我反对用IntelliGender 测胎儿的性别, 因为我找不到它的任何科学根据。 但是看到已有许多准妈妈已经用了IntelliGender. 我请用过这个测性别的准妈妈投票 - 看它准不准
http://www..com.au/bbs/v ... p;page=1#pid2647227
[ 本帖最后由 whuang 于 2009-8-4 00:17 编辑 ]
麻烦LZ可以解释一下吗? 我好像没有做过这个...
IntelliGender is a urine test, claim to be able to detect the sex of unborn child at very early gestation, It costs ?$95. I have not see it myself. I could not see any scientific base of the test.
The sex of a pregnancy is determined by chromosome, XX for girl, XY for boy. It is decided when a sperm carry either a X chromosome or a Y chromosome enters the egg (carry X). No maternal hormone has shown to influence the genter selection.
At 10 weeks, there will be no measurable foetal sex hormone in maternal system. So I do not know what IntelliGender is testeing in mother's urine. 我认为它是骗钱的。
http://www..com.au/bbs/v ... p;page=1#pid2647227
[ 本帖最后由 whuang 于 2009-8-4 00:20 编辑 ]
谢谢LZ,解释的很明白,现在我也觉得it is a 骗钱的 了。
想加分,可是投票贴没法加,下次补上。 :)
看了4 楼的贴子并Google 了一下。 发现下面的讨论。很有意思。
现在共有4票。 都是女孩,只有一位有B超结果。 请另外三位告知B超结果。多谢。
One person's experience
"I bought 3 test from the company. I took the 1st test at 10 weeks and it said boy...I was so happy and was pretty sure the rest of the test where boys too. at 12 weeks I took the 2nd and I was disapointed to see it was a girl result. I wrote to the company and they asked to take the 3rd test. I did and it was a girl result as well so their response was the most likely the 1st test was fault because it was taken too early. Any error will come out to be a boy result. At 13 weeks I went for a NT screen and the tech was very sure it was a boy and took several pic of the nub the was pointing straight up. This week I will be doing the 16 weeks ultrasound to comfirm that indeed is a boy. I was really disapointed with Intellingender. I told them so and they never responded back to me. I told them if 10 weeks is too early maybe they should change the intruction. I won't recomend them at all. I can't wait to see if I'm really having a boy and I will write back to them to proof they where wrong. I won't ask for my money back but they should refund me.
Someone suggest that IntelliGender is just a pH tester.
"It's based on the idea that having a high PH will help you conceive a boy and a low Ph will help you conceive a girl. While that idea is research based, it's only based on the time around conception. The Ph conditions in the vagina during pregnancy can change a lot, so it's not really a valid way to test if you're having a boy or a girl.
If you want to take the test but not buy the kit, just buy some Ph testing strips. If you have a high Ph, intelligender would tell you you're having a boy. If you have a low Ph, intelligender would tell you you're having a girl. Hope that helps!"
[ 本帖最后由 whuang 于 2009-8-18 18:36 编辑 ]
是不是说性别不同。 妈妈的荷尔蒙含量不一样。这个产品推出时号称有90%的准确率。不过如果是我,不会用,只要孩子健康,男孩女孩都无所谓。这个产品千万不要推广到中国,否则不知会残害多少胎儿。
又有人提这个问题了。 顶一下。
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