最近朋友说起收到政府关于Education Tax Refund的信,提醒大家关注一下。
* 你為孩子而領取A類家庭稅務福利金(FTB: family tax benefit)
* 孩子領取一種付款而使你不能獲得A類FTB
* 孩子在該年度內停止全日制上學並獲得超過限制額的收入,而使你不能獲得A類FTB。
- 社會保障撫恤金或福利-例如,青年津貼
- 勞工市場項目付款
- 指定的教育計劃-例如,ABSTUDY生活津貼。
* 你領取一份社會保障撫恤金或福利、一份勞工市場項目付款或者一份指定的教育計劃付款,包括:
– 青年津貼
– 根據《2004年軍人復健及賠償法》制定的退伍軍人孩子教育計劃及付款
– 殘疾援助撫恤金
* 你以獨立個人的身份獲取付款
* 你就讀中學
* 你不超過25歲
* 你是澳洲居民(符合1991年社會保障法)或者是特殊類別簽證的持有人(符合1958年移民法)
* 你居於澳洲。
* 手提電腦及家庭電腦
* 與電腦有關的設備,包括列印機、USB閃存驅動器、提供給有特殊需要的學生的殘障人士電腦設備輔助器
* 家庭互聯網連接
* 作教育用途的電腦軟件,包括文字處理、報表軟件、數據庫和講解軟件、互聯網過濾器以及防病毒軟件
* 學校課本以及其他學校教學資料印刷品,包括指定的課本、輔助學習資料、學習指南以及文具
* 指定的職業工具。
* 學費
* 校服費
* 學生參加學校舉行的課外活動,例如遠足旅行
* 補習開支
* 樂器
* 體育器材
* 學校科目附加費
* 電腦遊戲及遊戲機
* 建築附加費
* 圖書館書本費
* 學校照片
* 捐贈
* 學校小食部開支
* 候補名單費
* 交通費
* 會員費。
* $750(每位合資格的就讀小學的孩子)-即,高達$375的退款
* $1500(每位合資格的就讀中學的孩子)-即,高達$750的退款。
* 如果你領取A類FTB,使用與你獲得A類FTB一樣的共同照顧比率。
* 如果因為你或孩子領取一種付款而令你沒有領取A類FTB,計算出在該年度內你照顧孩子的晚上的數目比率。
[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2009-3-25 12:38 编辑 ]
Q1: How will the refund work?
A: If you are eligible, you can claim the refund in your 2009 individual tax return or, for those not required to lodge an income tax return, through a stand-alone claim form.
For the period 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 the maximum you can claim is 50% of eligible expenses up to:
- $750 for each eligible student in primary school - that is, a refund of up to $375
- $1,500 for each eligible student in secondary school - that is, a refund of up to $750.
Eligible independent students undertaking secondary school studies can also claim 50% of eligible expenses up to $1,500 - that is a refund of up to $750 - for the period 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009.
The refund is a fully refundable tax offset that will be paid as part of your tax return or if you are not required to lodge a tax return, you will need to lodge a 2009 Education Tax Refund Claim (NAT 72621) and your refund will be paid as a cheque or an electronic payment into your nominated bank account.
Q2: Who is eligible?
A: To be eligible to claim the Education Tax Refund, a claimant must be entitled to receive FTB Part A or a payment that stopped them from receiving FTB Part A for a child who is undertaking primary or secondary school studies.
Q3: How do I know if I am eligible for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A during the period 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009?
A: If you are unsure if you are entitled to Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A contact the Family Assistance Office (FAO):
- at www.familyassist.gov.au or
- phone 13 61 50.
Q4: What is an independent student?
A: An independent student for the purposes of the Education Tax Refund is a student who:
- is receiving payments under a prescribed educational scheme - for example, ABSTUDY Living Allowance OR a social security pension or benefit such as Youth Allowance OR payments under a program included in the programs known as labour market programs
- satisfies an independence requirement that is relevant to the amount of the payment
- undertakes full-time secondary school studies
- is under 25, and
- is an Australian resident or a special category visa holder who resides in Australia.
- Example
George is 20 years old. He lives alone and receives a government support payment. He decides to return to school to complete his higher school certificate and buys a laptop computer and internet connection to help in his studies. George is eligible to claim the Education Tax Refund to help with the cost of his computer and internet connection as he is an independent student.
A: You can claim for TAFE/technical school if they are undertaking secondary school studies but not for trade or general courses. You cannot claim for children at university or for their university costs.
Q6: My child receives Youth Allowance which means that neither my spouse or I receive Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A, are we still eligible for the Education Tax Refund (ETR) and if so, who should claim it?
