标签:anyone - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Australia property Anyone ever been called a &q

Was walking down the park this early morning just as the sun comes up over the river,sometimes you get a lot of people most I know even the poor buggers that live in different locations within the park that a lot of kind people help out, eve...澳洲华人论坛


to keep anyone safe

to return to a tennis court: 1\if you are fully vaccinated, you can only permitted to play singles. 2\if you are fully vaccinated, you can play doubles. 3\masks must be carried at all times, but can be removed once to play and then worn agai...澳洲华人论坛


2020 AMC Help

Anyone knows how to solve the following two questions? 1. Starting with a 9×9×9 cube, Augusta removed as few 1 × 1 × 1 cubes as possible so that the resulting sculpture had front view, top view and side view all the same, as shown. How m...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone preparing for HAST

Hi all..is anyone preparing for HAST, conducted by Acer, for entry to few selective high school in year 8? Can connect here to share some information. More info on HAST https://www.acer.org/au/hast-secondary/faq-parents 评论 我们打算考明...澳洲华人论坛


Excel master

Anyone interested in learning Excel? I am very proficient in Excel. If you have trouble using Excel or use Excel daily to work, I can use my skill to help you simplify the working process. I am very good at creating formula in Excel. I only...澳洲华人论坛


Does anyone know how to pay toll fee for motorway t

I drove from Harbour bridge to Silverdale, there was a board mentioined toll fee. How can I check if I need to pay or not? If yes, how shall I pay? Better without any surcharge. 评论 http://www.tollroad.govt.nz/ 评论 google northern toll...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone got an MR2?

Join the Mr2 Club! Don't be shy! Meet and share the MR2 experience! http://www.mr2.org.nz/ 评论 以前的街车,现在简直就是稀有车种,MR2我是开不来,但是看着挺好看 评论 MOAR MOAR MOAR 评论 used to have one......澳洲华人论坛


question about sti

does anyone knows wat is da ver of the hatchback sti?ver11? is it only come with the 2500cc engine or has da 2000cc engine(JDM) if does wat is da different between them? cheers;loveliness; 评论 hatchback不知道。。只知道sedan的nz...澳洲华人论坛


street race

anyone got more? http://www.youtube.com/embed/z2030Tnp6Zc 评论 猜车猜车。。。。。。。。。。。。 评论 ITR dc2,s2000,摄像车不知。。。 评论 my friend's frd in hk.....LOL...澳洲华人论坛



Can anyone tell me how much it cost for adjust computer setting at CCS for an Audi? Does it affect warrenty from CCS if I want to change it somewhere else? THANKS. 评论 你英语这么好直接打电话去ccs问不就行了 评论 电话或...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone know any BMW approved Panel Beater in Blockh

Anyone know any BMW approved Panel Beater in Blockhouse Bay area or central auckland area? Thank you very much for the help!!! 评论 bm work shop 评论 But they don't do panel and paint unfortunately. thanks 评论 otahuhu 老苏人和修理...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone wanna go to Top Gear Live

Please deletePlease delete Please delete 评论 挖坟的都什么心态!!! 评论 我操。。。这挖坟功力太强大了 评论 死挖坟的,哈哈哈哈哈哈!太逗了 评论 靠我都以为是真的。。。原来撞坟上了...澳洲华人论坛


anyone on Vespa PX scooter??

as above, looking to get a manual scooter retro style and first choice is PX200. (or maybe only choice..) 评论 不懂这个车啊。 评论 not a speeding thing.. just the retro style... i m getting one today.. not cheap though... about 5k...澳洲华人论坛


Daycare near to botany

Anyone knows any good daycare around botany?i m living on botany rd here.son just turned to 2 yrs old.would like to find a daycare around this area .cos heard lot of mama said a good daycare will hav to long waiting list so ...many thanks! 评...澳洲华人论坛


Playdate for 5 month old

Hi, is anyone interested in a playdate? My boy is only 5 months old but everytime I bring him out and he sees other babies, he smiles and seems to enjoy other babies company. Just wondering if anyone that lives around (red beach, orewa, whan...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone know the District area for Epsom?

