感谢论坛各位给我的祝福,我先开了这个帖子,大家一起为在Reserve list上的孩子祝福加油鼓劲!
Selective high school | Last offer on the reserve list |
Alexandria Park Community School | 41* |
Armidale Secondary College | 6 |
Auburn Girls High School | 57 |
Aurora College | No reserves |
Baulkham Hills High School | 21* |
Blacktown Boys High School | 17 |
Blacktown Girls High School | 20 |
Bonnyrigg High School | 41* |
Caringbah High School | 36* |
Chatswood High School | 58* |
Elizabeth Macarthur High School | 56* |
Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School (male boarder) | No reserves |
Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School (male day student) | No reserves |
Fort Street High School | 60* |
Girraween High School | 11 |
Gorokan High School | 49* |
Gosford High School | 74* |
Grafton High School | No reserves |
Granville Boys High School | 42 |
Hornsby Girls High School | 27 |
Hurlstone Agricultural High School (day student) | 46 |
Hurlstone Agricultural High School (female boarder) | No reserves |
Hurlstone Agricultural High School (male boarder) | No reserves |
James Ruse Agricultural High School | 43 |
Karabar High School | No reserves |
Kooringal High School | No reserves |
Macquarie Fields High School | 38 |
Merewether High School | 27 |
Moorebank High School | 47* |
Normanhurst Boys High School | 27 |
North Sydney Boys High School | 42* |
North Sydney Girls High School3 | 50 |
Northern Beaches Secondary College, Manly campus | 30* |
Parramatta High School | 36 |
Peel High School | No reserves |
Penrith High School | 27 |
Prairiewood High School | 28 |
Rose Bay Secondary College | 86 |
Ryde Secondary College | 55* |
Sefton High School | 31 |
Smiths Hill High School | 15 |
St George Girls High School | 43* |
Sydney Boys High School | 42 |
Sydney Girls High School | 42 |
Sydney Secondary College, Balmain campus | 72 |
Sydney Secondary College, Leichhardt campus | 44 |
Sydney Technical High School | 42* |
Tempe High School | 53* |
Yanco Agricultural High School (female boarder) | No reserves |
Yanco Agricultural High School (male boarder) | No reserves 评论 目前据我所知,JR的入取线是251+。但我估计250+的应该很有机会收到offer。 评论 试看今年JR的候补位会不会超过上一年的60名。 评论 近几年私校奖学金人数增多了,选择也就多了。另外,大家逐渐归于理性,不盲目攀比,没奖学金也去自己中意的私校。 评论 60是比较多的一年,我预计今年会理性回归一些,55左右吧。 评论 我家孩子的那两年好像是40左右。 评论 今年因为疫情不太好说。也许有一些原本打算私校的孩子会转投精英。 各种私校都出了经济支援的政策,奖学金名额可能也受到影响。 评论 评论 情不自禁想加分啊!!!赞同!! 评论 感谢LZ的无私奉献,儿子的好朋友在候补,真心希望他们可以去同一所学校 评论 好奇第一轮的录取分数 评论 这个教育局不公布,我们个人是无法知道的。 估计只有大型补习学校可以统计和预测一下了,但也不可能100%准确 评论 那也是影响明年的申请者吧。 评论 251.66 JR reserve 23, 250.65 JR reserve 36.1分就差了13个人。所以JR第一轮cutoff 应该是high 252.xx或者253。 评论 Highly likely she will receive a place in SGHS 评论 For the year of 2019,31 girls on the reserve list made it into SGHS, so I think your daughter, with her 21st position on the reserve list, has a very good chance of being accepted into this school. 评论 Thank you for your responses so quickly! So you don't think Covid can have the possibly drop the numbers by half this year? Any idea where those who decline SGHS offers move onto? do they normally choose JR/BH/HG/NSG first or private? I have been living in a completely safe and easy k-12 school bubble until my daughter seemed to outgrow that enviornment last year. Guidance from you, who all seem to have this education stuff organised, is so very appreciated! thanks xx 评论 不出意外的话,JR的Reserve Number还会是从15开始 评论 除非申诉成功的人多。 评论 jr 分数线应该是253,知道好几个孩子250.xx,排名从30-50不等,差距在零点几 评论 同时感谢小虎妈分享 评论 影响明年入学,那就是现在这一届吧。接下去几年可能都有影响。 评论 同意,这个猜测挺靠谱。 