

Newtown Festival is an iconic Sydney festival, creating an annual community celebration of creativity, diversity, sustainability and inclusion. Each year more than 80,000 people gather at the festival to become part of an amazing fusion of music, the arts and grassroots community expression. Newtown Festival is organised by the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre (NNC) and for more than 30 years the centre has given the festival to its community as a free event.

Festival day offers a diverse programme with:

    * 3 music stages
    * Huge kids and family zone
    * Vocal Local Village presenting an extraordinary programme, from puppetry to punk, theatre to Tango
    * Writers Stage
    * Eco area - learn, shop, clothes swap and discuss
    * Cycling Area
    * Interactive workshops
    * Street Theatre and Art Spaces
    * Newtown Festival Dog Show
    * 280 market stalls
    * Food stalls offering a taste of the globe
    * Licensed bars

The Festival is an important event in the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre’s calendar with ALL monies raised by the Festival returned to the Centre to provide community support services to the local community  and in particular the disadvantaged groups such as the aged, people with disabilities, people who are homeless, people with mental illness, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and people on low incomes.

Here is some important information to assist you in planning for a fun safe festival day

    * Getting There
    * Site Map and Surrounds
    * Safety Information

We look forward to seeing you there on Sunday 14 November 2010 as our community celebrates together!

Kids Zone

The Newtown Festival 2010 Kids Zone is guaranteed to be bigger and even better than last year. All the workshops and events created for the kids will involve hands on activities. More than children being entertained, they will be involved in the whole act and will have the opportunity to get creative.

A 'Bling Your Bike' competition is being held this year at the festival, open to all Primary School aged children.  Start decorating your bike with funky re-use & recycle materials - and ride to the festival to parade your creativity.  Competition details HERE.
10:00-10:30am         Munchkin Yoga
        Munchkin Yoga fuses the art of play and traditional yoga to make a fun yoga sequence developed for kids.
10:30-11:00am         Earth Beats
        Come and be part of Earthbeats multicultural performance and interactive workshop including  Live Music, Drumming & Percussion, Singing & Movement.
11:00-11:15am         'Bling Your Bike' Finalists Parade, Hosted by COS Bike Ambassador
        Finalists from the Bling Your Bike competition will be parading the amazing Bling on their Bikes!!  Primary School Children who’d like to enter this competition can check out the entry details HERE.
11:15-11:45am         Aboriginal Story Telling With Aunty Ali Golding

        Join Aunty Ali for a time of Aboriginal storytelling.
11:45-12:05pm         Murphy's Puppets

        Don't miss Murphy's Puppets - fantastic, fun puppet show.
12:10-12:30pm         The Darlo Alex Park School Band

        Check out the big sound from local Primary school students in The Darlo Alex Park School Band.
12:40-1:00pm         Rainbow Chorus Kids

        Rainbow Kids Chorus is performing a vibrant selection of cultural music from the African continent.
1:00-1:30pm         Dance Central

        Join Dance Central for a fun performance and kids dance workshop.
1:30-1:50pm         Murphy's Puppets

        Don't miss Murphy's Puppets - fantastic, fun puppet show.
1:50-2:20pm         Aerialize Circus Troupe
          Check out the troupe from Aerialize, demonstrating their stunning contemporary circus skills.
2:30-3:00pm         Newtown High School of Performing Arts Band
          Be prepared  for a fantastic musical experience with musicians from the Newtown High School of Performing Arts.
3:15-4:00pm         School of Rock
        School of Rock bands will showcase fantastic local talent and creativity.

Kids Activities...
The  King & Queen of Green, 'Bling Your Bike' competition, eco workshops, art and crafts, boomerang painting, roving performers, jumping castles and rides, face painting and cupcake decorating!

syd or mel?

sydney 呀。

看起来很好玩,是在king st那条街么?
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




澳大利亚准备备孕之后,我们家很快就达成共识要去做ivf。 原因之一是因为我们两个都是高龄人士,原因之二是因为我们备孕了半年也没啥结果。 第一步就是决定要去公立还是私立。我们去gp开 ...



澳大利亚背景:这对来自国内的夫妻2022年学签登陆珀斯,目前都没绿卡,36岁丈夫陪读签证,34岁妻子今年硕士毕业,丈夫无全职工作,接一些教游泳等工作,妻子边读书边在咖啡厅打工。2024年 ...


有谁在Hurstville 做过 IVF

澳大利亚昨天去看了一次,$230 贵吗?将来还要花多少钱? 她做得好不好?是别的医生推荐的。 评论 评论 评论 评论 230 作为specialist 不贵 评论 怎么没有看过这个医生的人呢?在hurstville应该很多 ...



澳大利亚最近做b超,说发现有脐疝,估计是因为怀孕肚子被撑大了。有人有类似的经历的吗?这个是不是一定要手术。 说起来,产后看gp,和physio也不靠谱。产后大半年的时候去看gp,gp说我腹直 ...



澳大利亚我的儿子今年马上五岁了,个头应该是比较高,大概120左右,很多父母会以为他六岁,非常爱吃,属于比较喜欢吃的娃娃。但是我观察从小体力不太行,现在五天cc的话,下午回家经常出 ...



澳大利亚孩子出生在澳洲一直在澳洲成长,之前带回国给生病了一阵子,打了国内的点滴盐水一个多礼拜,好多开的药不敢给孩子吃。 之前在澳洲一直跟踪身体成长,身高和体重都在50pertile以上 ...



澳大利亚各位大哥大姐你们好, 小弟有两个女儿,老大3岁,老二还不到一岁。最近半年发现老大懂的越来越多,性格也比较的强势。很多时候都是比较叛逆,各种说No。 不知道这个阶段的娃该如 ...



澳大利亚36岁了最近好像怀上了老二,办公场所是分割出来的密闭小空间只能摆三张桌子,楼下是一间印刷厂,每天都感觉有溶剂还是油漆各种很难闻的味道飘上来。虽然空调开足了马力还是觉得 ...



澳大利亚首先声明不是对自闭症孩子有任何歧视 我家小男孩2岁半 平时还算乖 这几天CC老师跟我说我家越来越不听话了 细聊老师才透露现在班上有两个孩子自闭症(没有透露是那两个孩子) 特别 ...



澳大利亚先谢谢各位足友 评论 chinatown 评论 请问有店的名字吗? 不知道hurstville 附近有没有 评论 any jewel shops on sussex street. 评论 可以在周生生官网买,搜chow sang sang,一千澳币以内不用额外交关 ...