澳洲参加书评活动---James and the Giant Peach


孩子总觉得开头每个细节都很重要,所以没办法缩。慢慢来吧。学校马上考试了,时间有限, 也没办法细究了。对付看吧

- Book title :James and the Giant Peach

- A photo of the book cover
- Author:Roald Dahl
- A brief summary of the story or the content.

A little boy James , whose  father and mother died when he was eight,   had to live with his two bad aunts. One day in  his  eleven, when he was chopping wood for his aunts , he saw a ridiculous fox. The fox gave him a bag of little crystals and told him, if he used them as the fox said , they'll bring James luck. But James spilled the Crystals under the Peach tree that never grew peaches. and the little crystal melted into the earth, the next morning, the two aunts saw a giant peach, the size of a little house was growing out of the peach tree.
one aunt wanted to eat it, and the other aunt telephoned the newspapers and tourists came to see the giant peach. Then the aunt charged a dollar each, and when the night came, the tourists had all gone. The two aunts sent James to pick up the garbage and can not eat dinner if he didn't clear all the garbage. James was picking when he saw a giant hole inside the peach.  and he climbed in the peach, he licked the walls , they were so sweet, and when he bumbed his head on a hard thing , he realized it was the shell and he saw it's the door. and he saw a giant centipede and a giant grasshopper, lady bug and spider and a silk worm, a dragonfly . They became friends. Next morning , the peach rolled down into the sea and floated. but not long, some sharks attacked. Jamed used many ropes to tie seaguls to the peach, the peach flied gracefully. When they travelled to the New York, everyone thought it was a big bomb.

when they landed , they saw the giant bugs and thought they were  monsters. but James told the people the whole story and they were honored, Little kids ate up the giant peach, and James lived happily forever.

- What's your favorite part of the book? Why?
It's the part that the  centipede yelled at the cloud men  they met , the cloud men poured the centipede with the purple rainbow paint , and the centipede went stuck and could not move.  Really homorous.

- What character do you like most/least? Why?
I like James best, because he is a good boy and smart, alway thinks some good ideas.

- What connections can you make? Text to text, text to life or text to world?
Text to life.

- Does the book teach you anything? Have you learned anything?
It teaches me that you have to risk a not so good idea  when there is no other idea. and you would be good if you want to be lucky. If you are not good, no one would help you .

- How is the author's writing style?
humorous and delightful .

- Do you like the book? Why?
- Rate 5 stars.

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