

(第十届)新西兰中国电影节影展将于11月23日登陆奥克兰,届时,在Rialto 电影院(www.rialtocinemas.co.nz)将能欣赏到来自中国的佳片展映。

 电影节组委会收到了中国驻新西兰大使馆王鲁彤大使,驻奥克兰总领事馆许尔文总领事,驻克赖斯特彻奇总领事馆汪志坚总领事,新西兰文化遗产艺术部部长,民族事务部部长,中国国家新闻出版广电总局电影局,新西兰电影委员会David Gibson总裁, 大奥克兰市Phil Goff市长, 惠灵顿市Justin Lester市长, 克莱斯特彻奇Lianne Dalziel市长,新西兰中国文化中心郭宗光主任,新西兰邓里文化艺术基金会邓里主席,新西兰太平洋文化艺术交流中心和志耘主席的贺词。

本次电影节得到了中华人民共和国驻新西兰大使馆, 驻奥克兰总领事馆, 驻克莱斯特彻奇总领事馆积极后援。得到了新西兰七彩中国文化传媒集团,大都会博物馆,精美印刷, ROBAM老板电器,联邦留学移民集团等商家的大力赞助。



Film titles of 2017 (10th) Chinese Film Festival in New Zealand:

1.«湄公河行动/Operation Mekong»-2016

导演: 林超贤

主要演员: 张涵予,彭于晏,冯文娟,吴旭东,孙淳



新西兰分级: R16 (暴力,粗俗语言,毒品)




• 获第36届香港电影金像奖最佳动作设计奖项

• 获第31届中国电影金鸡奖最佳故事片奖

Director: Dante Lam

Casts: Joyce Wenjuan Feng, Baoguo Chen, Xudong Wu 

Genre:Action, Adventure, Crime

Duration:124 mins

NZ Rating: R16 (Violence, offensive language & drug use)


Two Chinese merchant ships were attacked in Mekong river and 13 crews were killed. Thai policemen found 9 hundred thousand crystal meth on the ships. This new shocked China. Gang Gao, the leader of Narcotics Corps in Yun Nan province was assigned to lead a special team to Golden Triangle to investigate. Cooperated with a informer, Fanxin Wu, Gao discovered that 13 crew member were brutally murdered and framed up. Gao and Wu decided to fight for justice out of China no matter what it takes.

Awards History:

• 36th Hongkong Film Awards: Best action Cinematographer 

• 31th China Golden Rooster Film Awards: Best film

2.«大唐玄奘/Xuan Zang»-2016

导演: 霍建起

主要演员: 黄晓明,徐峥,蒲巴甲,罗晋,汤镇业



新西兰分级:M (暴力)




• 荣获第19届“上海国际电影节”电影频道传媒关注单元“最受传媒关注年度影片”

• 荣获2016年“中英电影节”最佳视觉效果奖

• 荣获首届“金砖国家电影节”最佳导演奖

• 荣获首届“意大利中国电影节”最佳男演员奖(黄晓明)。

• 荣获第三届“丝绸之路国际电影节”2016年传媒荣誉最佳故事片奖

• 荣获第13届中国长春电影节最佳华语故事片奖;凭借此片,黄晓明和孙明还分别摘得最佳男主角和最佳摄影奖

• 获第31届中国电影金鸡奖最佳摄影、最佳录音、最佳美术、最佳音乐四项提名

Director: Jianqi Huo

Casts:  Xiaoming Huang, Zheng Xu, Purba Rgyal


Duration:120 mins

NZ Rating: M (Violence)


During the Tang Dynasty's during the era of "Zhen Guan" (era name during rule of Emperor Taizong), the young Xuan Zang monk, in his quest for the knowledge in Buddhism, embarked on a journey to India, that is fraught with perils and dangers, natural disasters, and sees the sufferings of the common people. Soldiers gets in his way, his disciples betray him, he struggles through deserts, runs short of food and water, all in the quest for Buddha's teachings. He finally arrives in India, and studies Buddhism in earnest. By the time he returns to China, he is already 50 years old.