A: If this is the only reason why you do not qualify for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A, you are eligible to claim the Education Tax Refund (ETR). You will need to complete a written agreement stating which one of you will claim the Education Tax Refund. This agreement should be kept with your tax records. If you are unable to reach agreement on who will claim, you can both claim 50% of the total amount.
- Example
Joshua is married to Amanda, they have one child, Philip, who is in secondary school. Joshua and Amanda are not entitled to Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A as Philip receives Youth Allowance. However, they are eligible for the Education Tax Refund (ETR). Joshua and Amanda will need to make a written agreement as to who will claim the ETR and if they cannot decide or they don’t make a written agreement, they can each claim 50% of their ETR entitlement.
A: If your child ceased full-time study part way though a financial year, you will be eligible for the Education Tax Refund for the part of the year that your child met the schooling requirement.
- Example
Katie’s daughter Asha completed full-time secondary school in December and has secured work for the remainder of the financial year that would earn her an income that exceeds the child income test limit for her to be an FTB child. Katie incurred $2,000 in eligible expenses in the final half year of Asha’s secondary schooling. Even though Asha’s income for the year is over the child income test limit and she only meets the schooling requirement for half of the financial year, Katie would still be entitled to claim a refund for the first half of the year up to a maximum of $375 (half of the $750 for a child in secondary school).
A: Yes - you can claim for the period your child met the schooling requirements.
Q9. What is the schooling requirement?
A: A child satisfies the schooling requirements on every day in a six month period beginning on 1 July or 1 January if there is at least one day in that six month period on which the child was at school.
Q10: If my child moves from primary to secondary school, how much can I claim?
A: You will be entitled to claim the full secondary school limit up to a maximum of $750 for $1,500 of expenses.
Q11: What are eligible education expenses?
A: Eligible education expenses include:
- laptop computers, home computers and associated costs - including repair and running costs of computer equipment
- computer-related equipment such as printers, USB flash drives, as well as disability aids to assist in the use of computer equipment for students with special needs
- home internet connections - including the costs of establishing and maintaining
- computer software for educational use
- word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software, and internet filters and antivirus software
- school textbooks and other paper based school learning material - including prescribed textbooks, associated learning materials, study guides and stationery, for example pencils, pens, compasses and glue, and
- prescribed trade tools.
Q12: What education expenses can’t I claim for?
A: Expenses that are not eligible for the Education Tax Refund include:
- school fees
- school uniform expenses
- student attendance at school-based extra curricular activities such as excursions
- tutoring costs
- musical instruments
- sporting equipment
- school subject levies – for example, payment for consumables for particular subjects such as woodwork, art or home science.
- computer games and consoles.
Q13: My children’s grandparents paid for their computer. Can the grandparents claim the Education Tax Refund (ETR) or can I claim for the computer?
A: No. The grandparents are not eligible as they don’t have any eligible children. You are unable to claim for the computer as you didn’t incur the expense. You can only claim for items which you or your partner have purchased.
Q14: My children use our home based business computer. Can I still claim the cost of the computer and associated costs?
A: Yes, but only the amount that your business is not claiming as either a tax deduction or another tax offset.
Q15: I have purchased laptops and/or computer software and for efficiency reasons it is compulsory that these items remain at the school as part of the school operations. Can I still claim the cost of the computer and software costs?
A: Yes.
Q16: Can I claim expenses for my child who is in a school-based apprenticeship? Can I claim for the cost of tools or equipment I need for my apprenticeship.
A: Yes, provided it is a school-based apprenticeship. You can claim tools or equipment needed for the apprenticeship except for the amount your child receives or is entitled to receive as a reimbursement or payment of the expense under a Commonwealth Government benefit, grant or subsidy.
- Example
Albert’s son Joel is completing a carpentry apprenticeship as part of his secondary school curriculum and purchased trade tools during the year worth $2,000. As Joel is enrolled in an apprenticeship, he is eligible for a Commonwealth grant of $800 to assist with the purchase of trade tools. As Joel has received a grant worth $800 towards the purchase of his trade tools, Albert can claim an Education Tax Refund for the balance of that expenditure - that is, $1,200.
A: Yes as long as you have a separate receipt for these eligible costs.
- Example
Peter’s son Tony uses school facilities to photocopy and print assignments that are necessary for his schooling. Tony’s school charges for these services and must provide Peter with an invoice of the costs for the purpose of claiming an Education Tax Refund.
A: To calculate your internet expenses, you will need to look at your statement from your internet provider. If you are still unsure, contact your provider and ask for the total of your internet charges from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009.
Q19: Is there a limit to the amount of expenses that I can claim for?
A: Yes. For each eligible child in primary school you can claim up to $750 of expenses (that is an ETR of up to $375), while for each eligible child in secondary school you can claim up to $1,500 of expenses (that is an ETR of up to $750).
Q20: Can I share the expenses between all my children?
