Arrivals and departures can be extremely challenging times for all involved.
If you think your child may be anxious about saying good-bye, please make sure you speak with us about your intentions—if you plan to leave quickly, or prefer to remain for a while, we can help with the transition. Often a quick separation is easiest for the child. Prolonging separation when children are already anxious about saying goodbye can be more stressful for both parents and child. At the same time, some children respond well to time spent sitting quietly with mum and dad before saying good-bye. This can be a tricky balance and we find that children who are pre-occupied with the separation respond most positively to a quick separation. Consistency is important. Stick with the routine that works.
If you would like the opportunity to sit & read a story or play with your child, letting them know that you will be leaving after you have read the story or built a block tower prepares the child for the separation. Acknowledge the emotions that children are feeling. Often we talk about sad emotions as a negative thing. It is ok to be sad, angry or frustrated, & we need to support children to firstly identify the emotions, & then give children strategies to deal with these emotions when they occur. Make sure you always say good-bye to your child. Sneaking off can lead to mistrust & more stress for the child. Be aware of precedents you set if you let your child stay home instead of dealing with the emotions of a difficult separation. We also need to consider changes in the home environment that may lead to challenging separations & be prepared to work through these. Being open with educators provides us with knowledge that enables us to support your family and child. By being positive and not focusing on the anxiety itself, we can implement a plan that leads to positive separations.
我儿子22个月去Childcare的,一周三天,有两天连着。刚开始一周也是哭的稀里哗啦的,不过老师没有马上叫我们接回。我9点多送进去,1点去cc看准备接,结果哭睡着了。我三点再过去,正在吃午饭(哭 不肯吃饭,后来睡着了没吃)。
1,我感觉就是慢慢加,一直哭的话, 可以两个小时、三个小时慢慢加看看。一哭就接的话,感觉孩子不容易适应呢!我感觉最好不要哭的时候接,就像不给糖吃,但他一哭就给糖吃,下次要糖不给还是哭。只能让他慢慢适应了。20个月,可以听懂一些道理了其实。
不上CC的日子,楼主或者奶奶看能不能抽时间带娃去CC呆半小时 stay and play。我儿子开始CC前,我带他去玩了5,6次,等到真正开始的时候,他已经蛮习惯了,也不担心妈妈不在了
我家两个娃,因为搬家,我前前后后看过6,7家CC。孩子不能settle,可能跟孩子本身的性格有关,但老师也有很大的关系。我 家这边council我也去过,最后没选是因为我觉得老师都特别严肃死板,其实一些私立的CC里的人老师会更热情。
有没有平时她喜欢的安抚物给带上,哭的时候能缓解情绪!我家喜欢jelly cat bunny,几乎每天CC都带着去!这个兔子从她自己睡一个房间开始就陪伴着她,一直到现在每晚还抱着一起睡的!
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