

我儿子在car seat上特老实,睡得也特好,不把他固定住就要乱动,就有我忙得了

刚又在和老公讨论呢,car seat那么重那么大怎么带阿? 我马上要一人带2岁多的儿子回国
唉,我就又在网上发现这个好东东了,这样car seat还可以当推车来用了
http://www.amazon.com/Traveling- ... ef=pd_bxgy_ba_img_c

CARES Flight Harness

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TWT reader, Georgia recently flew from Perth to Bali with her 5 year old and 2 year old twins. She tested out the CARES Flight harness on her twins courtesy of our friends at Little Gulliver. Here is Georgia’s review:


Normally I would be concerned by the logistics of a baby product that comes with both an instructional manual and DVD. So it was with some apprehension that I popped the DVD on - however, it is a quick and simple 5 minute guide on how to install and uninstall the CARES Harness. Brilliant for technologically challenged people like myself. Likewise, the small instructional leaflet is a simple step-by-step diagram. Much better than a manual filled with paragraphs of tiny writing that you can hardly read, let alone understand. I love this simplicity because, when it came time to use the CARES Harness - I had my arms full of twins, toddler, hand luggage and travel documents. I was extremely impressed with how simple it was to install the harness, how quick it was (so that I wasn't holding up others trying to board the plane), and how stress-free it was. It literally took me all of 2 minutes to install two harnesses.

My twins were a week shy of 2 when we flew from Perth to Bali using the harnesses. I've flown many times with my 5yr old, and have always found the small aircraft lap belts to be grossly inadequate in holding a wriggly toddler in place. Kids hate having to sit still at the best of times, least of all when they're told they have to on an aircraft full of people to meet and buttons to press. They're dying to get out and explore, and the lap belt just isn't enough to hold them in place. Not my kids anyway.

The CARES Harness is height adjustable, so the chest strap wasn't cutting my twins off at the neck or sitting too low, and the shoulder straps are adjustable so it wasn't too loose or too tight. It is also small and compact, and doesn't impinge on the passenger behind you where it is secured around the head rest, just above their tray table. I love that it comes with its own hardy carry tote, and weighs very little - easily fitting into your cabin baggage, and not taking up much of the valuable hand luggage allowance.

A number of fellow passengers eyed the harness with envy, as they tried to hold their toddlers in place. My kids tried to wriggle a few times, but once they realised they were strapped in as snugly as if in a car seat, they sat still. Blissfully motionless, but for the octopus arms trying to grab everything within reach. I can't tell you how much less stressful the flight was for me - being that I was travelling solo with the kids, as my Hubby joined us a couple of days later. Memories of my first born whining and wriggling out of her lap belt consistently had me dreading this flight with twins to contend with. I could actually use my hands for things other than restraining my kids, such as eating, feeding them, filling out Immigration paperwork - sheer bliss!

In short, the CARES Harness was a complete dream on first use.

On our return flight we were on a different airline, seated in the front row. This is the row we have previously opted for, because the twins have been under 2yrs of age and not had their own seats. So they are used to sitting up front on our laps, and getting down to sit on the floor and play in the space in front of our seats. I was concerned they would be expecting to get down and play on the floor as with previous flights, but was relieved when this wasn't an issue. The twins actually seemed to find the Harnesses something of a novelty, and took great delight in being strapped in. While our flight over was an early morning flight, our return was an evening flight, so I was also curious as to how they would sleep in the harnesses. They simply fell asleep and we reclined their seats - once again, just as if they were in the car.

I can't praise this product highly enough. We fly a few times a year with our kids, and the CARES Harness has been a godsend. It is well worth its value for one long haul flight alone, for the piece of mind as a parent, knowing that your child is adequately and safely secured in their seat. And also for your own sanity and stress levels in not having to constantly wrangle your wriggly toddler back into their seat.

I am so grateful to both Little Gulliver and Travel With Tots for the opportunity to try this product. I am a definite fan, and will be recommending it to anyone and everyone.

Airline 'Child Travel' Policies

CASA certification means CARES is suitable for use on Australian registered aircraft.  Airlines are progressively updating their policies to specifically mention CARES and make things easier for CARES users.

Qantas, V Australia, Air New Zealand & Virgin Blue are leading the way locally although you may find some airline staff knowledge of CARES has some ways to go.  Thankfully this is improving slowly as we see more CARES users in the skies!