评论 Compare to the previous year’s reserve list number, your chance of getting into SGHS is promising. There are a few excellent posts from one of our famous poster(奇思). She graduated from Sydney Girl and highly recommended this school. Please search her posts and find more information. My suggestion is a nice private school>>a nice SS. But it will be a very personal decision for each family. Listen to your daughter and follow your heart! 评论 估计都要等到12月初才基本确定候补结果,着急啊 评论 请问如果有两个reserve学校,第一个reserve收到offer后,另一个学校任然可以选择reserve吗?谢谢 评论 如果优先级高的那个收到offer了,其后的志愿就not applicable了。 评论 My daughter is on the reserve list of SGH as well. I understand your feeling. During the last weekend, I have collected the reserve list records of SGH from 2009-2019. The average cur-off number of reserve list was about 33, and the lowest number was 27, while the highest number was 41. So I think your daughter has a high chance to get into SGH. Hope this information can help you. 评论 我猜今年一定会低于去年,哈哈 评论 Thank you for your advice and suggestion, I do value my daughter's input above all. I will try to look up the posts of the member you suggested for her opinion on the school. Thank you also to "centuries" for posting your findings, it is very helpful! best of luck to your daughter too! hope our girls become friends if we make it! mine is out to find her village, she needs more like-minded friends in her life. 澳洲中文论坛热点
小学教育 请推荐暑期网上练习题澳大利亚暑假太长了,不能总是天天玩pad,请推荐网上练习题,数学和逻辑都可以,免费收费都可以,过了年就五年级了,加分感谢! 评论 隔壁的Brilliant,做做logic 1或者叫foundation可以为thinki ... 中文作业相关,台湾是中国的一部分吗?澳大利亚孩子上中文学校,假期有点作业,是复习课文日月潭。我检查完后,孩子问了一个问题,台湾是中国的一部分,还是一个独立的国家?我听了就哈哈大笑。 我问他,你觉得呢。他说课文 ... 暨南大学中文教材十二册加练习pdf官网下载地址澳大利亚无需登录,直接下载 http://old.hwjyw.com/textbooks/downloads/zhongwen/ 另外,家长可以使用本人开发的《听写神器》(英文名:Chinese Dictation)应用,让孩子自己听写生字学习中文,软件自动判断 ... 家长们来说说,可以接受吗澳大利亚前提是孩子小时候读书还可以,不是读书很差的孩子。 如果孩子长大以后做的是咖啡师,拧气球的entertainer, 厨师(或者烘培师)或者一些不需要高学历的工作,而不是去从事法,医,或 ... 试听了12家中文网校,我和孩子人都麻了!!亲身经历分享!!澳大利亚如果说有哪个课外班我一定会给孩子报,那么一定就是中文班了。让海外娃坚持说中文的挑战,一是大环境,周围小朋友都说本地语言,没有讲中文的环境;二是作为家长,自己根本没 ... 何为卷?澳大利亚这几天好几个帖子都以卷为主题。究竟什么为卷?在说卷之前有没有想过究竟何种情况就算卷? 我来抛砖引玉一下。如果你想法不同,欢迎分享。如果你是阴阳怪气的,来吵架的,请为 ... 2024 HSC 排名出来了澳大利亚2024 HSC high school 排名出来了 1. north sydney boy 2. James Rouses 3. Sydney Grammar 评论 你这是怎么知道的? 教育局的系统又给黑了? 评论 4, Normanhurst’s 5,Reddam house 6. Baulkham hills 7. Hornsby girl 8. Nor ... 考上Oc的我们来说说到底真题做得怎样澳大利亚是真实的事情,匿名是因为不想大家看到ID. 孩子没去补习班但家里有比较厉害的Teen所以会帮老二时不时讲题。2021-2023的oc真题数学平均错9个,TS 平均错6-8个,英文因为没有全部真题所以 ... Principal award 算什么?澳大利亚今天最后一天,去办公室拿了school report。成绩是预料中的不错。注意到有一个principal award。其实去年也有。 还有一个是principal reading award。 去年也有。 我一直觉得大多数小盆友只要升 ... 女儿开始要求买比基尼了澳大利亚11年级,放假后和同学去BEACH玩,打电话问说要买比基尼,我说拍个照来看看,一看就晕了,觉得11年级的孩子穿那么少不合适,就没让她买。 大家的看法呢? 评论 那小姑娘穿啥,连体 ... 六年级最后一天,家长群讨论的话题竟然是澳大利亚男生没有跟女同学交换联系电话…… 这一届家长开明啊。我看好大家。其实我觉得吧,留联系方式意义不大。家里还是要有个给力的妹妹。 评论 没区别的,想联系的总能找到。不想联 ... 接下去准备全家和小孩只用普通话交流了澳大利亚小学低年级,来了这里两年多,似乎已经是英文思维,脱口而出都是英文了。 明年转去一个新学校,基本上也没什么华人,现在给他报的线上中文课也越来越不喜欢了,这样下去肯定不 ... 澳洲真的也是越来越卷了澳大利亚刚刚岀生不久的孩子,父母居然也要早早把申请交到心仪的私校去排队了,是中学哦。真是难以想象。 评论 我知道怀孕就去排队的。 评论 男孩不是一直这样么 评论 這個沒用,都要出 ... 儿子在学校有个好朋友特别爱撒谎澳大利亚最近放学,小朋友经常跟我提起他的一个好朋友,印度裔,很聪明,但特别喜欢吹牛和撒谎。四年级,吹自己有一个2m follower的油管频道,家里有这有那的,很多一听就是撒谎,全班同学 ... 求selective作文的优秀范文。谢谢澳大利亚我的想法是,各种类型的优秀作文多让孩子看看,能背两句那就更好了。不知道哪位家长有资源,或有推荐的书籍。谢谢啦。 评论 你应该找不到,套路学校OC老师会教,0c班作业写作是大头 ... 泛泛而问,selective考试每门只能错几题啊?澳大利亚阅读30题 数学35题 思考40题 分别只能错几题才有希望去中上等的精英中学? 评论 不是说明年新政策嘛,各科占比各25%... 评论 正确率80%以上? 评论 关键是一起考的其他娃的水平如何。 ... 如果私校不要钱…澳大利亚看到隔壁有帖子问关于Abbotts的,想到这问题,如果顶私通过考试等拿到了全额奖学金(等价于免费),对于考上顶私和顶精(英?)的学生来说,会怎么选?也就是说把钱这个因素排除 ... preuni奖学金澳大利亚考到了50%折扣,有人知道最高的是多少折扣吗?75%?不知道今年有多少人考这个。 评论 食之无味,弃之可惜 评论 这个折扣不错啊,不知道preuni 还可以考奖学金。我们就是上传了oc of ... |