新西兰工党David Shearer:约翰基重政治算计而轻真相


  对约翰基而言,维系这个位置越来越不稳的政府的存活要比查清倒底是谁外泄了事关国家安全的敏感报告重要得多。  约翰基无法告诉国人是谁泄露了Kitteridge报告。这是因为他已经拒绝让他的部长们宣誓说实话。我倒




  基先生眼下全靠彼德邓(Peter Dunne)的一票来支撑他的政府。对于约翰基来说,比起去查清泄露高度敏感报告的真相,保住彼德邓要重要得多。



  彼德邓先生拒绝配合David Henry针对国家安保机构GCSB的高度敏感报告被泄露事件的调查,这令外界疑窦丛生、留下太多疑问。






  David   SHEARER   Labour Leader 

  7June2013                                                            MEDIA STATEMENT

  Key puts political expediency before the truth

  John Key has put the survival of his increasingly unstable government ahead of getting to the bottom of who leaked a sensitive report on our national security, Labour Leader David Shearer says.

  “John Key cannot tell New Zealanders who leaked the Kitteridge Report. This is because he has refused to put his Ministers under oath.  I would question whether John Key really wants to get to the bottom of who leaked the report.

  “It is not good enough for the PM to let matters rest here. The public has the right to the truth. The consequences or otherwise of the justice system should flow if there has been a breach of the law.

  “Mr Key is relying on Peter Dunne’s vote to prop up his government.  That is more important to John Key than getting the truth about the leaking of a highly sensitive document.

  “New Zealanders deserve to know the truth. It may be that this is a criminal matter, and it could end up being the police who do Mr Key’s work for him.

  “Peter Dunne appears to have misled the New Zealand public and if cannot be upfront with the public he must resign from Parliament.

  “Mr Dunne’s refusal to comply with David Henry over the leaking of a highly sensitive report on the GCSB leaves too many unanswered questions.

  “The report says that just three people were in a position to have leaked this information, and two of them have been cleared.

  “This job needs to be finished by an authority with the appropriate powers to require the emails and texts to be disclosed, and to ask Mr Dunne to give evidence on oath.

  “This isn’t a case of Mr Key having his hands tied. He absolutely has the authority to get to the bottom of this.

  “Mr Key says he wants to trust Mr Dunne but has implied that he can’t. If Mr Key can’t trust someone he relies on for confidence and supply, then how can New Zealanders have trust in him?

  “The Key-led government is now being propped up by a person who is in court charged with electoral fraud, John Banks; and a person who John Key says he cannot trust, Peter Dunne.”

  Authorised by David Shearer, MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington  


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...