听在美国的朋友推荐,上个月从国外买了一套Clearblue的拍卵检测仪和testing stick,准备积极备孕。没想到还没有开始用,就有宝宝了 。所以打算给这套全新的monitor找个人家
不知道积极备孕的JM们,有没有想要买的 (这个产品可以检测每个月最容易受孕的两天。根据产品实验,使用这个产品的头两个月里可以提高受孕率89%)
产品网站:http://www.clearblue.com/uk/clea ... tility-products.php
The Clearblue Fertility Monitor is unique as it tracks LH and estrogen levels to typically identify up to 6 fertile days! So; by detecting for the increase of LH and estrogen; it not only shows you your 2 peak fertility days; it can also inform most women of an extra 1-5 days of high fertility prior to their peak fertility.
我买的价格是$140,和ebay上价格比已经是很便宜了(产品本身在澳大利亚还没有上市)。反正放着也没有用了,给它找个能发挥作用的人家吧。希望价格$120吧 -- 全新的啊。联系电话:0413-542-786
[ 本帖最后由 dolinloop 于 2011-5-7 20:49 编辑 ]
忘记留电话了,更新一下: 0413-542-786
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