新西兰Please help Toffee


Toffee needs a kennel and a harness.

Our friend recently found Toffee a week ago on the side of the road digging in trash. He was very badly treated and extremely skinny when first found. He showed a sign of being beaten in the past. We are doing our best of looking after this 6 months old (approx) American Pitt Bull mix. He is now happy living with us and slowly gaining weight back up. We rang the SPCA yesterday wondering if we can check if Toffee is registered but they told us to ring the dog control and apparently if he is not registered then he will get put down because of his breed and there is no.option of getting adopted.

He is loving and friendly good with cats and other dogs. He is slowly learning basic commands. We would love to have him, give him all the love, food, shelter but we can not afford the registration fees ($100), de-sexing fees ($276) and two vaccination fees ($92 x 2) as we already have 3 cats (all rescued) and one dog. We are trying to get a fund raising going to go towards the fees. Please contact me if you would like to donate or have spare or old dog stuffs you could sell me at cheaper price. 022 530 2345 (Hamilton)

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新西兰本帖最后由 Shuran 于 2024-5-10 19:35 编辑 # r1 _3 \. H0 B) D ' D' B8 a+ g9 ~3 W; }% { $50,已除虫, 中区three kings自取。电话0211981588 或加微信号: Lillian-2013 u1 E1 e/ A5 s1 ~0 r ; k8 u& U4 N* Z- ]6 N1 s' S 3 O- ...



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新西兰本帖最后由 三分帅气 于 2024-6-8 18:33 编辑 1 J( T) |5 p$ Z+ Y" v% c 6 @" H4 @' C2 {! K7 q; K5 @3 K 。。。。。。。。。。。。 评论 本帖最后由 三分帅气 于 2024-4-15 20:53 编辑 5 C. m; C' T- c - J! t8 U! o0 ...



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