My friend's kid want to study at a middle school at Epsom, is there one for boys only? How can I find the district range for that school? Many thanks in advance. 评论 進該校網站看看不就知道了嗎? 评论 just call the school a...澳洲华人论坛


Satellite 6B 共享

Anyone know where can I buy Satellite 6B 共享 in NZ? 评论 啥叫“Satellite 6B 共享”,没懂你的意思。 评论 收6B加密节目的共享 评论 还是没懂楼主的意思,真是惜字如金啊。你所谓共享是和谁共享...澳洲华人论坛



Does anyone know where I can buy some marble plant stands like the below picture? (prefer in Auckland, thanks~) 评论 trademe... 评论 查过了,就找到图片上的这一个,而且还不在奥克兰。。。 评论 有辐射!!!!...澳洲华人论坛


Playpen Jolly Kids

Anyone knows where to buy Playpen Jolly Kids? Couldn't find anything at Baby factory or baby city. Some online shops are out of stock and need to wait a few months. I lost the bidding on Trade me last week, nothing new comes up this week. I...澳洲华人论坛


Desparately need MW

Does anyone know if Lucy CHiew and Mary Seong MW any good? Has anyone used them before as i need to find MW quickly. thanks 评论 Rang a few asian MW today but either busy or away on holiday as my BB is due December.... anyone know any MW i...澳洲华人论坛


急, 急, 急

Hhhhhhhbbb 评论 anyone knows ? thanks 评论 lz是妊娠高血糖吗?如果是催产是正常的! 我当时血糖控制的非常好(连医生都惊讶),b超现在宝宝生长的很好,size不大(中等),结果也被安排催...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone's CO is Minya Zhu( Shanghai branch)?

Anyone's CO is Minya Zhu( Shanghai branch)? 评论 我的是,从她的信上写的,还有要的东西,感觉是个bitch 评论 你们都批了吗? 评论 父母的申请? 评论 我刚发现邀请信的最后写的如果有问题就联...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone knows FORM1206, Question C4

In form 1206, if we answer No, how can we give the detail. thanks..... 评论 那就写上需要服兵役多久呗,还有哪个国家。 评论 只有你所在国家或地区有强制服兵役,才需要填detail。 If no, and you/they ar...澳洲华人论坛


CO Daniel Strong

anyone CO i Daniel Strong? I have received email from him ask for IRD and work experience details from him, please share your time line if we have the same CO, Thanks 评论 请问以下楼主什么时候AR的啊,现在完全不知道分CO的...澳洲华人论坛


sara parker

anyone whos CO is sara parker? I just submit my application today for resident visa. how long dose it take you to get OA? Thanks 评论 当年申请是她给我发的邀请信 不过最后CO不是她 评论 took me around 1 month 评论 hell...澳洲华人论坛


出售两只纯种八哥幼犬/anyone looking for p

帮洋人代发帖子 $ n6 ^: T( m5 z3 ? 出售两只纯种公八哥幼犬(狗狗父母都是从英国移民时候带过来的) 2 @ z2 Q6 y, o; f: N( v1 @) B 已经打过第一针 5 hL# ~/ P: [0 j1 ~ 可预约看狗 ) K) H- c3 u+ J5 i 联系...澳洲华人论坛


Can anyone help to look at this house?

Hi, everyone, quite interested in this house, but it's been on the market for a long time, what do you guys think of this one? http://www.realestate.co.nz/2700627 评论 自住还是投资 评论 为啥围栏只到房子的一半? 评论 一...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone know the sales price?

https://www.barfoot.co.nz/562807 评论 不知道 评论 4, 5百万要的, 这个比前两天browns bay 那个, 哪个更好?? 评论 好房,要4 5 百万 评论 好房子~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 评论 好房子,还有自己的码头 评...澳洲华人论坛


house next to railway

dose anyone know if this will affect health? thehouse next to railway and you can se there is 2 tall electic pylons.... thanks 评论 影响健康肯定会,因为会影响睡眠吧,噪音。辐射应该没什么吧 评论 这边夜里也有...澳洲华人论坛


anyone study 110.209 this year?

sorry, this company's laptop cannot do Chinese, I just want ask is anyone doing 110.209 this year? 评论 if anyone doing accounting 110.209 this year, can add my wechat 381393093 评论 dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone could give me a cover letter sample please

Anyone could give me a sample of cover letter to immigration please?? Thank you very much!!!!! 评论 dddddddddddddddddddddddddd 评论 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 评论 嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎 评论 GOOGLE~~~...澳洲华人论坛


Does anyone know VO Penitoa Finau

Does anyone know VO Penitoa Finau?how is he?verification officer. thanks! 评论 No one knows?;sad; 评论 me me me 楼主的申请下来了么 评论 he is nice guy. 评论 4# skytian 谢谢楼主,他都是怎么调查的呢,上门还是电...澳洲华人论坛


ARe there anyone who does PHYSICS 107?

