标签:teaching - 澳大利亚华人论坛


读master of teaching (secondary)中学老师,选墨

打算去中学做物理和高数老师, 这两天收到了墨大和Monash的master of teaching (secondary) 的offer。 不知该选哪个学校? 请过来人指点一下墨大和Monash毕业的老师会更受中学校长或学生认可一...澳洲华人论坛


有2021读 grad dip teaching secondary 的伙伴吗

刚enrol, 明年奥大 secondary. 有读science curriculum的同学么 评论 我和你一样 方便留个联系方式吗 评论 感觉奥大读的人好多啊。。。。。。。 评论 我也是grad dip secondary teaching的 offer还没下...澳洲华人论坛


招聘Math teaching assistant

Key responsibilities: - Addressing parents' and students' questions in time using our online platform. - Assisting our math teachers during online class - Mentoring students and tracking/monitoring their success - Providing regular feedback...澳洲华人论坛


如果读个Education 而非teaching方向的Bachel

大家了解文学院项下的教育专业,非教学方向,有点像国内的教育学专业,学位也是bachelor of arts下的,这样毕业后在nz或者澳洲是不是不太容易就业?比teaching方向的bachelor of education毕业...澳洲华人论坛


GD teaching 的referee report

貌似每个大学的teacher education 都要referee reports ,那么去找谁写啊? 我都毕业两年多了,期间有短暂工作但是都是part time ,老板都没认识我啊! referee report 填完,大学会打电话给referee 问...澳洲华人论坛


NZTC Graduate Diploma Teaching ECE

請問有人在讀 NZTC的 GD in Teaching Early Childhood Education嗎? 评论 1# sayong 我..月底就會把這課程讀完~ 评论 Hihi 你好, 我想讀這課程, 可以交個朋友嗎? 想問一下關於interview 的事 评论 interview別...澳洲华人论坛


Bachelor of Teaching

请问Bachelor of Teaching - Primary那些课程很难? General Education Paper大家都选哪些?难易程度? 3rd Level Elective papers大家都选了哪些? 评论 LZ 请问现在PRIMARY TEACHING的雅思要求是什么? 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Will you think online teaching with teachers are mo

Sorry can't type Chinese in this computer. We are trying to set up an e-learning system for Australian tutors. And was just thinking that does Asian parents prefer online teaching too? The advantage of online teaching is : -Flexible time ( T...澳洲华人论坛