Award History:

• 19th Shanghai International Film Festival: The most popular film

• 2016 China British Film Festival: The best visual effect film

• 1st Brick Film Festival: The best director 

• 1st Italy China Film Festival: The best actor

• 3rd Silk Road Film Festival: The best film Media Award

• 13th China Changchun Film Festival: The best Chinese Feature Film, the best actor, the best cinematographer  

3.«惊天大逆转/Tik Tok»-2016

导演: 李骏

主要演员: 钟汉良,李政宰,郎月婷



新西兰分级: R13 (暴力)







Director: Jun Lee

Casts: Wallace Chung, Jung-jae Lee, Yueting Lang 

Genre:Action, Crime, Mystery

Duration:103 mins

NZ Rating: R13 (Violence)


Guo Zhida and his twins brother scheme an bomb explosion near the gym to take away money from gambling group. Korean police officer and psychologist Yang cooperates to prevent this conspiracy.

Awards History:

• 13th Guangzhou Undergraduates Film Festival: The most audiences like actor

4.«我的战争/My War»-2016

导演: 彭顺

主要演员: 刘烨,王珞丹,黄志忠,杨祐宁,叶青











Director:  Oxide Chun Pang

Casts: Paul Philip Clark, Gigi Lau, Ye Liu

Genre:History, War

Duration:120 mins

NZ Rating: M (Violence, offensive language & content that may disturb)


Historical drama following the Chinese volunteers sent to fight in the Korean War against the US where they experienced life and death and established profound revolutionary feelings.

Awards History:

• 3rd China Australia Film Festival: The best new actor

• 2016 Beijing Youth Film Festival: The most recommended film

5.«一句顶一万句/Someone to Talk to»-2016

导演: 刘雨霖

主要演员: 毛孩,刘蓓,范伟,李倩,李诺诺,齐溪,喻恩泰,孙茜



新西兰分级M (成人画面)




• 第五十三届台湾电影金马奖最佳女配角提名(刘蓓)

• 第二十一届釜山国际电影节新浪潮奖入围(最佳影片奖)

• 第三十八届开罗国际电影节金字塔奖入围(最佳影片奖)

Director: Yulin Liu

Casts: Hai Mao, Qian Li, Pei Liu


Duration:107 mins

NZ Rating: M (Adult themes)


A portrait of modern people who have forgotten how to converse, Someone to Talk to is Liu Yulin's feature film debut and was based on the book of the same title by Liu Zhenyun. Cobbler Aiguo is in conflict with his wife, while his older sister, street food vender Aixiang, considers marriage later in life. Both desperately want to communicate with someone, though their own situations are at opposite poles. Aiguo then breaks up with his wife and Aixiang marries divorcée Jiefang. Aiguo runs into his childhood friend Chuhong while searching for his wife and falls into conversation with her. It turns out that she is also divorced as a result of communication failure and it seems Aixiang and Jiefang can't get along either. Why does their communication fail like that? How come Aiguo can converse so comfortably with Chuhong? Liu Yulin highlights the idea that Aiguo and his wife, Aixiang and Jiefang are not unusual, but it is universal among modern people of today.

Awards History:

• 53rd Taiwan Film Festival: The best supporting actress(Nomination)

• 21st Busan Film Festival: The best film

• 38th Cairo International Film Festival: The best film

6.«路边野餐/Kaili Blues» -2016

导演: 毕赣

主要演员: 陈永忠,郭月,余世学

影片类别:剧情。 奇幻


新西兰分级: PG(成人画面)


在贵州黔东南神秘潮湿的亚热带乡土,大雾弥漫的凯里县城诊所里,两个医生心事重重活得像幽灵。陈升为了母亲的遗愿,踏上火车寻找弟弟抛弃的孩子;而另一位孤独的老女人托他带一张照片、一件衬衫、一盒磁带给病重的旧情人。去镇远县城的路上,陈升来到一个叫荡麦的地方,那里的时间不是线性的 ,人们的生活相互补充和消解。他似乎经历了过去、现在和未来,重新思索了自己的生活。最终,陈升到了镇远,只是用望远镜远远地看了孩子。把老女人的信物给了她旧情人的儿子,一个人再次踏上火车。他分不清这个世界是他的记忆,或者是他对这世界的一个浮想。