I wasnt able to attend the lecture today, and I read from the Lecture, Test and Assignment Dates sheet that Assignment one should have given out yesterday, which the lecturer didnt. So I am wondering if he said anything about it today. The c...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone taking ACCTG151G or MATHS269 or EUROPEAN100?

Anyone taking ACCTG151G or MATHS269 or EUROPEAN100? 评论 i do math269.。 评论 2# 弑颜 我飞机晚了几天, 前三节课有讲什么重要的东西么? 书和coursebook有吗?谢谢~ 评论 我acc151g 评论 4# 上官一族 请问第一...澳洲华人论坛


Did anyone take history103G before??

i suggest u to swap this GE if u dont have sufficient time to finish all the required readings 评论 there will be lots of readings, i mean extra class work. hope u can deal with that 评论 well, I suggest you know the history before you g...澳洲华人论坛


anyone interest in UMAT tutoral?

我是今年biomed的今年或者明年打算进医的 读biomed的同学 有没有人有兴趣参加一个UMAT TUTORIAL ? 是一个现在med学生教的 就在假期这段时间里 有兴趣的可以同我联系~ 评论 當醫生真的要有...澳洲华人论坛


Does anyone know Bayview area in north shore?

Does anyone know Bayview area in north shore? Is that a good area or not. Thanks. 评论 比glenfield远一点,差一点,但是比birkedale之类好一点。 评论 非常不方便吧?非常非常。beach heaven和birkdale还有新码头...澳洲华人论坛



ANYONE HAS GOOD BNZ MORTGAGE MANAGER CONTACT DETAILS? MY GIRLFRIEND GOT BNZ FLEXIBLE MORTGAGE RATE, WANT TO CHANGE TO FIXED 2 YEAR RATE. The one she asked this afternoon provided her 5.4% fixed 2 years, is that reasonable? I think it is stil...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone know why is this so cheap

Anyone know why is this so cheap, is it because there are many state houses in the street? http://www.trademe.co.nz/propert ... ction-620635424.htm 评论 SH20工程问题,政府修地收地起高速? 评论 hendon ave....... good luck^^ 评...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone invested SpringPark

www.springpark.co.nz all townhouses, to be completed next year. small land, but location is not too bad. most of them sold out, except some small ones: 2 bedroom, 499K, rent about mid 400. house 128m2, 2 levels, land 80m2. 3 bedroom, 599k,...澳洲华人论坛



Anyone know what's the final auction price? 评论 虽然没海景 不过好区好房 评论 昨天晚上去了 这个房子没有人开价 流拍 评论 估计等流拍私聊小窗去了 评论 这个房直接passed in。 好像根本没有人...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone going to the PWC evening this Thursday?

Got rejected but still invited to the everning this week......:-(.........anyone in the same boat with me??? 评论 没有邀请信可以去吗? 评论 I dont think so.... 评论 anyone received an offer from any of the big 4??? 评论 我有...澳洲华人论坛


Personal Selling

Hi, Is anyone doing personal sellling? I was unable to go for the last lesson this semester. Can anyone tell me if the exam is only multiple choice questions or short answer questions? Is the whole semester going to be tested or only the cha...澳洲华人论坛


anyone Spanish 104/104G

i'm at 1~2pm stream. anyone go together?? Q:694519585 or txt me 评论 沒人..哭了~~~~~不知所雲啊~~~ 评论 do they have spanish 104 this semester? i thought it was only taught at semester 1. anyway, im doing 105 now. so it doesnt re...澳洲华人论坛


anyone doing advance auditing?

does any one doing advance auditing this semester? need help for assignment 2... I found the example from the ISA 210 the appendix for the engagement letter, but i know that we cant copy and paste for the whole thing, because we need to inc...澳洲华人论坛


Finance 361, anyone?

leave me a message if you are doing Finance 361 as well,i will get back to you soon :) 评论 没有人吗????? 评论 加我吧。我学FINANCE 362, 361的撒,QQ:327895865 (FINANCE ) 评论 加了~~~~~~~~~^^ 评论 加我吧 5...澳洲华人论坛


Can anyone pls tell me what is the name of this flo

2013-5-6 10:12 上传 下载附件 (37.47 KB) 评论 凤梨花,我家开了一片 评论 真厉害! do they like full sunshine or shady area 评论 你没忽悠我吧 评论 喜阴,真是一大片,窜根很厉害。前几个月,拔了...澳洲华人论坛