新西兰近年来寿命最短的一个政府部门花了超过50万纽元在它的品牌宣传上,其中还包括180瓶推广活动用的橡皮泥。 工党领袖大卫•谢尔表示,政府一方面裁减前线员工和削减服务,一方面却把这些钱花在创办只
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工党领袖大卫•谢尔表示,政府一方面裁减前线员工和削减服务,一方面却把这些钱花在创办只维持18个月的科学与创新部 (Ministry of Science and Innovation), 简直是不可思议的浪费行径。
所有那些笔、标牌、海报和橡皮泥可能已经一股脑儿被扔到经济发展部长斯蒂芬•乔伊斯宠爱的 MoBIE(政府四部门重组合并)项目名下的垃圾箱里去了。这真是令人骇然的浪费。
工党的研究显示,2010年财政部建议由两个机构组成的科学与创新部应该并入经济发展部。国家党先是忽视了财政部的建议,但几个月后又改变主意宣布成立新的企业、研发与就业部 (MoBIE),将科学与创新部、经济发展部与其它机构合并入这个新的大部。
MSI 现在可以称之为愚蠢综合部 (Ministry of Silly Integrations). 过去两年来,科学与创新部门的官员们一会儿被并入这个部,一会儿又被并入那个部,如此而阻碍了政策发展。 正是因为这样,政府一直都没有创新政策能说得出口或拿得出手。(霍建强议员办公室 供稿)
Labour Leader
23 July 2012
18-month ministry spent thousands on branding
Over half a million dollars was spent on the shortest-lived ministry of recent times for a flash fit-out and branding that included 180 punnets of promotional putty.
Labour Leader David Shearer says the money spent on creating the Ministry of Science and Innovation, that lasted just 18 months, is incredibly wasteful at a time when the government is laying off frontline staff and cutting services.
“The Ministry of Science and Innovation spent $420,000 on branding and a website, including almost $70,000 on a visual identity, $27,000 on a logo, $20,000 on stationery, $16,000 on signs and $1,000 on promotional putty. All for an 18-month ministry.
“All those pens, signs, posters and putty punnets have may as well have been chucked into a rubbish skip behind Steven Joyce’s pet project MoBIE. An astonishing waste.”
Labour’s research reveals Treasury recommended in 2010 that the two agencies that formed MSI should instead be merged into the Ministry of Economic Development. National ignored the advice but months later changed its mind and announced the new Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, incorporating MSI and MED and other agencies.
David Shearer says: “The Government’s supposed public service reform is an incoherent ego trip for ministers. First Wayne Mapp wanted a stand-alone science ministry. But it was a case of new minister, new ministry as Steven Joyce came in and created his MoBIE empire.
“MSI now stands for Ministry of Silly Integrations. For over two years science and innovation officials have been in one merger or another. The plain fact is that mergers stall policy development and that’s why there hasn’t been an innovation policy to speak of from this government.”