求助! 想repeat10年级,学校不同意说no
Massage Centre Dunedin New Zealand 招聘按摩师。公司是accrediation employer,可以提供工签和居民签支持。老板是female kiwi。条件:有新西兰或澳大利亚按摩专业或中国大陆香港澳门台湾等地区正规教...澳洲华人论坛
我过去一年没有收入,请问该何时提交no need lodgement? 我刚才登录ATO网站,没找到地方可以提交啊。 先谢谢大家了。 评论 直接提交0收入啊,我是这样做的 评论 去年我记得是有一个 No...澳洲华人论坛
嗨,我最近在 Mt Druitt 地区买了一栋联排别墅,想把它粉刷一下,我打算自己粉刷它,但似乎我没有时间这样做 周五有 5050 的机会和解,所以这个周末我需要把它涂上我想知道是否有人...澳洲华人论坛
大家好,我正在另一个托儿中心工作,出于某种原因,我对创建一个吸引人的立面的任何想法都一无所知 出于某种原因,我这次失去了创意 建筑师创建了这个渲染,想知道是否有人外面...澳洲华人论坛
正在寻找我们的下一个投资物业,但没有太多可用空间,所以需要 90% LVR 评论 Parksie,我使用 Pioneer 的 95% LVR low docs 购买的最后几个 IP 但 MI 相当昂贵我认为 $320K 约为 $9K MI 利率也“在那...澳洲华人论坛
嗨, 最近和我的会计师谈过我想要进入 IP 的愿望,不幸的是,他比 IP 更“进入”股票市场 没有得到真正好的听证 我可以在这个论坛上向任何人寻求一些建议黄金海岸地区可能更倾向于...澳洲华人论坛
您好,这是我想做的,您的想法将不胜感激,PPOR的好坏价值470K,欠115K 搬到Bega Valley并购买价值265K的房产我可以借PPOR在Bega Valley购买这个然后搬到那里出租 PPOR 租金大约是 420pw 所以我要...澳洲华人论坛
寻找罗克汉普顿 PM 的推荐 该物业目前与 Bamp;P 不动产 任何人与他们有任何交易 评论 ray white city: melanie herley pm 联系方式: http:wwwraywhiterockhamptoncitygentID4397amp;xsl4397amp;st_id234765amp; tmplperso...澳洲华人论坛
嗨,我需要你的帮助来分享阿德莱德南部地区的 PM在整个地铁之后,我想 评论 对于我们在 Christie Downs 的股票,我会推荐 Judy Harrow 手机:0400 444 445 wwwjudyharrowcomau 不能指责她每周 320 美元...澳洲华人论坛
WE need a trainee,the old one became PLUMBER. 我们需要一名学徒,因为之前的那位已经成了持牌水工。 各位有志之士, 如果您能吃苦耐劳勤劳肯干,如果您为人诚实,有责任感和雄心壮志,如...澳洲华人论坛
Smart Sushi needs full-time and part-time kitchen staff as following: 1. Sushi maker 2. Salad maker 3. Kitchen assistant 4. Cashier and assistant Requirements: Basic English communication skills, team work, good at hand skills, clean and ti...澳洲华人论坛
At The Looking for A Cleaner AT Our Motel Saturday and Sunday's 10am-2PM May need to Work weekdays This This DEPENDING ON Rooms is IS Needing to BE Cleaned. Very use Close to Sylvia Park Mall (800m Away) Please Call 0211991522 for More Info...澳洲华人论坛
We need work exchange accommodation cleaners for Frienz Backpacker! *Preferably men for morning shifts Cleaning 4 hours per day(prefer morning) and take charge of backpacker's safe and order at night six days per week. Provide: Private singl...澳洲华人论坛
hey. im a sign writter working for a austrilian company. we do shop signs,car wraps,business card all kind of signage. If you need any vinyl sign for your business or vehicles, contact me on 021 2324766 or [email protected] 评论...澳洲华人论坛
you need some proper motorbike gears, fully padded and water proof ones. I dont know about others, but rain doesnt affect my riding much - just need to be cautious when you make turns, but wind is a killer. 评论 Nope, this is an example: h...澳洲华人论坛
You'll need to edit it for your purpose. My parents have never been offshore, nor speak English. They told me it was very helpful. 评论 Page 1 上海浦东机场: 国内到达的飞机出港在T1航站楼,国际出发在T2。 取了行李...澳洲华人论坛
Mycar is going to be written off, Need a Register Car Valuer to do a valuation sothat the insurance company can pay me. PLSHELP ~~~~~ need a recommendation. I want a good price for my car. 2005 HondaCivic 65000K, just had the windows tinted...澳洲华人论坛
