标签:Near - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Sony Cyber digital camera

nearly new good conditions digital camera cheap sell 2024-9-27 17:28:56 上传 下载附件 (364.21 KB) 2024-9-27 17:28:56 上传 下载附件 (330.23 KB) 评论 智能数码照相机sale...澳洲华人论坛


Northern beaches Studio near DEE WHY

DEE WHY Studio 全新装修,独立卫浴,阳光studio,私享空间,拒绝share,舒适安静方便。 
1. 近BUS站,静街House, 公园环境,安静优美。五分钟至WOOLWORTHS
 2. 出门5分钟步行至BUS站,BLINE to ci...澳洲华人论坛


Male Care worker near Kogarah *Social activities su

Overall expectation from male support worker: Male carer 30-49 years of age Has strong personality Has good eye contact with others Australian-born support staff preferred Height: 170cm above LGBTQI+ friendly Has mutual understanding of Auti...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 2br apartments in near Melbourne

我实际上是在墨尔本找房子,但在 CBD 及其附近发现了所有这些 2br 单元,价格在 45 万美元到 55 万美元之间。他们让我想起了亚历山大、滑铁卢、泽特兰、查茨伍德和悉尼 CBD 的新开发项...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 4x2 Unit in Bentley WA - Near Cu

嗨,伙计们,我的一位同事最近在市场上出售了一个非常好的投资物业,以便他和他的妻子建造他们梦想中的退休之家他正在摆脱目前的租户(4中国女孩)每周只需支付 70 美元 在联系...澳洲华人论坛


Mt Wellington near Sylvia Park

本帖最后由 Tean Chung 于 2020-7-27 19:34 编辑 . y" d4 g' `0 k ( o4 e8 T, ?7 w U9 L Mt Wellington near Sylvia Park 6 ?: w: r# V- A6 U Two rooms for rent. Rent included water, internet, electricity (condition). ' E# G$ ]7 ^4 t6 d% m W...澳洲华人论坛


Daycare near to botany

Anyone knows any good daycare around botany?i m living on botany rd here.son just turned to 2 yrs old.would like to find a daycare around this area .cos heard lot of mama said a good daycare will hav to long waiting list so ...many thanks! 评...澳洲华人论坛


house near cemetery (few houses away)

Hi, would you consider a house that is same street as cemetery (just few houses away)? Any problem? 评论 No prob for kiwi, prob for chinese 评论 自己喜欢就无所谓。 评论 never for me。 评论 It's not ok for me but sure ok for...澳洲华人论坛


$1 reserve near new Medela Swing

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Baby-gear/Feeding/Breast-pumps/Electronic/auction-339452040.htm 评论 Good Luck! 评论 捡到便宜了。鉴定完毕。。。。。。。。。。。 评论 ding......... 评论 未必的噢,看最后竞到什么...澳洲华人论坛


Good accommdation wanted near 90 mile beach.

Looking for a hotel or motel near 90 mile beach. 评论 你好!我就在90英里海滩,需要帮助吗? 评论 We are looking for a accommodation around there. We viewed your website but there is no photo for rooms. Will you be able to s...澳洲华人论坛


Honda Accord 2005 $5800 or near offer

2005年Honda Accord, 新西兰第一车主,每年定时保养。可议价, 短信车主奥克兰看车。 照片详情请看 https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/honda/auction-2479644421.htm 评论 dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd...澳洲华人论坛


Rosedale Landfill near Pinehill

The old Rosedale landfill site was owned by Waste Management, surrounded by the motorway to the west, Hugh Green Drive to the east, Greville Road to theNorth and Rosedale Road to the south with a total area of 37ha. The resource consent for...澳洲华人论坛


Ready tech, next dc, near map

来来各位大侠 这三只咋样, 想买 评论 看到 Next DC 在mq park的新楼,很扎眼。 评论 Nea 1.27入,期待2以上... 评论 都是没有业绩支撑的, 还不如买TNE,low PE, cash 105M, no debtEquity 107M 评论...澳洲华人论坛


which family doctor is good near beecroft &

thanks. 评论 我也很想知道 评论 baby is sick at home....T.T 评论 安慰一下,神马问题? 评论 blocked nose couldn't go to sleep. first time sick. 评论 上次我去看过了 没药 都说了只要精神不萎靡就随他去...澳洲华人论坛


Parramatta one room near station for lease

Parramatta top floor 3bedroom unit  one bedroom for lease. 朝阳,静街,5分钟商场,8分钟车站。每个房间只住一个人。宽带水电全包130。5月8号入住。0432254516。招安静无烟学生或正职1人。 评论...澳洲华人论坛



Near Manly, Sydney Weather: Fine Swell: 2.50m Time 10:30am-3:30pm (high tide at 12:15pm) 收获 Blue groper: 2条 Leatherjeckets: 3条 Luderick: 8条 Release 小鱼无数 2008-4-28 10:55 上传 下载附件 (33.81 KB) 评论 不错哦 听说...澳洲华人论坛


diamond beach,near forster,圣诞节holiday house

请问有人想圣诞节租度假屋吗, 在diamond beach, 离forster 10-15mins drive, 著名钓鱼点, 本人租了一间大house,from 24-30, 7 nights, 但因为28,29,30 要上班, 所以有3或4 晚 可以空出来, 有兴趣可以看以下联...澳洲华人论坛


Melbourne! near CITY BRUNSWICK $150 big room for r

1、$150房间, size很大!queen size大床, 床头柜,大衣柜。 Share bills,账单平分,每人$25/week,including gas, electricity, water, 无限流量宽带网络。 2、公共交通: 电车——走路2分钟,隔两条街Tram...澳洲华人论坛


Berwick 招租

房屋来源:     个人  详细地址:      Near Eden Rise Shopping Centre, Brewick,VlC 出租方式:整租 入住时间:    1/03/2020 联 系 人:    程女士 联系电话:    0426732808 详细介绍: Berick 精装独立别...澳洲华人论坛



DUNDAS 1房出租,适合上班族,MQ / UWS学生 全新两层HOUSE, 2房出租 . 600 米至DUNDAS火车站, 1站火车至UWS, . 2分钟步行至545车站(直达Macquarie University 30分钟 / 10分钟至 PARRAMATTA 火车站) . 静街有...澳洲华人论坛


Near MQ, 双砖安静House (two bedrooms, eastern s

步行5-6分钟Bus站 (Bus routes 518, 544, x18),7-8分钟到Macquarie Uni和购物中心Macquarie Centre (或开车5分钟,骑车15分钟,步行25分钟). Bus 到 Darling Harbour, Town Hall, City. Spacious and bright 双砖安静Hous...澳洲华人论坛



连续两天near miss。想来想去,大概是因为我把日行灯控制器拆下来保养,没有装回去。 评论 只能说有人就是瞎 评论 日行灯没了,就开大灯啊 评论 第二个情有可原,前车走了你没动,...澳洲华人论坛


Near Map 五年涨了 7 倍,4.20 卖出一半

Near Map 五年涨了 7 倍,4.20 卖出一半。 https://www.asx.com.au/asx/share-price-research/company/NEA 现在又跌回 3.x ,考虑再买回来。 评论 以前买了多少?1万股有吗? 评论 厉害。我早2个月才买入。...澳洲华人论坛