宝宝failed 掉2次hearing screening,尤其是第2次screening failed掉的下午就做了进一步测试,确认没有积水,传导正常,然后通过了ABR,,,,说木有问题了,不用再follow up了。。。。。
很奇怪,如果之后的检测都OK为什么前面简单的screening反倒还通不过了?ABR的结果很靠谱吗?有多大false negative?
Several clinical trials have shown automated auditory brainstem response (AABR) testing (eg, Algo-1 Plus) as an effective screening tool in the evaluation of hearing in newborns, with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 96-98%.
False negative rate = 1 - sensitivity = 0
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