看了Artarmon的介绍, 大家各抒己见, 相信对家长在选择学校的时候会有更全面的了解。
我抛砖引玉, 请了解Chatswood小学的家长也具体的讲一讲, 关于学生的组合呀, 乐队呀, 餐厅呀, bully呀, 老师呀。。。
第一手资料供我们参考一下。 朱爸爸, 莲姐。。。都应该有很多话要说。 先谢谢了!
老大是Chatswood PS 的offer?
是的, Artarmon也reserve着呢。 纠结了。
[ 本帖最后由 Exchange 于 2011-10-30 10:53 编辑 ]
谢谢朱爸爸! 我们这个不出乎我的意料是个擦边球, 反倒有两个选择。 鸡头凤尾的我到不介意, 每个孩子开窍的时期都不一样, 以后的是头是尾说不好。 重要的是要适合。
我们现在的普通邻里小学校也很好, 孩子很快乐, 但是连个string band都没有,孩子少了一些锻炼的机会。。。
Well, since we probably won't have the same teachers, you'll most likey have Mr McKinnion or Miss Stein - Holmes as a teacher. Right now, I have Miss Stein - Holmes as a teacher, Im in year 6. She's a really good teacher, and does lots of stuff that are not asigned to her. SO she might give you something that's not school work that much more better or make everything less boring than before. Mr Mckinnion is currently our Year 5 O.C. teacher, and i think he's also pretty good as well, he's actaully the head of O.C. Im not really sure what he's like, but he should be okay.
The food is not 5 star, but it's really good anyway. You have to order in the morning, before you go to lines. The school work is not particurly hard. You basically get what other people do, such as projects and stuff, you just get extended work. Such as if they get a project about gold in the olden times, you have to do that and probably more. Im not sure about how Mr Mckinnion mark's your work, but Miss Stein- holmes believes that a 'C' is the average year 6 standard. So she believes if you get a 'C' it's the average mark. If it's 'B' then it's meant to be outstanding. If an 'A' then you're probably the best student. I don't think she's given an A+ yet... The work isn't a lot, but you do need maybe to work harder or spend more time doing research or writing.
The teachers at C.P.S are pretty good, but Mr Coon (he's our sports teacher) is crazy. He basically totures us. Every sport lesson, is spent with 4 laps around the fake grass, probably push - ups, squat jumps and running for a long long long time until he makes us play something we've never played before. Currently, we're trying to learn volley ball from him, but it's not really working out as expected. Our principal is Mr Dodds, and is a big fan of not bullying.
We don't normally have bullies, but some people may be mean, depending on who gets into your O.C. class. But nobody older or younger than you will ever bully you. IT really depends on who is in your class, because those are the people you'll spend 2 years with.
Band practice really depends on what you play, if you play violin, then there are different levels depending your grade level. YOu'll have to do auditions though to get in. There's Stepping Stones, for beginners, Wagon Wheels for those who have learnt for a 1 or 2. Then the String ensemble, and if you're really experienced, then you are in the Chamber Strings ensemble. If you are in that, they conduct themselves with a lead string player and normally consists of 6 to 7 people, sometimes more. If you are a band player (like me, i play flute) There's Training band, Concert Band, Orchestra and Jazz Band. Im in Concert band, orchestra and Jazz. If youare in any of those, you need to wake up and get to school by 7:40, in the school hall. Concert band is in the mornings at 7:40 on Monday and Tuesday. Orchestra is on Wednesday also 7:40, and Jazz Band is after school at 3:15. Orchestra also normally accompanies the school song and national anthem. But i suggest you don't take all of those bands, otherwise you'll hav eto bring your instrument every day. Like me and my friend at school.
You'll probably have an O.C. open day soon, where you come to our school and Year 6 O.C. will show you around and you get to do some activities as well. Year 5 and Year 6 will present you with a play or something, and you'll get to take a look at our projects and work, as well as a buffet of candy and cupcakes, near recess.
Good Luck!
Patrick's daughter
从家长的角度来说,我觉得这间小学最大的特点是:校长Mr Dodds对亚裔很好。
[ 本帖最后由 lotus1993 于 2011-10-30 15:03 编辑 ]
女孩子也push up? 要求做几个?
儿子的好朋友也在Artarmon reserve list里前方, 他妈妈鼓励我们两个孩子去一个学校, 有个伴。
其实我心里已经偏重Chatswood PS了。 但他们没报Chatswood, 是被别间offer了。
老公说去没朋友的地方才能交新朋友, 不然两个人整天一起。。。
儿子的sports不怎么样, 有个严厉的老师是好事。
我希望他能进这个band, 他刚考完6级, 希望可以。 听起来很棒的样子。
Yes, EVEN if you're wearing a dress! Normally we have 5 - 10 push ups, but mostly, we have 5 push as a start off. Then we walk maybe 5m etres and back, then 10 push - ups, then walk another 5 metres and back, 15 push - ups, 20 push - ups, 30 push ups and so on. This is the same as squat jumps. We reached 45 or more once! He said he wanted our legs to feel like j-e-l-l-y,(and it did)
You can probaly get in, since you're 6 grade already, but you'll have to audition for it. The audition consists of a sacle you're capable of playing, a piece of your own choice, and they'll giv eyou a piece of sight - reading. YOu can also try out for Orchestra, which also has string players. It has Year 5 string players too.
thanks, your Dad is so lucky to have you!!!
谢谢各位, 白条, 慢慢补!
哎呦, 我太喜欢你婆家了。 玩得不想回来了, 每一分秒都充满着食物和回忆。 腿都要累断了。
I don't know one student can join different bands at the same time. But I will listen to your advise, one is good enough! maximum 2 . I don't want him to go to school everyday at 7.40, otherwise I have to get up early also.
是的, 交通因素一定要考虑进去.
我刚去学校看了一圈, 办公室说, 下周一9.30给OC小朋友一次school tour, 大人孩子都可以来参观. 17号10点还会给接受offer的小朋友一次orientation, 感觉挺好的.
马上打去Artarmon, school tour已经没有了. 要等orientation了.
Chatswood PS 对OC考试比较淡。year 4 class 第一次家长会,class teacher就明确说不以考取OC为目的。OC考试报名,除了newsletter上提到OC开始报名以外,无论是class还是学校一级l都没任何口头的message。 前一阵,class teacher还在班里问了谁考上了OC,说明学校对OC结果非常淡化,老师都没从学校获知本班的OC考取情况。 另chatswood有学生第一志愿报artarmon OC的,从没听说有artarmon ps的学生第一志愿报chatswood OC的。说明Artarmon对Academic 的重视名声远扬。不过参照Artarmon PS的家长的反映,觉得Chatswood 校长更nice,学校对学生更能平等对待,没有像Artarmon PS从year 3 就开始按学生成绩内部进行分级。
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