


The Fault In Our Stars
By John Green
Bestselling Author of Looking For Alaska and Turtles All The Way Down


You won’t be the first to be taken on a wild and incredible journey if you read John Green’s bestselling, award-winning book, The Fault In Our Stars. Having been made into a movie adaptation that’s won the MTV Movie of the Year award, it’s clear that this is more than just a considerable book.

Hazel Grace Lancaster, the narrator and main character of the book, describes herself as nothing more than terminal. Even she herself says that her final chapter is inscribed upon diagnosis. There appears to be nothing much worth it in her world, even though her parents, especially her mother, tries to make her get out there and “live her life”. Part of this includes Hazel going to Support Group, which mostly just talks about how lucky they all are to be alive and for discussion with other disease-stricken people. Most of these people are nothing more than terminal, just like Hazel. It’s a dreaded and disliked time for Hazel, but one day, when she arrives there and finds a new person there, a boy by the name of Augustus Waters, her whole life and purpose changes, both for the better and the worse.

This book is the fight story of Hazel as she battles her thyroid cancer and development of metastasis in her lungs. It is the love story of two star-crossed people as they go through all their ups and downs together. It is the travel story of Hazel and Augustus as they find out what happens after Hazel’s favourite book, An Imperial Affliction ends drastically mid-sentence.

My favourite part of the book is when Hazel, Augustus and Isaac are together, and Isaac is egging his ex-girlfriend’s car. Isaac is one of their friends, met at Support Group. Isaac has a type of eye cancer known as retinoblastoma, and in the beginning of the book, had one fake eye and one real eye. At this time, he and his girlfriend, Monica, were still together. However, to heal him from his eye cancer, he has to get his real eye removed, and is consequently blind. Because of this, Monica dumps Isaac and doesn’t even go to see how he is after the surgery. In retaliation, Hazel and Augustus take him to Monica’s house and let him egg Monica’s car. This scene shows so much emotion, humour and defiance that I had to pick it as my favourite scene. It is also an act of justice and joy in Isaac’s case, which brings much satisfaction and engagement on the part of the reader.

My favourite character in this book has to be Hazel. She is so intelligent, so brave, so strong, even though she’s suffered so much. She reads poetry and books in her spare time instead of blankly staring at the wall like ordinary people in her case. She thinks analytically about everything and all her thoughts are all so fascinating and deep. She is brave and strong despite the fact that she knows she is terminal. Hazel always tries to get through everything, even when the worst challenges present themselves to her. Hazel is truly an amazing person, which is why she is, without doubt, my favourite character.

One of the most fascinating things about this book is that it engages your emotions wonderfully. To quote Markus Zusak, it makes you “laugh, cry and then come back for more”. John Green includes jokes in his writing, even in this serious-themed book. There are lots of examples, from when Hazel and Isaac are attempting to have humorous conversation with a computer to a stupid pun on Isaac’s blindness. However, when the mournful times come, he doesn’t fail to write it with such emotion and almost creative description, which makes people truly and really sad.

The best thing about this book is that it isn’t really just a story. It tells so many deep messages about it too, revealed in between all of the fights and sadness and anger and laughter. An excellent example is when Augustus first meets Hazel at Support Group, and explains his fear for oblivion, and Hazel responds with the galling, but undeniable fact that sometime in the future, there will be time when everything that has been done now, will be for naught. She explains that there was a time before organisms, and there will be a time after. Hazel then goes on to inform Augustus and us as the readers that if the inevitability that this will happen worries him, he should just ignore it. This isn’t just a moment created for the sake to fill in a page. This is actually a fascinating discussion that could be held, this is an opening to a deep realm of ideas, this is a thought about the inevitable reality of the future. And I find that’s amazing.

This book is really something else. It is an amazing story of a girl who fights cancer among other challenges, but not by herself. It is a deep book containing many revelations, thoughts and ideas that most of which have never even crossed my mind before. I recommend this book for people aged 12+ who enjoy a really good think and a wonderfully enthralling book. Children younger than 12 may not be able to handle the more serious themes of cancer, love, death and powerful thoughts which make up this book, but for me, it’s definitely worth it.

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