• 第三十七届法国南特三大洲国际电影节最佳影片“金气球”奖

• 第五十二届台湾电影金马奖最佳新导演,国际影评人费比西奖

• 第六十八届洛迦诺国际电影节当代电影人单元最佳新导演银豹奖

• 第十五届土耳其伊斯坦堡独立电影节金奖,影评人奖

• 第十六届西班牙加纳利群岛拉斯帕尔马斯国际电影节金奖

• 第六届墨西哥UNAM国际电影节最佳导演奖

• 第七届中国电影导演协会年度青年导演奖

• 第二十四届北京大学生电影节艺术探索奖

Director: Gan Bi

Casts: Yongzhong Chen, Yue Guo, Linyan Liu 

Genre:Drama Mystery 

Duration:113 mins

NZ Rating: PG (Adult themes)


In the mystical, subtropical province of Guizhou, there is a small county clinic surrounded by fog. At the Kaili clinic, there are two doctors who live quiet, lonely lives. One of the doctors, Chen Sheng, embarks on a journey by train to find his nephew, who had been abandoned by his brother. On the way to Zhenyuan, Chen Sheng came across a place called Dang Mai, where time seemed to flow both forwards and backwards, the lives of the local people a complete mystery. He experiences his own past and future, lending him insight into his own life. Once Chen arrives at Zhen Yuan, rather than approaching his nephew, he watches secretly from a distance, he is surprised to find that his nephew flourished in the absence of his father, and decides not to interfere in his life. Before he had left Kaili, he had promised his colleague that he would stop by the home of her former lover to deliver some items, but upon his arrival, he is told that the man had passed away, and he leaves the box of mementos ...

Awards History:

• 2016 Asia Pacific Screen Awards: Young Cinema Award - Special Mention

• 2016 Beijing International Film Festival: Best New Director

• 2016 Golden Horse Film Festival: Best New Director

• 2016 Las Palmas Film Festival: The Best Film

• 2016 Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival: The Best Film

• 2016 Locarno International Film Festival: Best Emerging Director, Best First Feature Film

• 2016 Nantes Three Continents Festival: The Best Film 

7.«三城记/A Tale of Three Cities»-2015

导演: 张婉婷

主要演员: 刘青云,汤唯,秦海璐,井柏然,黄觉,金燕玲

影片类别:剧情, 爱情


新西兰分级:M  (暴力,粗俗语言及内容)





2016 香港国际电影节提名:最佳女主角,最佳女配角,最佳艺术指导,最佳服装化妆

Director: Mabel Cheung

Casts: Anthony Gavard, Silvia Bottini, Boran Jing, Miroslav Karel, Qin Hailu


Duration:130 mins

NZ Rating: M (Violence, offensive language & content that may disturb)


A Hong Kong war romantic film set in World War II based on the real-life story of Jackie Chan's parents, Charles and Lee-Lee Chan.

Awards History:

• 2016 Hong Kong Film Awards Nominations: Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Costume & Make Up Design.

8.«命中注定/Only You»-2015

导演: 张皓

主要演员: 汤唯,廖凡,苏岩

影片类别:剧情, 爱情


新西兰分级PG (暴力,粗俗语言,性内容)



Director: Hao Zhang

Casts:  Silvia Bottini, Fan Liao, Yan Su 


Duration:113 mins

NZ Rating: PG (Violence, coarse language & sexual references)


A woman, unhappy with her fiancé, travels to Italy to find her true love; and all she knows about him is his name.

9.«穆桂英挂帅/Mu Quiying Assuming Command»-2016

导演: 夏钢

主要演员: 李胜素, 于魁智,袁慧琴, 杨赤, 杜喆,黄炳强



新西兰分级: G





Director: Gang Xia

Casts:  Shengsu Li, Kuizhi Yu, Huiqin Yuan, Chi Yang, Ji Du, Bingqiang Huang

Genre:Beijing Opera, history 

Duration:113 mins

NZ Rating: G


Western Xia invaded Song Dynasty, so the North Song military needs to select the Marshal, finally Yang Wenguang was selected after he killed Wang Lun. With Chancellor Kou Zhun’s nomination, the Song Emperor selected Ms Mu Guiying to be the Command. Then Ms Mu, over 50 years old, conversed by her mother in law to fight for the Song Dynasty. 