A: Yes. You can share the expenses provided all of the eligible school students have access to the item that has been purchased - for example a computer.
Q21: Can I combine the expense limit for each child?
A: Yes. You can combine the limit for each child to maximise your entitlement.
Q22: What if my eligible education expenses are over the limit?
A: You will be able to carry forward your excess expenses from one year to the next, for one year only. Eligible expenses that are not claimed in the financial year that they are incurred or in the subsequent financial year will be lost.
- Example
Lachlan is in year 10. His parents purchased a computer, a printer and a maths and language software program for his study totalling $1,800. His parents are eligible to claim the full refund amount for a secondary studies student of $750 for $1,500 worth of expenses in the current year in which the expenses are incurred. If they are eligible to claim the Education Tax Refund in the next year, they can claim the excess of $300 when calculating their entitlement.
A: Yes. You need to keep records to help you or your tax agent prepare your tax return or your Education Tax Refund claim. You will also need receipts to ensure that you are able to prove your expenses claims if we ask you to substantiate them. Eligible education expenses must be listed separately on invoices.
- Example
John’s son Mark’s school invoices on a basis that is inclusive of school fees and levies. As school fees and levies are not eligible education expenses, the school must list these items separately in their invoices in order for John to be able to claim any other listed eligible education expense, such as the cost of photocopying and/or printing for computer generated assignments.
A: You can claim the Education Tax Refund in your 2008-09 income tax return. The refund is a fully refundable tax offset which will be paid as part of your tax assessment
Q25: What if I am not required to lodge an income tax return – can I still claim the refund?
A: Yes. if you are not required to lodge a tax return you will need to lodge a 2009 Education Tax Refund claim (NAT 72721) and your refund will be paid as a cheque or an electronic payment into your nominated bank account. From 1 July 2009, you can download the claim from the Tax Office website.
Q26: Can I claim the Education Tax Refund (ETR) in my tax return when my spouse received the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A entitlement?
A: No. You cannot claim the refund in your tax return, if you were not the recipient of the FTB Part A.
Q27: How is the refund calculated?
A: The Education Tax Refund is calculated by you. To help you claim your correct entitlement you can use the Education Tax Refund (ETR) calculator provided at www.ato.gov.au
- Example – Full care of a student
Andy and Claudia have one child, Danielle, who is in primary school for the entire income year. They are eligible for the Education Tax Refund. Their total eligible education expenses are $1,200. Claudia receives Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A for their family.
