英文先驱报6月9日报道 周六晚上,Manurewa地区一家酒店遭遇一伙武装劫匪抢劫,店主胸部中枪,被送往Middlemore医院,但抢救无效,于今天早上死亡。
这位店主名叫Navtej Singh,印度裔,今年30岁,在Rivertone Drive上开了一家酒店(Riverton Liquor shop )。没想到上周六晚上,遭到三名身穿连帽T恤、手持枪械的歹徒抢劫。这三名冷血歹徒的整个抢劫过程被店内摄影机所拍下。
根据摄影机拍下的录像显示,这三名歹徒于上周六晚上大约9点进入该酒店。其中两名歹徒进店后搬走了两箱啤酒,而另一面歹徒则用一把0.22口径的长枪威胁着站在柜台后的店主Singh先生和其店员Gurwinder Singh。
高级警长Dave Pizzini今天表示,根据录像显示,店主Singh先生并没有与歹徒抵抗,他一直都遵从他们的威胁和要求。这些歹徒实在太冷血,太麻木不仁。
The shooting was captured on security camera. Anyone with information should call the police on (09) 295-0200. Photo / Supplied
The Liquor Store on Riverton Road in Manurewa where a man was shot late on Saturday evening. Photo / Greg Bowker
Footage of the robbery and shooting in the Riverton Liquor shop. Photo / Supplied
Footage of the robbery and shooting in the Riverton Liquor shop. Photo / Supplied
Footage of the robbery and shooting in the Riverton Liquor shop. Photo / Supplied
Footage of the robbery and shooting in the Riverton Liquor shop. Photo / Supplied
Footage of the robbery and shooting in the Riverton Liquor shop. Photo / Supplied
Footage of the robbery and shooting in the Riverton Liquor shop. Photo / Supplied