澳洲Pets and babies: can they get along?


Many pets are very tolerant of small children, but it's still important to be aware of the potential dangers to your baby. There are precautions you can take to keep your baby safe, especially once he is crawling and walking.

While your baby is tiny, you can generally manage to keep him and your pets apart most of the time. Keep pets out of the room he sleeps in, and never let a pet share a bed with your baby.

Always introduce your pets gently to a new baby. Dogs may feel jealous of a new baby when you first bring him home. Try to give your dog some special attention when you can, so it knows you still care about it.

Dogs are also likely to be curious. Bear in mind that your dog may react in a way that you don't expect when your baby arrives.

Cats don't usually get jealous, but they are attracted to the warmth of a baby’s cot. A mosquito net over a cot or bassinette may discourage a cat from jumping in. You can buy a cat net for the pram or stroller if your baby is sleeping in it outside or in another room. Even if you don’t own a cat, neighbouring cats can be curious.

Dogs always need supervision when babies and children are around. No matter how trustworthy your pet may be, if a toddler is pulling its tail, or poking its eye, it may lose patience.

Cats will often escape if a child is teasing or hurting them, but some will scratch and bite. It’s fairly common for young children to be bitten by their own pet. Without meaning to, your child may encourage your dog to chase and play-bite them. These dog bites tend to be minor, but keep an eye on how your children and pet play together.

Reports of serious dog attacks involving babies and young children receive a lot of media coverage, but such cases are rare in Australia.

You may find it helpful to use a safety gate to keep your pets and your children apart, at least some of the time. Stair gates can also help keep your baby away from animal foods and litter trays.

If you have a garden, it could be fenced in such a way that there is a safe baby area and a separate pet area. If your pet is allowed to use the whole garden, you may need to check it over and use a pooper scooper before letting your child outside.

You may also need to check your baby can’t get through a cat flap, if you have one. Curious babies have been known to use a cat flap to escape into the garden. You may need to leave the lock in it while your baby is around.

Double check with your vet how often you need to worm your pets. (Never leave worming tablets or other pet medications where your baby can reach them).

If you are thinking of getting a pet especially for your child, choose an animal that does not have to live in the house all the time, such as a guinea pig or rabbit. These pets can have cages outside in a sheltered place.

Your child can visit them and handle them for short periods of time while under your supervision. When your children are older, and can understand that animals need to be respected, you may want to consider adding a cat or dog to your family.

Read more: http://www.babycenter.com.au/bab ... pert/#ixzz1q67n8dWM

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