Oral thrush: 是baby的,即鹅口疮,症状是舌头或口腔内有白色的东东,擦不掉.有的宝宝会觉得不舒服.我回忆有几次baby吃了几口奶会突然哭起来,拍拍她又好了,以为是呛奶,现在推断可能是鹅口疮的缘故.
Nipple thrush,是妈妈的,症状是哺乳时会觉得sharp的疼,辐射到全身.有的人是喂奶全过程都疼,我只是宝宝吃第一口时疼.
Midwife说Oral thrush 和Nipple thrush相互传染,所以必须同时治疗.但她强调说thrush非常非常普遍,你可以自己决定是否需要治疗.
midwife还告诉我一个很好的网站: better health channel,这是我查到的相关资料:
Nipple thrush
Nipple thrush (a fungal infection) may occur in the first weeks after birth but can develop at any time. Signs and symptoms include:
Severe, burning nipple pain for the entire breastfeed. Correct attachment does not alter the pain. There may be shooting or radiating pain throughout the breast
The nipples are a brighter pink than normal and may be shiny. They may, however, look normal
Breast pain, which feels like red hot needles radiating from behind the nipple toward the back
Thrush in the baby’s mouth or on the buttocks.
How to tell if your baby has thrush
Oral thrush appears as white spots in the mouth that cannot be wiped away. When it occurs around the buttocks, thrush causes red raw skin to develop.
Treating thrush – mother
Treatment includes:
Antifungal ointments such as nystatin, clotrimazole and miconazole. These are applied to the nipple after each feed. Oral antifungal treatment such as fluconazole may also be used
Airing the nipples or going without a bra
Good hygiene. Wash your hands after touching your breasts or changing nappies
Vaginal antifungal pessaries, if you also have vaginal thrush. It is advisable to consult your doctor
Washing bras and nursing pads separately from nappies and drying in the sun where possible.
Some mothers find it helps to reduce sugar and yeast in their diet. See your medical advisor if thrush persists.
Treating thrush – baby
Treatment includes:
Nystatin liquid or miconazole for oral thrush
Antifungal ointments for thrush around the buttocks.
根据midwife的推荐,我已买了Nilstat oral drops for baby,滴到口腔和舌头上的, Daktarin for mum.擦在nipple上的.
[ 本帖最后由 qqtree 于 2008-10-2 20:08 编辑 ]
我买过一种DEKATARIN FOR BABY的,宝宝抹了2天就好了,宝宝那个时候也就2个月.所以不用太担心,太小的宝宝对疼痛是没有感觉的,但是还是早治疗为好:)
terry11 回复的真快呀.谢谢
宝宝现在3个月,前天开始用Daktarin了。医生说他有oral thrush, 主要表现为舌苔发白。
我买了Datarin oral gel,是医生推荐我涂在乳头上的。我看了说明,好像是六个月以上的宝宝才可以用的。
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