Awards History:

• 26th China Golden Rooster Film Award: the best Opera film 

10.«建军大业/ The Founding of An Army »-2017

导演: 刘伟强

主要演员: 刘烨,朱亚文,黄志忠,王景春,欧豪,刘昊然,马天宇,小爱,张艺兴,李易峰,白宇,梁大维,于和伟,吴樾,白客,刘循子墨,董子健,陈晓,杨大鹏,保剑锋

影片类别:剧情, 动作,历史


新西兰分级:R13 (血腥,暴力)


1927年,北伐战争刚取得重大成果之际,国民党“右派”为夺权 叛变革命,发动了疯狂的“清共”行动,短短数月,近31万进步同胞遭到残酷杀害,全国震惊,刚刚看到希望的中国即将再次陷入军阀混战和独裁专制的深渊。



• 2017微博电影之夜“最受期待战争电影”

• 第十四届精神文明建设“五个一工程”特别奖

Director: Wai-Keung Lau

Casts:  Ye Liu, Yawen Zhu, Tianyu Ma, Yifeng Li, Hewei Yu, Yu Bai, Bai-Ke, Liang Dawei, Jianfeng Bao

Genre:Drama, Action, History

Duration:133 mins

NZ Rating: R13 (Bloody Violence and content that may disturb) 


In 1927, the Northern Expedition had just made significant achievements, the Kuomintang "right" rebelled revolution and launched a crazy attack. Within a few months, nearly 31 million progressive compatriots were brutally killed. The killings shocked the country. China was about to fall into the abyss of warlord and dictatorship once again.

Because of being no own armed forces, under the Kuomintang "right" crazy attack, the establishment of less than 7 years of the Chinese Communist Party was almost devastated. Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other party members realized importance of own armed forces. Joining with Zhu De, He Long, Ye Ting, Liu Bocheng and many patriotic generals were vowing to form the people's army. 

Awards History:

• 2017 Weibo Film Night: the most expected war film

11.«六年六天/6 years, 6 days»-2017

导演: 沈东

主要演员: 王骁,姜瑞佳



新西兰分级: PG



Director: Dong Shen

Casts: Xiao Wang, Ruijia Jiang

Genre:Drama, Romance 

Duration: 96mins

NZ Rating: PG


In the summer of 2012, the former Beijing Olympic Games volunteer (LU YUAN) was far from being willing to obey his father's plan to be a village official in Beijing, then he met with his fellow 2008 Beijing Olympics volunteer (XIAO DUO). The two quickly fall in love and plan to meet each other again in Beijing on August 8 each year. Following the next six years, they love each other, but missed again and again. Until XIAO DUO came back to China from oversea study, and LU YUAN became an outstanding member of the communist party at the grass level, they finally stay together. 

12.«你若安好/Doctor’s Mind»-2017

导演: 刘抒鹃

主要演员: 保剑锋,隋源,孙茜,田牧寰,翟小兴,袁霞,嘉央桑珠






Director: Shujuan Liu 

Casts: Jianfeng Bao, Yuan Sui,Qian Sun, Muhuan Tian, Muzi Li, Xiaoxing Zhai, Xia Yuan, Jiayangsangzhu



NZ Rating: G


The sunshine girl Jin Shanshan is a student trained for being a General Practitioner in Beijing Huaxia Hospital. She wishes to use what she learned to stop the tragedy of her mother's death to repeat. She witnessed Dr. Pan Feng, Director of the emergency department, under investigation for the doctor-patient conflicts. Dr. Pan thus resigned. He finally went to the communities and became a real health-carer of the people -- General Practitioner. During Jin’s internship in Beijing Huaxia Hospital, she feels that patients are unbearable to see a doctor, and doctors are also struggling to cope. The only way to solve the medical problem can only be "building foundation in the communities".


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...