No need to make statements!!! Just cruisers!!! 09年1月17日第二次聚会 行车路线 PAKURANGA, WHITFORD,MARAETAI BEACH TO ORERE POINT. 09年1月4日第一次聚会 PAKURANGA TO KAWAKAWA BAY [ 本帖最后由 SLAYER 于 2009-1-25 12:14...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.youtube.com/v/ul010-WcxyI http://www.youtube.com/v/ul010-WcxyI 评论 一片空白?? 评论 编辑了好几次 都不会把视频贴上来。。。 评论 still need turbo 评论 评论 咳,丰田根本田的竞争从来都没有...澳洲华人论坛
pls anyone can quot the price for me 评论 什么车。。。。。。。。。。 评论 98 HONDA, LOGO, NEARLY 十萬公里 评论 which area do you live? 评论 manurewa..................... 评论 GrabOne現在有在做特價 你可以去...澳洲华人论坛
坐在路边鼓掌 女儿的同学都管她叫“23号”。她的班里总共有50个人,每每考试,女儿都排名23。久而久之,便有了这个雅号,她也就成了名副其实的中等生。 我们觉得这外号刺耳,女儿...澳洲华人论坛
EASI送餐,海外华人首选的外卖送餐平台,澳新市场占有率No.1 目前,EASI已覆盖全球5个国家(澳大利亚、新西兰、美国、英国、日本)的14大城市 旨在为全球亿万华人提供最便捷的美食...澳洲华人论坛
我们公司的office需要一位HR职位的实习生, part time, flexible hours,如果你是学HR或Law, 有比较好的英文写作能力,可以跟我们联系。 公司地址在city. 可以马上工作。 Tel: 09-3734704 Monday t...澳洲华人论坛
Hi, can I please have a quote for living room blind? 评论 try this we just bought 3 from them http://www.trademe.co.nz/stores/mr-blinds/contact 评论 Thanks mate, will give them a call :-)...澳洲华人论坛
Our company need a photo shop operator who can do pagemaker plus a 3D Maya. For Sci-fi assets.Please contact Harry: [email protected] , English only. 评论 Please contact Harry: [email protected] , English only....澳洲华人论坛
we are urgent need a malejoin our team with skills *Attention to detail *Ability to absorb knowledge quickly *Reliable honest and hard working *Good communication *Ableto follow instruction 有意者 请send your CV to diane2681@gmai l.com...澳洲华人论坛
we need a draughtsperson who can work independently with architectural plans for building consent / Resource consent.Relevant experience and skills are: Proficient with Revit and Autocad in architectural drafting Excellent knowledge of New...澳洲华人论坛
Does anyone know if Lucy CHiew and Mary Seong MW any good? Has anyone used them before as i need to find MW quickly. thanks 评论 Rang a few asian MW today but either busy or away on holiday as my BB is due December.... anyone know any MW i...澳洲华人论坛
sorry cant type Chinese....... which brand of baby powder is better for new born baby?? thanks so much 评论 现在是冬天,貌似用不上啊。。。我家宝宝出生在冬天,我都没准备爽身粉。。。。 评论 oh.......ok....澳洲华人论坛
移民局说, we need an original or certified copy of a 'Birth Certificate' issued in China from the hospital where you were born or an official government body in China. The attached you submitted is a Notarial Certificate from a Votary...澳洲华人论坛
How long do I need to stay in NZ to get PRV, 2 years or 5 years? thanks 评论 how long you plan to stay? 评论 It depends on your current situation, so do you have Resident VISA already or Talent (Accredited Employers) VISA or any other ty...澳洲华人论坛
visa expirytoday . what can I do ? +phone no. 02040895174 评论 楼下请回答 评论 回国吧 评论 快开电脑订机票吧 评论 订机票。。。。。。 快订票 评论 这也能忘。。。 评论 lz最后怎么处理的? 评论...澳洲华人论坛
need help.crying crying Resient application declined. Immigration officer thought i was a hotel service manager. not meet requirement of motel manager .How do i do . To appeal aganist this decision or reapply ? I need many help. who can help...澳洲华人论坛
our team has a hight quality results within budget and time frame to customer if anyone need gib fixing gib stopping please contact me 021-02292852 评论 dddddddddddddddddddd 评论 lllllllllllllll 评论 gggggggggggggggggg 评论 ddddddddd...澳洲华人论坛