*Please click on your Airline below to be taken to their Child Travel Policies.  Extracts of policies may also be included below.


Child Restraint Device

The safest way for an infant or small child to travel on an aircraft is in a Child Restraint Device such as a car seat. Infants are allowed to be carried on your lap however research has demonstrated it does not provide the protection of a child seat.

A car seat must be pre-approved for use as a child seat at least 24 hours before departure. Approval of car seats cannot be obtained on departure at the airport. You must buy a seat on the plane to ensure the use of a pre-approved car seat or CARES restraint device. To buy a seat on an aircraft for your infant and get pre-approval for the use of a child seat, contact your local Qantas Office.

The Child Aviation Restraint System (CARES) is a pre-approved alternative to car seats on an aircraft. This harness style restraint device is suitable for children aged two to four years, weighing 10-20kg (22-44lb). Find out more about the CARES system.


CARES (Child Aviation Restraint System) restraint

A new restraint device has been developed in the US specifically for the restraint of small children in aircraft and vehicles and is now available in Australia. Known as the CARES restraint (Child Aviation Restraint System), this product has been endorsed by the US FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and the NTSB (National Transport Safety Bureau) for carriage on aircraft and is the only commercial restraint device to be certified by the FAA as an alternative to a car seat. CARES is designed specifically for aviation use for children age one and older who weigh between 10 kg (22 pounds) and 20 kg (44 pounds). It is a belt-and-buckle device that works in conjunction with regular aeroplane seat belts without interfering with the tray table behind.

Regulatory Approval ’Cares’ Restraints

CASA does not approve or endorse the CARES restraint but rather accepts the FAA approval under CASR 21.305(d) and 21.502. This means that the restraint is acceptable for carriage on all Australian-registered aircraft provided it is fitted in accordance with the manufacturers’ requirements (as outlined in OM12 Cabin Crew Policy & Procedures). Cabin crew are not required to fit the device, just ensure the restraint has been fitted and the lap belt utilised correctly.


CARES Child Restraint

V Australia does not provide but accepts the CARES Child Restraint onboard our aircraft. This device must have the original label intact and must used in accordance with the operating instructions.

The CARES restraint may only be used in certain locations on V Australia aircraft. Guests wishing to use their own CARES Restraint onboard are required to contact the Guest Contact Centre to reserve a seat. Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first-in, first-served basis.

The CARES restraint is approved for use on aircraft and is manufactured by leading aviation restraint manufacturer AMSAFE.

This restraint attaches to a regular aircraft seat to become a safe and comfortable 5 point harness for children and weighs only 500 grams making it ideal for travel.

The restraint is designed for use by toddlers aged between 1 - 4 years and 10 - 20 kilos who are up to 1 metre tall and is the perfect alternative to car seat usage.

For more information visit http://www.kidsflysafe.com/ & to purchase in Australia visit http://www.littlegulliver.com.au/.


CARES Child Restraint
The Virgin Blue Group does not provide but permits use of the CARES Child Restraint onboard for infants/children aged two and older. This device must have the original label intact and must be used in accordance with the operating instructions.

The CARES restraint is restricted to certain locations on the aircraft therefore guests are required to contact the Guest Contact Centre to reserve a seat. Seats that can hold CARES restraints are limited and will be allocated on a first-in, first-served basis.

The CARES restraint is approved for use on aircraft and is manufactured by leading aviation restraint manufacturer AMSAFE.

For more information visit http://www.kidsflysafe.com & to purchase in Australia visit http://www.little

[ 本帖最后由 粉色猪猪桃丽丝 于 2012-3-25 02:50 编辑 ]








Do I have to use a car seat on a plane?
You're not required to, but both the Federal Aviation Administration and the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommend that you use an FAA-approved child restraint device. That means either an approved car seat or the CARES harness (see below).

Legally you may carry a child up to 24 months old on your lap, usually free of charge — but unexpected turbulence can send that lap-carried kid flying out of your arms. And in a crash, your child could be crushed against your body.

Ironically, the law mandates that everything in an airplane cabin be battened down during takeoff, landing, and turbulence — except children young enough to ride on their parents' lap.

[ 本帖最后由 粉色猪猪桃丽丝 于 2012-3-25 02:04 编辑 ]

http://www.littlegulliver.com.au ... m_64CFYYepAodXm_S2A






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