Claudia calculates her Education Tax Refund as follows:
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Education expenses x 50% = | $600 |
Maximum refund amount x (365/365) = | $375 评论 谢谢。很有用。不知是长期政策,还只是一年有效? 评论 应该是长期有效的,不过我们拿不到 评论 阿朱是自己翻译的吗? 这么长的文章, 真不容易. 评论 不是,在那个网站上有中文的pdf文件 评论 问了后我才看见是繁体字, 评论 楼主列的都能保吗?好像这个有问题。 n 補習開支 n 樂器 等等这些能算吗? 评论 "n 指定的職業工具。你不能申報":你没看清这行字, 補習開支, 樂器这二项在这行字下面 评论 请楼主重新编辑一下,否则容易搞混。 评论 DONE 评论 偶家是2008年8月买了一个台式机,但是我儿子是2009年2月才开始上学的,那我这个电脑还可以用来CLAIM吗?这个电脑因为屏幕大,所以很多时候也是他在看一些视频教学节目的。不知道能不能算呢 评论 我们的老前辈说过,学电脑要从娃娃抓起,没上小学也要学电脑的。 咱也不懂,不知道这样可不可以。 评论 谢谢,本来我还以只有交税的人才可以申报呢 评论 在书店 or 补习学校买的书,练习题,可以报吗? Are they school textbooks and other paper based school learning material? 评论 刚问过书店了,可以报的。 评论 多谢,收藏了,捐款也不能退!让老婆以后少捐点了。 评论 对不起,好像以后在没有教育退税了,对吧?变成schoolkid bonus了。 澳洲中文论坛热点 小学教育 请推荐暑期网上练习题澳大利亚暑假太长了,不能总是天天玩pad,请推荐网上练习题,数学和逻辑都可以,免费收费都可以,过了年就五年级了,加分感谢! 评论 隔壁的Brilliant,做做logic 1或者叫foundation可以为thinki ... 中文作业相关,台湾是中国的一部分吗?澳大利亚孩子上中文学校,假期有点作业,是复习课文日月潭。我检查完后,孩子问了一个问题,台湾是中国的一部分,还是一个独立的国家?我听了就哈哈大笑。 我问他,你觉得呢。他说课文 ... 暨南大学中文教材十二册加练习pdf官网下载地址澳大利亚无需登录,直接下载 http://old.hwjyw.com/textbooks/downloads/zhongwen/ 另外,家长可以使用本人开发的《听写神器》(英文名:Chinese Dictation)应用,让孩子自己听写生字学习中文,软件自动判断 ... 家长们来说说,可以接受吗澳大利亚前提是孩子小时候读书还可以,不是读书很差的孩子。 如果孩子长大以后做的是咖啡师,拧气球的entertainer, 厨师(或者烘培师)或者一些不需要高学历的工作,而不是去从事法,医,或 ... 试听了12家中文网校,我和孩子人都麻了!!亲身经历分享!!澳大利亚如果说有哪个课外班我一定会给孩子报,那么一定就是中文班了。让海外娃坚持说中文的挑战,一是大环境,周围小朋友都说本地语言,没有讲中文的环境;二是作为家长,自己根本没 ... 何为卷?澳大利亚这几天好几个帖子都以卷为主题。究竟什么为卷?在说卷之前有没有想过究竟何种情况就算卷? 我来抛砖引玉一下。如果你想法不同,欢迎分享。如果你是阴阳怪气的,来吵架的,请为 ... 2024 HSC 排名出来了澳大利亚2024 HSC high school 排名出来了 1. north sydney boy 2. James Rouses 3. Sydney Grammar 评论 你这是怎么知道的? 教育局的系统又给黑了? 评论 4, Normanhurst’s 5,Reddam house 6. Baulkham hills 7. Hornsby girl 8. Nor ... 考上Oc的我们来说说到底真题做得怎样澳大利亚是真实的事情,匿名是因为不想大家看到ID. 孩子没去补习班但家里有比较厉害的Teen所以会帮老二时不时讲题。2021-2023的oc真题数学平均错9个,TS 平均错6-8个,英文因为没有全部真题所以 ... Principal award 算什么?澳大利亚今天最后一天,去办公室拿了school report。成绩是预料中的不错。注意到有一个principal award。其实去年也有。 还有一个是principal reading award。 去年也有。 我一直觉得大多数小盆友只要升 ... 女儿开始要求买比基尼了澳大利亚11年级,放假后和同学去BEACH玩,打电话问说要买比基尼,我说拍个照来看看,一看就晕了,觉得11年级的孩子穿那么少不合适,就没让她买。 大家的看法呢? 评论 那小姑娘穿啥,连体 ... 六年级最后一天,家长群讨论的话题竟然是澳大利亚男生没有跟女同学交换联系电话…… 这一届家长开明啊。我看好大家。其实我觉得吧,留联系方式意义不大。家里还是要有个给力的妹妹。 评论 没区别的,想联系的总能找到。不想联 ... 接下去准备全家和小孩只用普通话交流了澳大利亚小学低年级,来了这里两年多,似乎已经是英文思维,脱口而出都是英文了。 明年转去一个新学校,基本上也没什么华人,现在给他报的线上中文课也越来越不喜欢了,这样下去肯定不 ... 澳洲真的也是越来越卷了澳大利亚刚刚岀生不久的孩子,父母居然也要早早把申请交到心仪的私校去排队了,是中学哦。真是难以想象。 评论 我知道怀孕就去排队的。 评论 男孩不是一直这样么 评论 這個沒用,都要出 ... 儿子在学校有个好朋友特别爱撒谎澳大利亚最近放学,小朋友经常跟我提起他的一个好朋友,印度裔,很聪明,但特别喜欢吹牛和撒谎。四年级,吹自己有一个2m follower的油管频道,家里有这有那的,很多一听就是撒谎,全班同学 ... 求selective作文的优秀范文。谢谢澳大利亚我的想法是,各种类型的优秀作文多让孩子看看,能背两句那就更好了。不知道哪位家长有资源,或有推荐的书籍。谢谢啦。 评论 你应该找不到,套路学校OC老师会教,0c班作业写作是大头 ... 泛泛而问,selective考试每门只能错几题啊?澳大利亚阅读30题 数学35题 思考40题 分别只能错几题才有希望去中上等的精英中学? 评论 不是说明年新政策嘛,各科占比各25%... 评论 正确率80%以上? 评论 关键是一起考的其他娃的水平如何。 ... 如果私校不要钱…澳大利亚看到隔壁有帖子问关于Abbotts的,想到这问题,如果顶私通过考试等拿到了全额奖学金(等价于免费),对于考上顶私和顶精(英?)的学生来说,会怎么选?也就是说把钱这个因素排除 ... preuni奖学金澳大利亚考到了50%折扣,有人知道最高的是多少折扣吗?75%?不知道今年有多少人考这个。 评论 食之无味,弃之可惜 评论 这个折扣不错啊,不知道preuni 还可以考奖学金。我们就是上传了oc of ... |