想赚钱的有力 强壮男士们,搬家,搬运,卸货$20/hr 当天现金结算 长期有活,来去自如 做的好可加薪 联系电话 0273688885微信Mikey1314_ 评论 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd...澳洲华人论坛
-We need accounting, business, finance, accounting, biology, science, chemistry teachers.- ESOL, IELTS teachers, with experience. -Educational Marketing specialist with experience in NZ. 地址:16 Turner Street, Auckland Central-1010 电话...澳洲华人论坛
Toffee needs a kennel and a harness. Our friend recently found Toffee a week ago on the side of the road digging in trash. He was very badly treated and extremely skinny when first found. He showed a sign of being beaten in the past. We are...澳洲华人论坛
Hi This is Naychel Kim and from South korea. My major is Early Child Education. I worked at a Daycare Center in South Korea. So, I would say I am very experienced to look after the children. IF YOU LIVE IN AROUND NORTH AND YOU NEED TO SOMEON...澳洲华人论坛
市中心服装店招聘模特啦!!!!!!!!! 如果也可以做sales的话就更好啦 一星期大概两天 一天2到3个小时 身高158~168比较好哦 有兴趣的小姐姐麻烦发送全身照和英文cv到邮箱哦~~ 评论 ddddddddddd...澳洲华人论坛
Need some much needed work experience? Are you great at talking with just about anyone? Looking for something new to start your 2019? If you answered YES to all of the above, then look no further! We have the perfect role for outgoing and v...澳洲华人论坛
we are a fast growing construction/carpentry company focusing on commercial and residential projects all over Auckland and even in Hamilton. in 2019, we have over 7 new projects (in CBD, Northshore, Hamilton etc)comming up real soon and we a...澳洲华人论坛
Welcome Staff We are looking for someone to Welcome Call on behalf of some amazing charities!Your job will be to contact people that have just signed up to become a member of a charity and thank them for joining!...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.ird.govt.nz/m/campaigns/buy-sell-property.html?id=homepageutm_source=landlords Very good means to check if you need to pay tax. 评论 评论 评论 you are everywhere 评论 {:8_386:} yes, of course~~ Auckland is too small.........澳洲华人论坛
Hi everyone, Please answer me if you know it: Nowadays, when NZ immigration asks for our police certificate from our own country, do we need to hand in a copy of a letter (It is a letter which invite you to apply for the police certificate)...澳洲华人论坛
Hello Bro and Sis, could any of u give me some advice on what to do with my immigration status. I had applied for resident here last year, however, my employer she refused to do any support for my residence, because i had just received a let...澳洲华人论坛
Hi my work visa application is on the progress. but my work visa expired on 12 April this month. the immigration officer say will sent me a temporary visa. (visitor visa). The temp visa not allow me to work. they said that i need to tell my...澳洲华人论坛
I got PR not long ago, how long do i have to wait to apply my mother to come stay in nz?? she has diabetes糖尿病.will it be a problem???or whay type of visa can i apply for her so she can stay here with me longer??? thanks 评论 Apply v...澳洲华人论坛