澳大利亚房产 OASIS Property Buyers 悉尼
嗨,我正在考虑在 BA(OASIS Property Buyers)的帮助下在布里斯班购买房产确定靠近 CBD 的固定郊区的房产 他们预测布里斯班房地产市场的增长将比其他首府城市好得多,如果我能获得一些...澳洲华人论坛
嗨,我正在考虑在 BA(OASIS Property Buyers)的帮助下在布里斯班购买房产确定靠近 CBD 的固定郊区的房产 他们预测布里斯班房地产市场的增长将比其他首府城市好得多,如果我能获得一些...澳洲华人论坛
http:wwwrealestatecomaucgi-bieramp;ccamp;c30817348amp;swaamp;snfrbsamp;tm1231226663 大家好,你能和我讨论一下上面的单元吗?我对单元知之甚少——尤其是 CBD 附近的 1 个卧室,但希望那些可能知道的人提...澳洲华人论坛
有谁知道这个问题的答案如果一个人通过信托方式投资一个IP,这是否会阻止他在以后购买自己的房产时有权获得首次购房者7000美元的赠款 评论 如果一个人购买了一个 IP 并且没有居住...澳洲华人论坛
嘿,我正在考虑购买我的第一处房产(墨尔本),有没有人想知道“四大”银行中哪家更好的银行可以通过抵押贷款,或者目前有一家适合的大银行抵押贷款首次置业者 评论 取决于您需...澳洲华人论坛
认为这些统计数据很有趣,根据 NAB 最近的一份报告,在上个季度外国买家占: 维多利亚州新房地产销售的 325% 全国所有新房地产销售的 148% 我预计 Syd 的百分比最高 不是这样据 NAB MT...澳洲华人论坛
任何人都知道在珀斯购买价值 75 万美元的 resi 房产的买家代理会收取多少费用是固定费用还是会随着房产成本的增加而增加是否有专门从事商业地产的买家代理谢谢 评论 它是不受监管...澳洲华人论坛
过去在论坛上有很多关于买家代理的价值的讨论,我曾经有过负面经历,但仍然会考虑在适当的情况下使用一个。除此之外,我很想听听那些有过与买家代理的积极体验 目的是确定哪些...澳洲华人论坛
不知道有没有大神用过Buyers agent, 收2-3%的commision 你们觉得值吗?为什么听认识的房产大牛说以后buyers agent是趋势,真的是这样吗?有正在做这个 的大神也希望能来交流一下想法和意见,...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/proper ... 8objectid=11558417 ........ My pick is that Chinese interest will pick up again next year. While the new tax rules may put off some buyers, it will not put them all off. Likewise getting money out of Chi...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/new ... p;objectid=11595257 The day after a couple moved into their new home, a police officer who lived next door knocked on their door to tell them the previous owner sold methamphetamine from the home. The Au...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1objectid=11149724 The couple who bought the winning home on TV3's The Block live in China and have never seen the show. Angela Shen had given her NZ-based sister Stella Shen the task of fi...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8objectid=11156001 First-home buyers are panic buying to get on the property ladder since the mortgage lending restrictions came in, property experts say. The buyers are opting for an...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8objectid=11181102 Sales of land to overseas investors have hit a seven-year high, just as a Herald-DigiPoll survey shows the issue remains a worry for a majority of New Zealanders. O...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/ ... vous-of-brick-homes A drop in demand for two-storey brick houses appears to be due to perceived issues after the Canterbury earthquakes, rather than reality. Mike Pero Real Estate's Graeme Wilson said th...澳洲华人论坛
First-home buyers 'shouldn't hold out for dropping prices' Friday 1 August 2014 First-home buyers waiting for prices to fall may be waiting a long time, says CoreLogic’s director of research. Jonno Ingerson said the proportion of first-ho...澳洲华人论坛
RT:Some Auckland house hunters under pressure to find the right property are making snap purchase decisions after viewing their new home for less than 30 minutes. Frustrated buyers who have lost at previous auctions are among those jumping o...澳洲华人论坛
难道是要抓“狐狸”? http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1objectid=11371447 Officials have been quietly working on a register of foreign buyers of New Zealand real estate even as the Government shrugged off the need...澳洲华人论坛
Auckland's blistering house prices could soon be exported tothe cities of Hamilton, Tauranga and Whangerei, mortgage brokers fear. This week, BNZ will be the last of the big Aussie banks tointroduce tough lending rules for investors which a...澳洲华人论坛
新闻链接: https://www.news.com.au/national ... 9fb59060b7e56fd1e2f ANU的经济学家分析补贴建筑行业会最大程度弥补疫情带来的经济衰退。 政府可能最早这周就会出补贴政策。 大家可以关注一下。...澳洲华人论坛
Chinese buyers abandon Australian property, replaced by US investors: FIRB report domain.com.au 评论 Really? 土澳国门没开,美国人怎么进来 评论 华人脑子一下子清楚了 评论 华人脑子一下子清楚了 评论 终于...澳洲华人论坛
最近准备买一个2手旧APT,只写我一个人的名字。 研究了一下 首次置业的政府免税申请表。 发现居然还需要我配偶的资料, 签名和证件什么的。但我配偶不在澳洲 (明年才来), 又没...澳洲华人论坛
收到推广的邮件,这个周末开始,不知道以前有没有人去过,感觉怎样 http://www.homebuyershow.com.au/ DATES TIMES FRIDAY 19 JULY 2013 10AM - 5PM SATURDAY 20 JULY 2013 10AM - 5PM SUNDAY 21 JULY 2013 10AM - 5PM SYDNEY...澳洲华人论坛
我也刚看了这个新闻,简直太可怕了,不止没有赔偿还要一人赔2万多的律师费。。。。 评论 买楼花,太可怕了。 评论 骗子太多,傻钱更多 评论 没看懂,谁解释一下 评论 50万楼花现在...澳洲华人论坛
有用没用我不知道,不过翻翻看没坏处,算盘珠子拨拉几下,没准晚上就加几个菜,明天出去再买2套压压惊。。。 各位周末愉快!! 2016-5-13 16:10 上传 下载附件 (417.26 KB) https://www.ingd...澳洲华人论坛
参与Lucky 7 或UCB,进货渠道有discount 评论 信我,两大超市最便宜别浪费钱加盟这些小组织。如果你的店大直接升super iga. 不然,就去量大超市搬货吧。 如果可以卖酒,bottlemart加盟商是个不...澳洲华人论坛