这个帖子也许发到生活百科更加合适, 但是因为我们是给小宝宝做辅食买的这个手持搅拌器, 也参与了之前上面关于搅拌器讨论的帖子.
出问题的手持搅拌器是ABODE牌子的(这是BIG W的一个自有品牌, 乍一看以为是出photoshop的adobe, 山寨品牌一个), 150W. 我购于BOX HILL的BIG W的一个周末特价活动, $10 (原价应该是$20). 之前一直用着没问题, 结果昨天下午做辅食将近结束的时候, 我们突然发现辅食中有黑色的东西混在里面, 结果发现是搅拌器的轴里面流出来的不明液体, 不知道是机油还是润滑油. 结果一下午的辅食都白白准备了, 只能都倒掉了, 很是可惜. 但是也不能没有搅拌器啊, 于是我们赶紧跑到Coles买来了一个Sunbeam Stickmaster, 600W, $29. 好的用着就是不一样, 速度更快, 之后也没有发现类似的问题. 看来还是不能贪图便宜, 一分钱一分货.
我已经给BIG W的customer service发出投诉了, 之后的后续情况我会继续更新在这里. 家里面如果有使用这个blender的朋友请也检查一下. 这个ABODE之前就曾经有过blender产品的召回, 但是不是这款:
http://www.choice.com.au/media-a ... blender-recall.aspx
下面附上我的投诉信, 欢迎指正:
To whom it may concern,
I've bought this Abode brand hand blender from BIG W Box Hill on 12/11/2011 during a promotion for $10, here is the detail:
Model Number: HM-961N
Operation Time: 1 Min Max
AC 220-240V 150W
Made in China for BIG W
C-tick N294
(See attached invoice and abode_01.jpg)

We use it to prepare solid food for baby, and strictly follow the instruction to make sure maximum continuous usage less than one minute each time.
Yesterday afternoon after use, we noticed there is unknown black liquid in the mixed food and then found the source was from the blender which looks like some kind of machine oil or lubricating oil for the axle.
(See attached abode_02.jpg)

To verify that, we cleared the shaft and blade and restarted the blender by itself without touching any food, the black oil started to leak again immediately under the blade.
(See attached abode_03.jpg)

None of the food we made that afternoon are with that black colour. After I detached the plastic shaft, I noticed from back that it was filled in with such black liquid in the tube inside.
Because of this, we have to dispose all the baby food we have prepared for the whole afternoon as we are not sure when it was started to contaminate the food. Especially the food was prepared for young baby. We have to go out and bought another hand blender to start over again.
I have noticed that there is a similar recall on Abode blender but with a different issue. As BIG W mentioned in the recall notice, "BIG W take product safety very serious...", so I hope BIG W can treat my case seriously as well.
So here are the complaints from us:
1. Please refund the product and give us the compensation to cover the cost for the new hand blender we bought (Sunbeam Stickmaster hand blender $29.00)
2. Please investigate the cause of the issue and check if that is a common problem or single case. If that's a serious problem, please make a recall of the product
Please response to us as soon as possible. If we cannot get a satisfied response, we would like to take the case to Consumer Affairs Victoria or media like Today Tonight.
[ 本帖最后由 windix 于 2012-1-30 09:28 编辑 ]
BIGW上周五联系了我,但是我在火车上所以并没有详细聊。今早刚刚收到的email回复。就算是good ending吧。
Hello xxx,
We would like to apologised for any inconvenience caused.
I have spoke with the store manager at your local store Box Hill and when you are able can you please return this product to Big W as we would like to address the issue you have highlighted to us. Our QA team would like to review the product fault you have outlined.
I have asked the store manager to offer you a full refund of the total value of the sunbeam stickmixer $29.00 as a gesture of goodwill, as this was the product you replaced your $10 Abode stickmixer with.
We value your comments and thankyou for the detail so our QA team can review the product fault.
If there is anything more I can assist you with please don’t hesitate to contact me.
With kind Regards,
Merchandise Assistant
Small Appliances
BIG W live big for less
不用写啥投诉信, 直接拿去跟他们一说, 基本都给退
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