美国VEX,与LEGO EV3齐名的竞赛型机器人,4月3日(周五)免费网课,适合8岁以上小朋友,不需要准备机器人套件。详情如下:

Introducing VEXcode VR (Virtual Robot)
Learn Computer Science at Home Without a Robot
You are invited to our free 1-hour webinar on April 3, 2020, to learn about VEXcode VR, a solution for students to continue learning Computer Science with VEXcode VR while they are at home. Tune in as per times below in your state by simply visiting the following YouTube link: https://bit.ly/2QPwPB6.
Now more than ever, access to valuable resources is essential to keeping students inspired by STEM. That's why VEX has developed a NEW distance learning resource for educators and students. We're calling it VEXcode VR (Virtual Robot). Learn all about how VEX has brought together VEXcode and VEX Robots in a digital space. Join us for our FREE webinar on Friday, April 3.
Webinar Details:
Date: Friday. April 3, 2020
Perth @ 7:00AM
Brisbane @ 9:00AM
Adelaide @ 9:30AM
Canberra, New South Wales, Victoria @ 10:00AM
Location: https://bit.ly/2QPwPB6
Price: FREE!
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