$300/周,电,水和无线网络全包。从2018-09-18起, 即可入住。# e+ o8 s) \6 c" K) p& \2 _% A
有意者,请联系 Carissa, 电话0279404331, 邮件[email protected]
! m% E% N5 j6 K3 U. s0 _7 b+ W# ]( x
Accommodation available from 25.09.18
Auckland blockhouse bay
Sleepout available to rent in blockhouse bay $250 per week single person or $300 per week for a couple rent includes power , water and wifi .+ m! l: i, t. ?2 Y0 _! v/ l! _6 \4 M, |8 A
This clean tidy sunny Sleepout is situated at the back of the main house it has its own entrance , bathroom/laundry . No kitchen but there is a small shed next to the Sleepout that is suitable to cook in.
+ A& R6 ~$ d3 ?! N& N/ _: s
Great location 10 minutes walk to blockhouse bay village supermarket , takeaways and bus stops. 15 minutes walk to New Lynn shopping mall with cinemas restaurants train station and more . 20 minutes drive to Auckland CBD. 9 u {! @) [! M0 s5 J3 D, o
contact Carissa wells 0279404331 8 M0 |* Z5 a. o3 F, P4 S
[email protected]